Above The Sky

Chapter 147 The Maze Omen (44, W Word Update, Ask For A Monthly Ticket~)

"Forgive my incomprehension, Captain Sainan..."

"I can't, won't, and won't help either side."

The man's voice was euphemistic, but questioned condescendingly, as if something unbearable would happen if Captain Bai Zhimin didn't give a proper reason.

"Mmmm!" Standing up, the blond boy trotted out of the living room energetically, apparently going straight to the old professor.

The middle-aged aristocrat watched his nephew leave with a smile, and after a long time, his expression slowly returned to calm.

He reminded solemnly: "I'm only responsible for bringing you and your teacher to Port Harrison, and I won't interfere with everything that follows... I can ask the local workshop to provide you with resource support, but no matter how convenient it is. no."

At this moment, the blond boy, who had been sitting on the side, quietly and did not speak, said, "Is it possible that he just knew some dangerous signs that he couldn't tell, so he didn't want to take risks?"

He still prefers to trust Ian a little.

"I..." Sai Nan opened his mouth, he wanted to explain and cover up, but after recalling the tip Ian gave him 'Be sure to tell a lie before you lie', he found that he should not tell the truth, even if he told the truth. incoherent.

"There is a very powerful appraiser who, while appraising this labyrinth algae, discovered the omen of the labyrinth omen - he must be familiar with the captain, so he reminded him!"

Pat frowned slightly. He sat back in his seat and pondered: "I didn't expect that Port Harrison would have such a keen appraiser. It seems that we can't underestimate the country people."

"Okay okay, since you think so, I don't want to be too aggressive..."

The young man summed it up.

Patrick Ellen narrowed his eyes, and he muttered to himself thoughtfully: "In the wild land of Port Harrison, there are appraisers who can see the omen?"

Aware of his uncle's attention, the young man continued earnestly: "Mom said that if a person suddenly goes against his consistent behavior in the past, there must be a source that makes him have to change - it may be an authoritative one. The strong may also be a reason for his convincing."

"Uncle, don't look at this Captain Sai Nan seems to be shrinking back and looks very cowardly, but he is indeed very bold. In the face of your threat, he will still insist on his own ideas... In the imperial capital, such a bold person Rare!"


This is a lure and a faint threat. Sai Nan's breathing is visibly heavy, with both greed and fear.

"Another three hundred thalers."

"But it's also an opportunity... Well, it seems that I have to visit this guy Ailes... Obviously I don't intend to get involved too much."

Not to mention, the Marquis family behind the Platinum Iridium Workshop...

"But don't make it difficult for us either."

Sai Nan apologized several times, and left uneasy but firmly.

"This is enough to show that the information he got is far more credible than what we provide - at least for him, far more credible than us."

Letting out a breath, the man frowned, he tapped the table with his hand, and asked patiently, "Our cooperation has been going on for nearly half a year, with the permission of the elders of your clan, and even the exploration permit of the Viscount Mansion. "

Isengard Ellen turned his head to the side and looked at the dark clouds and heavy rain outside the window: "Isn't our mission this time to come to Harrison Harbor to find the rumored brand-new magical beast 'Sparkling Crystal Shell'?"

-Hey, they don't know what it's like to compete with the country folks.

at the same time.

"It's the omen of the labyrinth."

The other party's attitude changed 180 degrees in such a short period of time from morning to afternoon. It must have been an early warning from the authorities in the relevant areas.

So in the end, he just said in a very sincere and regretful tone: "I haven't had a lot of luck recently... Uh, I'm more afraid of death, I'm sorry, I'm really not up to the task of going out to sea this time..."

"Yison, don't forget, this is the task your mother has won for you - the Royal Alchemy Society, and even His Majesty himself are very concerned, so we chose our Ellen family, the most outstanding family of biologists in the empire, as the executor. "

It's not difficult to deduce... It's not the identification of the problem, where else could it be?

The man who also had the surname of 'Ellen' lowered his voice: "After all, this is a matter of your generation."

"This Sai Nan is also a sincere person carefully selected by Ayers (the name of Viscount Grant) after consulting the local fleet. According to his usual observation, he is indeed bold and extraordinary, and he can keep his mouth and be honest. Guys, the cooperation in the past has been very pleasant and smooth, why did you shrink back when it came to a critical period this time?"

Knocking on the table, the middle-aged blond emphasized his tone, using his usual method: "I know that you are definitely not trying to increase the price, Captain, but we have cooperated for so long, it is very troublesome to find other people - don't worry about safety issues, Platinum Iridium Worker We will keep you safe."

"Uncle Pat..."

But even so, Sai Nan still gritted his teeth and refused: "I'm sorry, I missed the contract... I will pay the deposit!"

Thinking of this, he even lost his interest: "No need to pay the deposit, Captain Sai Nan, there is a chance, let's work together next time."

"Yeah." Hearing this sentence, the blond boy named Isengard couldn't help but look a little dim. He thought of his two older brothers, an older sister and younger sister, and the struggle within the family.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind today?"

The man lowered his head and looked at the sack that was placed on the ground by Sai Nan: "Fluorescent algae... Yes, today I distributed a copy of the collected fluorescent algae to the captain. It was originally a deposit, and at the same time I wanted him to identify it. , share the data with us."

"The omen...?"

"It now seems that there must be a problem with the identification."

"After all, what's not dangerous about the labyrinth?"

The man called Pat turned his head to look at his nephew.

Standing at the window on the second floor, watching the back of Sai Nan leaving, the blond middle-aged man was puzzled: "Others heard that they wanted to cooperate with our platinum-iridium workshop, which one didn't squeeze forward desperately?"

"As long as you know."

After being silent for a long time, he shook his head and said rather annoyed: "Really, there are branches outside the festival."

"Don't keep the old man waiting."

Yi Sen couldn't help but sighed: "I... understand. Uncle."

"Huh... that's true." Pat is not stupid, he was just a little angry, he didn't expect such a thing, the middle-aged man stroked his chin, nodded slightly: "What we are going to do is somewhat dangerous... …”

Thinking of this, he noticed something.

——Thaler is a good thing, but it is useless to die!

Coupled with the reward for completing the mission, he, the captain, may become the leader of the small fleet!

He stared excitedly at the torrential rain and thunder that fell outside the window, as if he had never seen anything like it before.

After clapping his hands and calling the two attendants to clean up the table, Pat said calmly, "Go ahead and ask Mr. Gosey. By the way, let him know that your overseas research plan is obviously going to be postponed."

"The reputation of the platinum-iridium workshop does not need to be mentioned, you must know it."

"The sudden appearance of this natural element crystal condensation seed must be a labyrinth-like monster associated with a big labyrinth."

Three hundred thalers are not too much, not too much. In Port Harrison, that's enough money to buy another small fishing boat.

It can be clearly seen that when he walked out of the platinum-iridium workshop, his body and bones seemed to be a lot lighter, and his steps were much more relaxed.

Moreover, the ice condensing agent of the platinum-iridium workshop is a necessary alchemy agent for all fleets to fish and preserve seafood. They provide 70% of the ice condensing agent in Harrison Harbor. Then he may only be able to wander around the sea in the future.

No... It would be better to say that his status is not so effective for Harrison Port, which is located on the edge of the world and cannot be radiated by anyone.

After watching it for a long time, the young man finally remembered that he was talking with other people, and continued to say happily: "Uncle, it makes sense now - if we say, the maze will appear strange in the recent period of time. If it changes, it is no wonder that the captain dare not go out to sea!"

"No. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the group of white people who were exiled by the whole family were exiled here - this can explain it."

Looking down at the fluorescent algae that brightened the living room by two levels, the blond boy made a firm guess.

Ian, who had become the center of the conversation unknowingly, had just walked out of the Elder Hall.

"...What's going on here?"

"The remuneration has never been less. Every time you go to sea, you are in compliance with the regulations. If you find something, you will be given a proportional remuneration."

But when he noticed that the blond boy sitting opposite him was curiously watching the exchange between him and Sai Nan, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Really, nothing happened on the first day of coming to Harrison Port."

"That's why the captain is unwilling to go to sea!" The young man said firmly.

After thinking for a while, the man raised his head and looked solemn: "It's not us, it's you."

The middle-aged man with blond hair wanted to get angry, but with his status, no one even in the imperial capital dared to reject him like this, leaving no room for him.

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