Above The Sky

Chapter 167 The Mystery Of Eternal Life (23)

Central Avenue, Elder Hall.

"Why didn't you tell the Viscount the news?"

This is the first doubt that Elder Pude had after knowing Patrick's hostility to Ian: "Even if the two of them have a good relationship, they have already involved the infighting of the Ellen family. At the same time as it is picked out, then use official channels to immediately notify the Ellen family of this key information!"

"I have no proof."

Ian shook his head, he was a little helpless: "You know that I am a prophet and can believe what I say, but do you want me to reveal that I am a prophet? Or do you want to bet on who Viscount Grant believes more?"

"To be honest, I can't find any clues at the moment... Patrick has no children, and he is not inclined to any family heir on weekdays. He has no reason to vote for any party at present-he is the future family elder, Ellen The family is already a prestigious industry host in the South."

Having said this, Ian also frowned: "What reason does he have to shoot Isengard? Although I have seen it relatively little, but I can see from the performance that the young man respects his uncle very much, and the relationship between the two sides is actually quite good! "

This is a fact - in Ian's eyes, Patrick is actually quite fond of Isengard, and the relationship between the two parties is already very close in a noble family.

Why? The answer to this question, Ian is still looking for.


Elder Pude also had a headache at this time, especially since this matter is actually closely related to Ian: "I have another piece of information to tell you about Viscount Grant's plans..."

He told Ian the content of his private chat with Viscount Grant afterwards, which made the boy raise his head in surprise: "There is actually a child? And he is so kind, willing to give me credit, give me a knighthood, and let me leave Port Harrison. ?"

"of course."

Elder Pude stroked his beard and sighed: "In the past, he only wanted to control Harrison Port and make the port grow and develop - now that both goals have been achieved, Ayers naturally has something else. Intend."

"He has to think about his future and his heirs. The Viscount is already seventy years old. Even if he still has fifty years to live, but if he is over a hundred years old, even if his combat power can still maintain its prosperous power, it is absolutely impossible to be like this now. Do everything with your own hands... The power will be transferred to his children, and if you want to develop the people of Bai, he will not have the power to suppress you."

"In that case."

The old man said slowly: "It's better to let go."


Ian nodded slightly, and after listening to the information, his thoughts changed: "Now there is another reason not to tell the Viscount about this matter - although it is a bit dangerous, but I do need this credit to get on the song Master Plug this line."

"Also, the enemy has revealed his intentions, but they don't know that I already know... They don't even know that my true strength is not just the true form of a Wave Chanter."

The enemy is in the light, and I am in the dark. For Ian, the risk from Patrick isn't really that big.

Don't look at the opponent's second energy level, but according to the psionic prediction, the threat level is not even as high as he went to the indigenous core area, obviously the kind of civilian who has not fought much.

As a double first energy level, facing such a second energy level, even if his absolute strength cannot resist head-on, he will never lose if he is on guard.

On the other hand, if he can get credit for key tasks and join the line between the Ellen family and Master Gosse, his income is extremely high.

Therefore, instead of telling the news to the imperial capital and the Ellen family - if the mission is really canceled, then the next person who will come will probably be a whole professional team of the imperial capital, and there is no need for him as a country appraiser.

"It's true, your Wave Chanter inheritance is just an extra effect of your sand armor apprentice, your true strength, even Viscount Grant, as long as you don't use aether armed, you should be able to escape, let alone Patrick. "

Elder Purd is unaware of the silver chip.

He still believes that Ian's "weak" water control ability is the result of the special construction of the sand armor apprentice.

After confirming the idea, the old man nodded, and then reminded: "But, Ian. Unless you are in a desperate situation, you can't expose the sand armor apprentice - whether it is Master Gosey or Patrick, they are old people who have experienced that era, the sand armor apprentice. They are all familiar with the power, if exposed, it is not just your own problem."

"I'm afraid the whole of Port Harrison will be razed to the ground, just to find the trace of your mentor!"

Elder Purd also did not know that Hilliard had passed away, and thought that the other party just left this area and went to other places to live in seclusion.

"and also."

Talking about this aspect, Elder Pude smiled: "Didn't you always say that you want to use goblin materials to create a weight-saving alchemy jewelry for yourself? The sand armor apprentice is indeed too heavy and not suitable for you in some places. play."

"Exactly, a few days ago... I acquired a material about fairies."

Having said that, under Ian's rather surprised eyes, the old man stood up, and then took out a sealed marble stone box from the secret room of the elder's hall without concealment.

He handed the stone box to Ian and said with a smile, "I don't dare to use the share you got from the appraisal... Just yesterday Mr. Yinfang said that he had a channel to buy fairy materials, so I used the excuse of alchemy to buy it. down."

"The other party originally said that he didn't want to receive money, but I know that with your character, you would definitely rather spend money than owe the other party's favor."

"This is really... an unexpected joy!"

Ian was naturally surprised and delighted.

He was indeed willing to spend money, but he didn't expect Elder Pude to be so concerned about his past few words.

He has a lot of things hidden from Elder Pude, but most of them are only those secrets that can't be revealed at all, but in contrast, Elder Pude is very dedicated to him and has absolutely nothing to hide.

The teenager took the stone box, and before it was opened, the psionic energy informed him of what was inside.

【Fairy Slaughtering Feather】

A dark blue rich halo is flowing.

Carefully accept this material, Ian intends to leave it to the workshop for further identification.

Now that the goal is almost achieved, Ian wants to ask one last question before leaving.

"Elder, what kind of bloodline or true form did we, a white people, cultivate back then?"

In order to find out the source of the 'steel bones' on Elan's body, Ian asked bluntly: "Also, why was our family exiled to Port Harrison by the late emperor back then?"

"You finally asked."

For this question, Elder Pude couldn't help but be surprised, but rather sighed: "I originally thought you would ask four years ago, but I didn't expect you to be so calm and ask when our family has a chance to regain glory."

Squeezing his beard, the old man said slowly, "As for inheritance... Our family's inheritance is not the bloodline, but the true form of the 'Silver Peak Messenger'."

When saying this, the elder's tone carried a trace of nostalgia.

He stroked his beard, his lowered eyes with a complicated look: "This is a fairly old tradition."

"At that time, our Cieharorwo family settled around the 'Silver Peak' on the edge of the Huaiguang Mountains, and made a living by taking high-quality ores from the Silver Peak, and because of the steep mountains, the higher the quality of the ores, the more At the heights, our ancestors combined the blood of the 'Black and Silver Giant Eagle' and the 'Sky Feather Bird' to create the 'Silver Peak Messenger'... A kind of sturdy, yet extremely light, capable of handling steel and strong winds The true form of free exploration in the mountains."

"Because it can move freely among the mountains, like a messenger of the sky wearing silver feathers, it is called the messenger of silver peaks."

"At that time, our family could not be called a family, but a group of white tribes scattered in the mountains, until an ancestor who became a famous labyrinth explorer returned to his ancestral land and unified all the tribes with absolute power and wealth. , the Cieharorvo family was truly born."

"During this time……"

Talking about the past, there's no end to it, but Ian listens patiently.

Because this may be the first time in decades that Elder Pude has the opportunity to be so proud... and so lonely to explain the history of the family.

The family's past that once repelled him was indeed his heart.

"...Probably due to the influence of that ancestor, even if the family was forced to move to the north of the empire because of the first turmoil in the Dark Mountains, the traditional labyrinth exploration and research have not been left behind. For hundreds of years, we have been Adhere to the activities of adventure and exploration, and based on this, gradually develop influence in the imperial capital, and become a family of labyrinthine scholars who play an important role in this regard."

After expounding on the beginning, rise, migration, resurgence and final prosperity of the family, Elder Pude's excited face gradually darkened.

He closed his eyes, was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Then, when the late emperor was at its peak and overwhelmed Terra Continent a few decades ago, our family was arrested for a major discovery about the maze. Banished into exile."

"What is the major discovery?" Having received the information about the family inheritance, Ian continued to listen patiently, and then slammed it just right: "Could it be that our family has made an extremely critical discovery, which was kept secret and not reported, so it was rejected by the family. The emperor punished?"

This is the best guess.

But Elder Pude shook his head: "It's not - at that time, our family highly respected...respected the former emperor. It can even be said to be worship, because the other party's support for scholars like us is far greater than any emperor. "

"So our family, even at the first moment, told him the mystery about 'eternal life'."

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