Above The Sky

Chapter 170 Fairy Wings (23)

A goblin is a pure psionic creature, and its material form is composed of various source material and attribute substances—in other words, the goblin’s materials are highly adaptable to psionic energy.

This is an advantage, but it also means that it is more difficult to make fairy potions than ordinary monster potions, especially the semi-potions that Ian wants to make now need to be fused with the sublimation organs of the real wave chanter, which requires Use some psionic plant materials.

The core sap from the redwood tree in the Nanling Redwood Forest is such a psionic material. The pure life essence and the natural psychic coexistence of the sea of ​​trees can be combined with most of the true-shaped potions. Conflict is an extremely rare material in the first energy level material.

It's just the active ingredients of the redwood core sap, or most of the active ingredients of plant-based potions, cannot be heat-treated. Generally, they are extracted by cold precipitation or vacuum low-temperature distillation.

Ian is deconstructing the entire goblin's molting feather when the vacuum spinner turns on and begins extracting the redwood sap.

Ian is very familiar with the deconstruction of the molting feathers of this water-type goblin, because it is a kind of aircraft wing, and he easily decomposes it into upper and lower splints, a mask and a supporting structure in the middle - the infusion as the core material The ice is extremely strong, and the suspended sea dust as an anti-gravity material serves as the inner core skeleton, making the molting feathers, which should be a little heavy, lighter than the cicada wings.

"Actually, it's still very outrageous. The wing needs the fuselage to have its real effect, and if you want to generate lift, you need a specific engine and jet direction..."

While using sterling silver equipment to decompose the material in a dust-free operating table environment, Ian complained: "If the image of the goblin is the same as the one in the catalog, that kind of cute little person, how can he be suspended in the air? Wings fluttering? That's too weird... wait."

When he was talking to himself, he suddenly thought of what Viscount Grant looked like when he was flying... The appearance of the other party controlling the steam to float in the air immediately made Ian suddenly: "So, the water attribute uses steam or fine water mist as the driving force? With the power of the sublime, it is really easy for a person to fly, not to mention the small size of the goblin, I am afraid that it can easily reach the subsonic speed..."

"So, fairies can also change their body shape while flying. In that case, with the output and physical strength of the first energy level, it is not impossible to achieve normal subsonic cruise or supersonic speed!"

It is no wonder that there are not many humans in the entire Terra Continent that have captured the news of fairies, small psionic creatures that can cruise at subsonic speeds at the first energy level, and it is terrifying to imagine.

After decomposing the material, Ian began to refine the essentia structure... This is actually the easiest part. The most difficult part is to disassemble the material completely, which will definitely damage a part of the essentia for an alchemist without mechanical engineering skills. structure, resulting in defects in subsequent advancements.

There are four common methods of refining the essence of alchemy. One is to cover it with high-density earth attribute essentia material and wait for it to "crystallize".

One is to use pure fire to ignite and 'sublate' the material.

One is to manipulate temperature and air pressure to 'sublime' the material.

The last one is to use pure water to assist in boosting, so that the material 'precipitates'.

In addition, there are more difficult 'ascension' and 'fusion', which upgrade the original materials through special means and psionic fields, or combine them with other materials into new high-level materials.

The material of the water attribute is naturally the use of pure water to naturally precipitate the structure of the source material.

This is also the most common and most universally gentle method of extraction.

Back then, Ian's potion material, the source material structure of the thymus of the swamp crocodile dragon with both soil and water systems, was obtained by Hilliard after using pure water to precipitate, and it did not affect the integrity of its soil attribute structure.

There is naturally a reserve of pure water in Ian's workshop. Although it is only three times of steaming, it is enough. After all, he does not have a second energy level. Even if he uses the electric energy field of Takutanya, there is no way to burn it through electrolysis. method to obtain purified water.

Put the disintegrated molting feathers into the purified water container, and then set the 'rotation' - Ian did not forget that there is still a part of the suspended sea dust in the molting feather material. Although the amount is small, it must be extracted separately. The final step is assimilation with plasmo.

Making potions is a long process, especially the purification of redwood sap. After Ian prepared other accessories in advance, such as the Northwest Ice Algae solution and the luminescent substance of fluorescent algae, he sat aside and ran 'Yonglang' The source of the person's true form, to prepare for the subsequent medication.

Before that, he opened the vision of precognition.

"Well, dark blue with purple, very successful." The young man nodded slightly.

Ian's potion refining can be said to be a smooth process. After all, he has already made it by himself and has tried many times to make potions, not to mention the assistance of silver chips.

In fact, he can perform precise operations in milliseconds when he is prepared - this is the speed that can only be achieved by bypassing human nerves through silver chips.

When his future strength improves, this precision can be further improved.

With the passage of time, as all the basic materials have been refined and become the 'matrix'.

Ian used pure water as a carrying unit, put all the potion ingredients into a bottle-shaped vessel, and then stirred it with his own water-type essentia.

Immediately, the cyan red cedar sap, the ice-blue fairy essentia structure, the light gray suspended sea dust, the azure northwest ice algae solution and the blue-white fluorescent algae luminescence all merged into one. The whirlpool swirled rapidly, and finally, under the catalysis of Ian's source substance, it gradually mixed into a sea-blue translucent solution, with a feeling of icy cold and extremely clear and pure.

It is like the essence of the ice sea.

"It's now."

Ian is very clear that half potions are not complete potions, their structure is not stable, and they cannot be stored for a long time - so after refining, they must be taken as soon as possible, otherwise these materials will all be separated soon. , to lift the current fragile fusion form.

The blue potion in the flask was swirling, with a sense of light soaring, and dots of gray-blue light flowed in the upper half of the vessel, outlining the faint traces of the source material structure and inscriptions.

Ian held up the half-potion and drank it.

This is a very familiar feeling. In the second stomach that has already been prepared, the silver chip neural network that has accumulated the essentia is ready to wait. When the fairy half-magic medicine arrives, the young man runs the essentia quickly, with the fastest speed. Speed ​​burns it on a silver chip.


Immediately, in the workroom, along with Ian's breathing, a hazy mist of water began to spread gradually, and it was even possible to see in the air that there were dots of aqua-blue light particles floating and rotating, causing the mist to rise, and then followed by Breathing and disappearing into his body.

From Ian's body came a sound like a tumbling tide, but it was very slight. It was not like the mighty tide when the South China Sea was tumbling, but a vague, soft and soothing, light and smooth... a tide of clouds and mist. the sound of!

This voice sounded from the boy's chest and abdomen, and then flashed along the neural network of the whole body with the operation of the source material, and finally condensed on Ian's back, where the rhomboid muscles were.

After a while, as the source material condensed on Ian's back, the silver neural network condensed two 'ganglia' here, and the water mist that was scattered in the entire workroom was all collected and returned, and began to revolve around the boy's body, and There is a vague sense of upward lift.

Opening his eyes, Ian smiled.

His experiment was successful.

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