Above The Sky

Chapter 157 Academy Route? No! (23)

"Go to the Imperial Capital Royal Alchemy Academy to study?"

Even if he is blind, he can see that this is Viscount Grant using Mr. Yinfang's magic plant directly to please Master Gosser - and Mr. Yinfang has to thank him!

Then, he stood up neatly, picked up the Longevity Demon Plant placed on the appraisal table by Ian, and walked forward together with Viscount Grant towards Master Gosser.

It's that simple reason. As for the Predictive Vision, Ian didn't think that he could survive a misfortune after making a lot of money in the imperial capital.

"After all, it must take a lot of effort to let someone like me enter the academy."

"For what is now Port Harrison, my hometown, that's what matters."

But Viscount Grant is willing to take him, this is love, even if the other party can't pay a penny, and can be involved even a little bit with a big man of the level of Master Gosser, a longevity magic plant is worth it.

Sure enough, the hunchbacked old man accepted the magic plant that Mr. Yinfang handed out, and he continued: "This kind of life-extending magic plant is not the same as the one produced in the holy mountain and the quiet sea, but is similar to the magic plant on the Jiuhan Mountain. The pure source of life, this is probably related to the worship of natural spirits related to plants in the country over the oasis and the oasis, which is a big issue."

"Haha, where is it?"

And a pair of curious, lake-green eyes.

Mr. Yinfang can make good money, that's why he showed such surprise and gratitude.

Because, after the appraisal, Viscount Grant can buy the life extension magic plant in his own name, and then give gifts to his former mentor in his own name. All this has nothing to do with Mr. Yinfang.

Viscount Grant is probably very good at this, so he was not nervous from the beginning, and at this moment, he laughed even more, admitting his mistakes one after another by Master Gosser's reprimands, and didn't care at all.

"Ayers, I know what you want to do... You want me to return to the imperial capital to publicize that Nanling also has a life extension magic plant, so that you have more leverage in the imperial capital, and by the way, remember you and let me help You provide some access to the association."

On the other side, Viscount Grant made a gesture to Mr. Yinfang, who was smiling. After thinking for a while, the businessman immediately showed a look of surprise and even gratitude.

"Master, don't worry about my waste of talent. Viscount Grant is very good to me, just because alchemy equipment and professional books are difficult to buy, or they are too expensive."

Yes. Viscount Grant is very smart, yes, but perhaps because he lives in a rural place like Port Harrison all the year round, he has never been resistant to those sincere flattery.

And if it is Mr. Yinfang himself, he has no reason to give gifts to Master Gosser, and the other party has no need to accept it.

Ian and the Viscount looked at each other and smiled, and the topic was skipped.

So the Viscount laughed: "I have no talent, but Ian's talent is indeed extraordinary. Over the years, I have been worried that I may have delayed his future."

Anyway, a bit numb.

The words of Master Gosse are really ruthless truths.

If it wasn't for his talent on the road to ascension that was far from his own talent in alchemy, he would have been able to achieve the peak of the second energy level long ago, condense his soul to the realm of radiance, and then plan the third energy level potion , became a pivotal figure in the entire empire.

Raising his head, he looked at the delighted Viscount Grant with a straight face, and scolded, "Hippie smiling face, you are still my worst student."

What's more, does Viscount Grant really do nothing? Even if Master Gosse is unwilling to accept it, the construction of the new city and the supply of construction materials for several outer port terminals... Does he still need to think about how to make this request with Viscount Grant again?

——People have no money, so what are you going to do in the imperial capital? Are you sick and tortured?

As for Patrick's expression, it was really unlucky.

Ian saw that the Viscount smiled instead.

Everyone is winning!


"It was useless in the past, but today is suffering. With your ingenuity, if you studied alchemy seriously in the first place, why would you need to please me like you do now? You need to plead with Pat and let him open a workshop in your territory? "

If he really goes, I am afraid that he will stage a traditional plot of another world academy: first, he is looked down upon by most aristocratic students, despised and suppressed, and then he will turn this contempt into hatred with his test results, and then he will have to face other people. The hired killer of the students, and the teachers also looked down on his identity, and he was finally slapped in the face with his academic achievements.

The eyes of Master Gosei looking at the magic plant in his hands are quite scorching, but it is not for prolonging life, it is a desire to do experiments that cannot wait: "I will help you with whatever you want. An excellent alchemist, and for the sake of this magic plant."

"I'm really relieved to hear Mr. Gossey's evaluation this time. It's enough to prove that Ian's excellence is beyond my expectations."

Ian politely saluted the thoughtful hunchbacked old man in front of him, and he calmly said: "If you really think I have potential, then it's better to give me a channel where I can buy the latest alchemy books and papers... Or to buy some common alchemy formulas, I am confident to learn."

"So decisive."

But Ian is not a fool either - in the society of this era, in the imperial capital of this country with nobles and high-class people, how could a country student really go to the Imperial Capital Academy to study, how could he have a good end.

After all, as a master of the Imperial Association of the Imperial City, Elder Gosey is not the top alchemist in the world, but a first-class scholar, and he has created the 'Eye of Mystery', an extremely advanced auxiliary alchemy eye, which has been obtained by the Empire. Honored scholars.

He was only fourteen years old, and he had time to grow up. Now he went to the imperial capital to pretend to be a grandson, but he couldn't learn anything, wasted time for no reason, and hated Viscount Grant who had always supported him.


It would be a lie to say that Ian was unmoved.

Not to mention the elder Gesai who got the brand new life-extending magic plant, it was a win!

But waste is waste!

But just as the young man sighed, he noticed that someone was approaching him from the left.

At this moment, looking down at Yanshou Mozhi, Master Gesai sighed. He was not overjoyed. Instead, he said earnestly with his stick and beard, "Shameless little guy, you don't need to be smart on the right path."

I'll be useless!

Hearing this, Ian looked at Master Gosey seriously in front of him, and then suddenly laughed: "Master, if I really agreed, would you have a headache?"

However, he looked at Ian with more caution and consideration.

Turning his head, he saw a face about the same age as himself.

With no expression on his face, Ian was complaining in his heart, and then sighed slightly: "Observing people... is also a kind of observation. Even if you don't rely on psionic power, you can see a person's general character and behavior just by observing with the naked eye. A prediction that is almost a prophecy has been achieved.”

"This young alchemist can achieve far better achievements than you at this age, which is enough to prove that you absolutely support him and really want to cultivate your own alchemist for your territory. "

Although these words are both expressly and secretly talking about their rubbish in alchemy...

So now, Ian not only has to refuse, but also has to speak out the reason and logic behind this, and by the way tout a wave of his true supporters.

Ian looked at this scene, and his eyes were clear: "This is a powerful hand."

The re-appraisal of Master Gosse confirmed that Ian's appraisal result was true, and greatly appreciated the youth's keenness, which was undoubtedly a huge word-of-mouth improvement.

Viscount Grant borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, no one would lose him.

Hearing his former teacher's sincere apology and praise, even Viscount Grant can't really have any grudges - people are willing to poach, doesn't it mean that his vision is good?

After pondering for a while, Master Gosse Abid said with a slight smile: "Indeed, I just didn't want to see a talented young alchemist sinking into the borderland of Port Harrison..."

He looked at Ian and said with emotion, "You really do your best."

"What kind of old man with a knife mouth and a tofu heart."

With that said, he turned his head to look at Viscount Grant, bowed his head quite cautiously and apologized: "I'm sorry, Ayers, but I think this is wrong."

Even if he could, why would he take such a big risk?

The final result is either killing a lot of people and betraying the empire, living in other countries and regions, accumulating their own strength after turning around, becoming a strong man and then returning to the imperial capital for revenge; or becoming a real alchemy star of tomorrow. Climbing within the system, while intriguing with the nobles, while developing their own academic power...

Of course, the real reason is actually very simple.

As the most powerful empire in Terra Continent, and one of the highest academies after the Seeker Academy, the capital of knowledge, the Royal Alchemy Academy of the Setar Empire is undoubtedly the dream of every person who wants to study alchemy.

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