Above The Sky

Chapter 161 The Real Mission (23)

"Everyone did a great job!"

After such a 'play' arranged by Viscount Grant ended with a very good, even unexpected ending, Viscount Grant encouraged everyone, and then invited Elder Pude and Ian to the Viscount Mansion to continue their discussions. Follow-up details.

He will explain to Ian why he was cast as the protagonist in such an arranged drama in front of the Ellen family.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

On the way, Elder Purd noticed that Ian frowned slightly and asked with concern.

"Fortunately, I just feel a little emotional about the relationship between the nobles. It's really hard to understand."

Ian's answer made the elder mistakenly think that he was talking about the relationship between Viscount Grant and Patrick, so the old man smiled: "They did have some conflicts in the past... But the conflict is better than no relationship at all, let alone that Lord Patrick is actually good , his strong support did save Port Harrison's life."

Having said that, the elder showed a memory of his expression. He let out a long sigh. Those too difficult years were really unforgettable for the old man.


Ian's original opinion of Patrick was the same as that of Elder Pude, and the other party was indeed just a tougher mouth.

If a real acquaintance is killed, no matter what his mentality is, he will really help—this is already considered a kindhearted person.

But now, he narrowed his eyes and wondered.

"A fairly 'good' nobleman, a good man who will really help his friends, a gentle uncle who looks like a gentleman on the surface... Why would he go to assassinate his nephew?"


With the last sense of hostility in Patrick, Ian understood right away.

The second-layer inscription structure on the blue flame bracelet is the handwriting of this good uncle of the Ellen family!

At the beginning, the other party may just want Isengard to chat with himself more, or something, but he did not expect the blond boy to be straightforward enough to ask about skills directly, and then he chose the blue flame bracelet without hesitation. , which surprised him.

But in fact, until here, everything is fine... Until I actually saw something, the other party was greatly surprised, and he became hostile to him... Even a moment of deep killing intent!

"Uncle is actually the black hand who murdered his nephew, and he was not discovered by anyone else... Why is this? It's hard to understand."

Ian struggled for a while: "And there is no reason to kill. Although I exposed his conspiracy, killing me doesn't solve the problem, and he doesn't seem like someone who will kill because of venting his anger... Behind this There must be a secret!"

Although it is said, facing the killing intent of a second-level imperial noble.

But he wasn't too worried

Because killing intent is just killing intent, Patrick has not been reckless, or stupid enough to act on the bright side.

Not to mention whether he can kill him or not, just from an emotional point of view, the other party's emotions are more of shock and inconceivable, angry and inexplicable. I don't understand why this kind of thing can be exposed. But there is no plan.

Moreover, the nobleman was not nervous, not worried at all that he would be suspected, and did not reveal even the slightest flaw.

So even if he really wants to make a move, it is definitely not now, but he will make a move after a detailed plan.

"Patrick's inscription skills are definitely not good enough to make a second composite inscription structure - there must be other people behind him, this is definitely not his madness, but a reflection of the internal struggle behind the Ellen family. ...Hey, the relationship between nobles is really hard to understand."

And Ian couldn't help but sigh: "This gentleman of the Imperial Capital, who looks just a little arrogant, is also a man who can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger."

"Everyone thinks that he is simple-minded and just a guy who is full of joy and anger, but in fact, he can hide his true purpose, leaving no doubt about his goal."

"You can't underestimate anyone."

With such emotion, he and Elder Pude came to the Viscount Mansion and entered the study room on the second floor.

Viscount Grant, who had returned early, was waiting for them in front of a large map of Nanling.

"The Ellen family and the Imperial Royal Alchemy Association have joined forces for the mission of His Majesty today."

The Viscount stared at the map. He took out his pen and drew a circle in the sea area close to the Tenglan Department. He said straightforwardly: "Element Crystal Shell - about eight months ago, a new beast discovered by an unowned adventurer. Appeared in this sea area, near Yeguang Sea."

Turning his head, Viscount Grant motioned to Ian and Elder Pude to look at the map: "It is a special kind of 'strategic creature' that can produce crystals of extremely high-purity natural elements."

"The unowned adventurer team was incorporated by the Platinum Iridium Workshop, and they also reported the news to the empire. The top officials of the empire attached great importance to this, so they sent a team to confirm the authenticity of the information. If possible, capture Fan Zhong, Bring it back to the imperial capital for research."

"They're the team."

Ian nodded, and he had already guessed this point: "The Ellen family is here for this credit."

At this moment, he also understood why Sai Nan would come over with the pile of fluorescent algae to find him for identification-because the pile of fluorescent algae came from the production area of ​​Element Crystal Shell, the Yeguang Sea field of Tenglan Department.

The reason why the other party wants to identify is probably to obtain data on the associated plants of crystal shells such as local fluorescent algae, so as to prepare for subsequent breeding and cultivation of crystal shells.

Moreover, whether it is the element crystal shell or the fluorescent algae, it was born because of the mutation of the labyrinth... So it is correct that their survey team came for the labyrinth!

"Indeed. This is the direct order of His Majesty the Emperor. The current wife of Marquis Ellen is His Majesty's second daughter. Although she has no blood, she is quite favored. She won this mission for her own son."

Nodding his head, Viscount Grant said calmly: "This is a great credit—element crystals are strategic materials. Although the empire already has the original strategic breeding creatures to obtain stable element crystals, no one is too much."

"This is a great achievement, and it is impossible for us not to take part in it."

Element crystals are essentially materialized, "artificial gems" without any attribute tendencies and inscription structures. If the gemstones elicit the power of psionic energy, then the elemental crystals elicit the power of the source material.

When he said this, the person the viscount was looking at was the elder Pude - the old man of the white people nodded silently, but his brows were wrinkled, and he seemed to be contemplating.

Ian was also silent, he knew very well that this was the kindness released by the Viscount.

The white people of Harrison Harbor are exiled and relegated people. They used to be the last remnants of the famous labyrinth researcher "Chehalorvo Family" in the imperial capital, but the only one who still remembers this identity is Elder Pude.

Relegation is not absolute. If it is said that it will never be forgiven, then the former emperor can throw the members of the Cieharorvo family to the real front line, such as the Great Desert of Flying Flames... As long as enough credit is made, the people of Bai may not be unacceptable. Get back your surname, become a noble again, and get back your glory.

The mission this time may be a good opportunity... After all, it was the former emperor who demoted the Chehalorvo family, and the current emperor is Axel the defender.

As long as there is enough credit, the other party does not mind pardoning the sins of the white people, which is also a matter of many precedents.

"It takes your strength."

This time, the Viscount was talking to Ian.

Viscount Grant looked at Ian seriously, but with a light smile in his tone: "It's really good, Ian, your performance... well, it's far beyond my expectations, but I'm not surprised, Because you are indeed such a genius."

"The fourteen-year-old first-level sublimator, although it is only a low-level inheritance like a wave chant, he is still talented enough... If I advance to the third-level in the future, if I have more capital, I will consider giving it to me. Your second-level siren inheritance."

Hearing this sentence, both Ian and Elder Pude were shocked, and then thanked them in unison.


He accepted the thanks from the two of them as he should, and slowly sat back behind his desk, the Viscount rested his hands on his chin, and said calmly, "Ian, as expected, next time me and Patrick When discussing with Master Gosse, you will become the accompanying appraiser of their expedition team - as a remnant of the Cehalorvo family, and as my subordinate."

Viscount Grant is very good at borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, empty gloves and white wolf... Just like he borrowed Mr. Yinfang's magic plant to show his affection to Master Gosey, and now he uses Ian's ability and work to participate in the emperor's task.

But no one will think that there is anything wrong with this, because he is the link between people - if there is no diligence between him and Master Gosser, no matter how optimistic Master Gosey is about Ian, it will not be. Try to bring Ian closer to his team.

It is absolutely harmful and unhelpful for people without background to enter their ranks.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this talent in interpersonal communication that Viscount Grant's news is extra well-informed, and he leads Port Harrison through the most critical time, doing things that even the old Viscount Grant may not be able to do.

But this is also a kind of disadvantage... Except for the diplomatic field, although Viscount Grant is still talented in sublimation skills, he can be regarded as ignorant of inscriptions and alchemy, so that the maintenance of the aether arms requires the help of Elder Pude and Ian. arrive.

Knowing this well, Ian continued to listen to Viscount Grant's reminder: "Don't worry too much, this is not a dangerous task, the Tenglan Department has almost broken with the Mountain Tide Department, and even the great shaman still has the authority to order the totem master. , but they will never be harmonious again, and there will not be much danger at sea."

"The only problem is the magical beasts, but with Patrick and Master Gesai, even if the two giant eels appear together, they may not really hurt you."

Having said this, the brunette-haired blue-eyed aristocrat nodded earnestly: "What you said needs to be done is to come back as safely as possible, exert your strength, and impress them with you and think that you are a talented person. , is an excellent appraiser."

"Then, maybe, maybe, they will reveal to you the 'real mission' of their operation this time!"


Hearing this, Ian couldn't help but be stunned.

He and the Viscount looked at each other, and said somewhat puzzled: "The real task?"

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