Above The Sky

Chapter 139 Perfect Chimerism

Because he has already taken the potion once, Ian is familiar with it this time.

Just when the true form of the wave chant was sublimated into the source material chip structure, he directly moved the silver chip and made contact with it.

For the first time, I felt it was not a severe pain like a Shakai apprentice, but a sense of fulfillment.

Different from the unbearable pain felt when the chip was integrated into the cell, when the silver chip rubbed the magic potion essentium structure, what Ian was given was a full-flavoured meal and a cup full of hot water. The feeling of chocolate milk.

And at this moment, Ian suddenly had a burst of enlightenment in his heart.

——The silver chip was originally used to carry these structures!

This is not speculation, but reasoned inference.

From the very beginning, when the silver chip actively merged with the ancient dragon core, he noticed that the legacy was so well integrated with the potion essentia structure that it even took the initiative to rub it, which is enough to prove that it has this function in itself. .

And the sense of satisfaction he felt just now, as if the self that was missing something had been made up for, deepened his suspicions.

It may indeed be a way out to engrave the source material structure of Warcraft on one's body, but this kind of pain and extremely low success rate is definitely not a mature and reliable method.

It should be noted that even with the physical quality of the Terran people, coupled with the willpower and determination cultivated since childhood, before the emergence of the virtual source seed, there is a great possibility of condensing the source seed and taking the potion to die in the two stages. More than 80% drop...is this normal?

Even if it is really possible, is the Terra civilization of the previous era willing to sacrifice so many lives just to produce a few sublimators?


Although it is not known how advanced the civilization of the pre-epoch is, how sophisticated its sublimation technology and alchemy are, but Ian believes that that civilization will never be like it is now, using many human lives to pile up the probability of a sublimator appearing.

"Perhaps, the silver chip is the auxiliary sublimation system of the pre-epoch civilization?"

Ian frowned, he vaguely felt that the function of the silver chip was not just that!

An auxiliary sublimation chip is powerful enough to help a mediocre ordinary person reach the pinnacle of an ascension person... But if it is only like this, it is impossible for his teacher and the emperor to regard it as 'the hope of mankind returning to the stars'. .

To qualify for this rating, at least it has to be a standard build template or a mobile base vehicle.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Ian retracted his thoughts and looked at his body.

The structure of the source material of the wave chant is very simple, and when converted into sublimation organs, there are only two.

One is located in the throat and one is located under the jaw. Neither of these two sublimation organs can enhance the physical fitness of the bearer. On the contrary, they can give the sublimator the power to oscillate natural spiritual energy with sound waves and induce the power of water flow.

Of course, it won't bring a beautiful voice... Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many sailors who complained that their fleet's wave chants sang too badly.

At most, it makes people's voice not too hoarse.

Because this time, it is no longer combined with the body, but directly rubbed into the silver chip, so there are no shimmering crystals like inverse scales under Ian's jaw, and the structure of the throat has not changed.

But with the surging of the potion and the inlay of the source material structure, he could sense that the silver chip branches located in these two parts vaguely formed a staggered and complicated 'neural network'.

Not an actual neural network, but an approximation of essentia... When Ian wants to unleash the Ascension powers of the Wave Chanter, these are activated for his use.

Unless Ian is dissected, no one can tell if he has these sublimation organs.

Soon, as the potion in the second stomach gradually sublimated and dissipated, all of it turned into an essentia chip structure and was absorbed by the silver chip. Ian completely digested the potion without any pain or hindrance.

"This feeling..."

Opening his eyes, Ian touched his throat curiously. He was now supplying the silver chip with essentia and activating the two essentia structures that belonged to the wave chanter, the 'Orb of Tide' and the 'The Orb of the Wave'. throat'.


Activated with the smallest force that can be mastered, the teenager made a sound at will, and then controlled his source quality, just like he controlled the gravel of the earth, and controlled the clean water in the kettle in the house.

And in the next moment, the crock pot that I bought the day before yesterday exploded and shattered!

Bang - hum!

The turbulent water waves oscillated violently, and the force enough to push a small boat was applied to a mere tank of water, which immediately made the water turbulent, and even overheated to generate steam!

Buzz! The steaming steam even began to tear the air, making a sharp whistling, and the hot air temperature spread, and even distorted the surrounding scene.

"Stop, stop-"

Because the sound was so loud that it felt like there was an explosion in the house, Ian hurriedly called it off - amazingly, with his will and voice, the jar was suspended in the air, and the oscillating water flow calmed down immediately.

But soon, it began to spin rapidly again, like a whirlpool!

"What's the matter, brother?"

Ian could vaguely hear Elan's questioning question in the living room: "Alchemy, failed?"

He thought it was the alchemy matrix that Ian carried with him exploded... This is also how most ordinary people think of alchemists, the scholar who carries dangerous substances with him.

"It's okay, the kettle fell."

Ian answered Ellen's question immediately, but immediately, his face went black.

He is still in the state of Yong Lang, and if you say such a sentence, God knows what that ball of water will look like!

However, when Ian, who had been prepared for the worst, turned his head, he was surprised to find that the mass of water in front of him had completely stopped and crashed on the floor, flowing all over the place.


Exhaling a breath, Ian stopped activating the Originium. He understood the rules somewhat, and thoughtfully said to himself, "It seems that the way the chanter controls the water flow is very crude..."

"If I make it move, it will vibrate back and forth. If I make it calm, it will stop the whirlpool. If I don't pay attention to the source quality at all, and just talk to other people, then the Yonglang state will be interrupted..."

The teenager nodded and concluded: "No wonder he asked to sing, it seems to be to maximize concentration and continue to exert influence on Originium."

It seems that the name of each inheritance has its own meaning... It is definitely not a random name.

As for the specific effect, it really needs to be tested, and I have to go to the sea, but Ian is not in a hurry now.

Now that it has been confirmed that the fusion of the potion and the silver chip is no problem, Ian's plan for this period of time has been completely completed.

He opened the door and went to the kitchen, ready to cook for himself and Ellen.

He was even in the mood to tease Elan: "Want to eat purple pulp or yellow orange fruit?"

"Yellow orange fruit!"

"Hey, why don't you eat purple pulp? Didn't you like it very much before?"

"Brother is bad! You said before that my eyes are very similar to it!"

"I just want to eat, what to eat to make up for it."


"Haha, how is it, is it delicious? It won't taste too sweet or too salty, will it?"

"Mmmmm, delicious! The taste is just right!"

"Then eat more."


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