Above The Sky

Chapter 135 The Days Fly By

This time around the market, Ian used the identification function of the silver chip to select a lot of well-reviewed ingredients.

Aware of his brother's sneaky behavior, Ian raised the corners of his mouth and greeted apologetically, "I was too busy just now, thinking about other things, and forgot to cook for you... Go wash your hands, I'll finish it soon. , you can eat."

Originally, he wanted to popularize the design of this water purifier through the hands of Elder Pude, but after thinking about it for a while, the old man decided to temporarily suppress it until Ian was twelve years old and was no longer a 'child' , which he handed over to Viscount Grant and spread to Port Harrison.

"Okay, I'll eat it too."

"Wow! The oil is overflowing! It's so fragrant~"

On the table and plate, Ellen just carefully used a wooden fork to stick a piece of steaming egg yolk shrimp. He was a little afraid of being hot, but the shrimp was too fragrant, and he was really hungry, so he took a small bite.

I have lard, butter, sea otter oil and fish oil at home for cooking different foods, and this time I used lard - heat the oil in a wok to stimulate the aroma, and then put the starchy egg yolk shrimp into the Fry in the pan, turn over once for 40 seconds, and then add a small piece of butter after six cycles to enhance the fragrance, and then flip-fry twice. After the shrimp balls are golden brown, they can be taken out and placed.

“Delicious...a little salty, but delicious!”

——What a pity, my brother's meal is really delicious...

When the golden egg shrimp is half-fried, the rich egg-flavored shrimp fragrance fills the house.

"Awake, Ellen? Must be hungry?"

The next step is to add a few more egg yolks, add oil and fry it a few times, then put the shrimp in the pot and wrap it with semi-coagulated egg yolk.

"Try this again."

Ian was also a little strange. He picked up a piece of shrimp and tasted it himself. It was crispy and crisp, and the taste was light and fragrant.

"Well...the meat is very tender, the skin is very crispy... kacha kacha... it's delicious!" He chewed, and then made a serious comment: "Sweet and fragrant!"

Kacha, I could hear the door open slightly, a small white head quietly exposed, and then a pair of purple eyes.

The basic source content of high-quality beef rib is as high as 0.09 - as long as one hundred yuan is eaten, it is equivalent to eating a piece of light blue Warcraft material

"Try this part again?" The boy raised the knife with a smile, and Ian continued to feed.

A night of heavy rain, coupled with worrying about his brother and 'uncle', Ellen didn't sleep well in the elder's hall last night. He slept for a while at noon today, and he recovered his spirits, but he didn't eat for almost a whole day, and his stomach Really hungry cooing.

Blinking, Alan opened his mouth and bit down without thinking.

The days flew by like this.

"No, I'm not hungry!"

This is an excellent opportunity to increase prestige and reputation. Elder Pude is old, but Ian, as his future heir, is in great need.

Apparently the taste is milder...

From Mirage Reefs to Odell Reefs, all reefs are surrounded by coral rock shrimp colonies, and it is not difficult to catch. In Ian's vision, the prawns and eggs are rich white, while the high-quality beef ribs are It's more like milk-like richness, but it hasn't reached the light blue territory.

Because he was too embarrassed to trouble his brother and seemed too greedy, the little boy kept silently waiting for the meal to arrive.

Until summer passes and autumn comes.

Ian looked at his only relative in this world, and smiled softly: "Don't think too much, when you grow up, eat more... I'll go to the elders tomorrow to order some milk."

Rubbing Alan's little head, Ian went back to continue processing the steak - this time, he didn't need to do any more processing. He made a cup of honey syrup with bees and sugar water, then moved the pot away and cleaned it. It is good to cut the meat, and put a layer of oil and salt on the rib rack and grill it on the stove.

The teenager stirred with a few egg yolks and shrimp, and then added a spoonful of purified refined salt that he had picked up during his usual alchemy experiments. After confirming that it was all tasted, he wrapped it in a layer of potato starch, and then set it on fire and boiled the oil.

A plate of shrimp, a dozen eggs, and a beef rib.

The charcoal crystal sand water purifier made by Ian is not perfect, but the water quality of the Ewok River next to Port Harrison is already very good, and there is no possibility of disease after a little filtering and boiling.

Now that these nutrient-rich foods are available, venison and seagull meat take a back seat... Next time use them as bait.

The little boy looked a little worried. He still hasn't forgotten how his brother suddenly knelt on the ground in the morning, looking unbearably painful.

Aware of Elan's hesitant expression, Yi turned his head and smiled, and then continued to take the steak in front of him seriously.

Hearing his brother's voice, Ailan was shocked. He was a little embarrassed and seemed too greedy, but because Ian's dishes were so delicious, he obediently walked out of the room and went to the outer room to fetch water to wash his hands.


Shaking his head, Ian raised his head and looked at Elan, who was staring at him like a small animal. The water-colored eyes and the purple-colored eyes looked at each other, and the two brothers stared at each other's faces quietly.


Although he burned his tongue a little and felt a little heavy, Ellen couldn't help but want to take a second bite - he raised his head and looked at the kitchen, wanting to let his brother taste the deliciousness he made himself.

"Eat more, Ellen."

Not even a silver chip can quickly repair his nerve damage.

By the time Elam had the third shrimp, the prime rib was done.

But now, at dinner time, the pure protein aroma tumbled in the kitchen and also flowed into the house. Immediately, the little boy sat up from the bed and quietly ran out to check the situation.

At first, the taste of the egg yolk is crispy, and then there are tender shrimps with a salty and fresh fragrance. The meat of coral rock shrimp is difficult to be cooked, but if it is overcooked, the taste will be too tough, and adults may eat it. Still love the chewiness, but little kids can't appreciate it.

- Uncle, where are you? Is it really, it will take a long, long time not to come back?

"Delicious...Brother, do you want to eat too?"

"eat more."

And when Elan washed his hands and face and sat obediently at the table, a plate of golden fried shrimp was placed in front of him.

Bringing the ribs to the table, Ian couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Why, I didn't eat much today? Isn't it delicious?"

Looking at his brother, the white-haired boy turned his head again and glanced at the steak beside him, and the golden shrimp in front of him.

"Here, open your mouth."

"No matter how expensive it is."

But soon, he remembered that his nerves were damaged, and his perception in recent months would be defective.

Night after night passed.

Another night passed.

Ian said softly, while Elan vaguely sensed the boy's emotions, and said cautiously: "It's expensive, right? No, I'll drink some water and I can..."

In the identification horizon, the source material content of this box of shrimp is ten times that of venison, and the eggs are far more than its own kind.

Zizi... The sound of the steak being grilled is always so tempting, Ian controlled the heat and kept smearing honey syrup on the ribs, making the rich beef aroma waft out.

In the afternoon, in order to test the identification function of the silver chip, Ian walked for a long time in the fish market and livestock market, which caused Elan's hungry head to be a little confused. He rolled over and over on the bed for a long time until he had no strength to roll. No matter how much, I didn't wait for the lunch that should have appeared long ago.

In this regard, Elan firmly denied: "It's just a little salty... Brother, it's too salty, I think, drink some water..."

Ian first used a knife to peel off the shell and head, remove the shrimp line, leaving only pure white and tender shrimp. After he opened the back of the shrimp and cleaned it, he separated the eggs and placed them in clear yellow.

"Is that so... Then I'll make some honey water for you."

He couldn't help feeling a little pity.

The night passed.

The coral rock prawns in Port Harrison have hard, almost rock-like carapaces, hence their name. It is a large arthropod between tiger shrimp and Pipi shrimp (mantis shrimp). It feeds on small fish, algae and marine floats. One is half the size of an adult's palm, and ten in a plate It's over a pound, but it's pretty affordable at just one byson.

After a few seconds, the boy laughed.

He took a knife, cut a small piece of steak, and put it in front of Ellen's mouth: "How about the taste, how does it taste? I'll improve it next time."


But Ian's grasp of the heat is the essence. It is precisely when the rock shrimp is fully cooked, but not yet fried, and even a four- or five-year-old child like Elan can enjoy the delicious food.

It's no wonder that even nobles regard beef and mutton as valuable ingredients. The source material contained in these large-scale farmed creatures is probably second only to Warcraft and alien beasts like the Bison.

But the boy saw a squeak and oily rib being grilled.

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