Above The Sky

Chapter 145 Premonition Of Mutation (24)

Ian could sense the struggle in Sai Nan's heart, but he didn't know what the opponent was fighting for.

Therefore, he just turned his head again and looked at the bag of strange mutated fluorescent algae.

The silver brilliance mixed with the cyan fluorescence, and the detailed subtitles appeared in front of the eyes.

But this time, it is not the general data, but some more in-depth information.

【Taixi Fluorescent Algae】

[Growing time - 23 days in July, mutation time - 12 days and 9 o'clock]

[Contained source quality: 12.23 basic units]

[Specific: This species of mutant fluorescent algae has a small amount of paralyzing toxin, the intensity of the toxin increases after maturity, and ingesting a small amount can cause sudden cardiac arrest, which can lead to death]

"A single root is only 0.72, a sack is 12.23... and the normal fluorescent algae data is only 0.035 to 0.06 for a single root. Although it is not a sublimation material, it is a good alchemy material."

"From the point of view of the mutation, the daily growth of the source material is close to 0.06 - the superior mutant of the fluorescent algae 'Taixi sun algae' contains more than 2.7 source material in a single root, and the overall source material can exceed 50 basic units, which is 'true blue' , materials of middle and high order in the first energy level."

"If the mutation is stable and not decaying, then after 33 days, the mutation will enter a peak."

Calculating the data in his mind, Ian thought.

In the Terra Continent, biological changes are generally related to environmental changes and extreme changes in the psionic field. The birth of the Beginning Warcraft is due to the accumulation of too much source material in the body, resulting in natural sublimation.

This kind of sublimation can be good or bad. The good ones are the ancestors of monsters, and the bad ones will become food and the resources for the sublimation of other beings.

Environmental changes have different effects on the life of the entire ecosystem, but in general, it can be regarded as a normal distribution: too simple and too complex organisms are difficult to cause spontaneous sublimation due to the psionic field, on the contrary Various plants and beasts are prone to change.

However, even a simple plant such as fluorescent algae has mutated, which is enough to prove that the environment around the fluorescent algae and the psychic field have undergone extreme changes.

Only the 'maze' or 'natural disaster' can cause such drastic changes.

Whether it is the formation of the labyrinth, or the natural disaster, before the formation, it will trigger a violent change in the psionic field, causing various mutations in the surrounding animals and plants. This is the so-called 'disaster'.

There are scholars who specialize in the study of disasters. They are scattered all over the earth and pay special attention to the information in this area.

According to the researchers, the real catastrophe will come when the mutant creatures spawned by the omen have fully matured.

Ian finished reading the book "The Change and Sublimation of Natural Ecology by the Psionic Field" written by this group of researchers two years ago, and it also used various materials as proofs in it very professionally, that the natural life affected by the psionic field The sublimation speed is proportional to the speed at which the psionic field itself changes.

In other words, when the source substance of Taixi fluorescent algae accumulates to a level close to that of Taixi sun algae, it will undergo a transformation - and at the same time, the entire psychic field will undergo a transformation, even a huge one. Mutation!

Whether this mutation is a step in the formation of the labyrinth, or a natural disaster like a big storm, is another matter.

And that time point, calculated according to the standard formula, is thirty-three days later.

Of course, the data of thirty-three days is only an ideal estimate, and it is absolutely inaccurate. It also takes into account various local conditions, but it can roughly estimate a time range.

"Fortunately, the mutation time is not long. No matter what the mutation is, it will take more than half a month to predict at the fastest speed."

Nodding slightly, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, but Ian wasn't in a hurry now.

Although the intelligence of the silver chip can only give this basic information, Ian can extract valuable information from this information with his own knowledge: "This information is what the people behind Sai Nan want to know."

"They wanted to use the mass of the algae to approximate the timing of the mutation."


At this moment, Sai Nan gritted his teeth, he took out a few large silver coins from his arms and slapped them on the table, then picked up the sack on the side, ready to leave: "I really can't say... I'm sorry, little Ian, Use this money to buy food for Ellen."

He has made up his mind not to drag Ian and his family into the water, and he will go to explain the apology to the group of customers by himself.

——It seems that I still lack majesty. If it was Elder Pude, Sai Nan would have knelt down and confessed his mistake...

And for five thalers, Elam could eat a fruit platter until he died.

Ian didn't stop him, he just looked at the five thalers on the counter, shook his head, and reminded Sai Nan's back: "Uncle Sai Nan, it's not very recently that you are really going to die, at least ten days later—in Don't do stupid things before this, and consider whether to confess for a few more days!"

He is not in a hurry, because now, the cause of Sai Nan's death is obviously not because of the group of people behind him, but some kind of natural crisis.

And just after Seiler left, Ian's calm expression gradually became solemn, until his brows were wrinkled.

"Hey, although people are a little stupid and frank, and they usually get along very easily, but it's a little troublesome at critical moments."

He got up, opened the door, and let the cold wind of the gloomy afternoon by the sea pour into the house: "Uncle Sai Nan came to me this time. It is estimated that the people behind him will find me tonight... You should prepare in advance."

The wind bells at the eaves were almost frantic, tinkling, intense and rapid, and the distant sea was already covered with overcast clouds, and the brilliance of the sun could not be seen at all.

There was no one in the surrounding streets, except for a few voices urging the moving of goods on the dock street not far away, everyone was at home waiting for the rainstorm to come.

Ian stood on the street, he closed his eyes, mobilized the brilliance that filled all over the brain, and imagined that he was a vortex, a black hole, pulling all the brilliance together.

Meditation, visualization, and mobilization of psionic energy are the most basic and common methods. The original teenager was strong enough just by instinct, but now actively mobilizing his psionic energy can greatly reduce physical energy consumption, but the activation speed of the vision horizon will be slower.

Ian's visualization is to simulate the starry sky. Twenty-three stars twinkle in his dark mind. The number of stars is related to the strength of his psionic power. Three years ago, when he first learned to meditate, there were only five stars in his mind. Hui, and now there are many more.

Unlike the previous observation of Sai Nan, who just mobilized one of the 'Xinghui' in his mind, at this moment, Ian has mobilized all the remaining twenty-three 'stars' in his mind, which is the conscious awakening ability. Come, all the spiritual energy accumulated in the six years of practice, poured into the eyes.

Then, open your eyes.

For a while, there seemed to be a flame ignited in the blue eyes.

A floating brilliance flickered in his eyes, and Ian looked around the street, around Port Harrison.

Immediately, in his field of vision, all the buildings and streets of Port Harris that he could see were filled with a faint layer of black air!

Although the thin black gas is like the morning mist, it is gradually becoming denser, and it seems that some blood-colored lines can be seen vaguely.


All of this only took one second, and Ian closed his eyes immediately after watching this second, but the backlash that forcibly observed the good and bad in the smaller half of the city still came.

He coughed heavily on the spot, and although he skillfully covered it with his hands, he could still quickly smell the rusty sweetness.

He took his hands away, his hands were bright red, and the blood overflowing from his eyes, nose and mouth due to the backlash of psionic energy also lingered with a trace of pitch blackness, and it slowly dissipated after a while.

The young man frowned and stared at the palm of his hand. His eyes were covered with moisture due to backlash and coughing. His pale and solemn expression was a little cute because of his age and appearance.

But Ian didn't have this kind of self-consciousness. He looked very serious at the moment. After wiping the blood from his hands, the young man couldn't help shaking his head and muttering: "Sure enough, it's not just Sai Nan... and not only natural disasters, but also man-made disasters."


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