Above The Sky

Chapter 131 Self Test (13)

Soon, Ellen scooped up a small bucket of boiled clean water.

The spoiling food scraps are more conspicuous than other places, the heat release of fermentation spoilage, and the various trace compounds secreted by the bacteria themselves are clearly visible in Ian's eyes today.

Alan, who was worried about his brother, slowly closed the door of his room, and the young man took a deep breath, then stared solemnly at his trembling hands.

"Yes, this is checking my body structure and muscle strength. Every joint of my body moves once. It looks like it's just a random twitch. In fact, every corner of my body moves once."

Let's not talk about the teacher, it is absolutely impossible to harm him, even if the chip is really not good, can he resist?

After receiving the feedback, the ripples converged in layers, converging on the inside of the brain.

"It's good to get some sleep."

"Next, presumably body limits and sublimation organs - if it can detect sublimation organs."

Sighing imperceptibly, Ian closed his eyes.

But now, these hands are shaking uncontrollably, let alone precision, he doubts that he can draw wavy lines just by holding a pen.

"That silver chip..."

He calmly frowned and felt: "The hallucination is also appearing. I even saw fish flying just now, and even heard the roar of the spaceship engine in the previous life... Wait, this is not an hallucination, is that chip reading my memory?"

Feeling all kinds of abnormal sensations of cold or heat, pain or acid in his body, Ian bit a wooden stick in his mouth to avoid accidentally biting his tongue due to uncontrolled stimulation.

In front of it, even the ancient dragon core left by Hilliard was nothing but a star in the Milky Way, a little golden sun.

It was the morning now, and the bright sunlight after the rain leaked into the house through the window and shone on the table.

When he opened his eyes again, he had opened the vision of precognition.

At the same time, the perception of heat becomes apparent.

But it was only for a moment, the heat surged up like a tide and receded like a tide.

Ian felt that his hands didn't look like hands, and his legs didn't look like legs, just a few sticks. If he wanted to move it, it would take a few seconds to see it respond to the call.

And many, many colors that humans should not be able to see, just came into the eyes of the young man.

He opened his eyes and saw a completely different world.

If it is an ordinary person, if he realizes that his memory and brain computing power have been mobilized, he will undoubtedly feel fear.

It is as familiar as the distance between the earth and the moon, and the wireless control of engineering robots.

Then, Ian saw it.

His sand armor apprentice has already achieved a little, and ordinary flames can't do much harm to him at all. He has overcome the fear of this pain, so he can control it.

The soreness and itchiness are also gradually fading, replaced by an extreme delay.

But the real point is the abnormality of the nerves - from the limbs to the spine, from the inside of the internal organs to the ends of the five fingers, an indescribably strange stimulus that makes it difficult for Ian to control his body.

Just like now.

There are still food residues in the tableware that has not been cleaned up, and the dried fish hanging behind the window shakes slightly.

In the eyes of Ian at this moment, the colorful level of the whole world has been enriched by at least several major levels, which is more real and deeper than the improvement of all graphics cards.

Ian's original control over his body has reached the level of millimeters. He can continuously use the carving knife to draw a hundred identical five-millimeter straight lines, no more than one millimeter, no less than one millimeter, as stable as a machine.

"My thinking was blurred just now and was significantly weakened, but now it has returned to normal... Yes, this is the result of the brain's computing power being invoked - this silver chip itself does not have computing power, it is connected to my nerves, Engage my brain itself to scan itself."

As Ian expected, soon, as the delay faded away, Ian's body suddenly began to heat up - extreme heat seemed to pour out of every corner of the body, every muscle fiber, every cell, and instantly The boy's face was flushed red, and steam that was visible to the naked eye overflowed from his body.

"Ultraviolet vision and infrared vision...and thermal imaging."

The thing that showed unprecedented, 'rainbow' light in the vision horizon.

If it was just a simple burning sensation, Ian wasn't afraid.

Ian's eyes swept across the room where Ellan was, and he could clearly see the infrared radiation residue left by his brother's actions, which was a light red mist that was scattered and broken.

But this time, the test was quite gentle - Ian only felt as if a faint wave swept across his body, and all sublimation organs instinctively gave feedback.

But for Ian, who often needs to connect nerves with auxiliary maintenance AI and construction machinery, this feeling is as intimate as returning home.

He narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully: "After testing nerve sensitivity, tolerance, memory and brain computing power, are you now starting to test signal fluency? Interesting, then the previous limb twitches and visceral spasms should also be It's not just pain..."

At the door, the heat from his previous struggles and pain became clearer.

Ian muttered to himself, he recalled the strange thing that the teacher gave him at the last moment, the streamer that seemed to gather all the endless stars in it.

The boy of Bai Zhimin muttered to himself, he stood up and looked around the whole house-he felt that his eyes were very different from before, and a layer of source material structure suddenly appeared in his deep pupil, which could sense the light in the ultraviolet band, and The structure of the orbital lens also changes due to the source material, and it can capture light in the infrared band.

In addition to the more vivid and obvious pure colors, he can also see that the golden halo on the surface shines on the brown table, overflowing with a layer of light red and blue-purple halos, while others are not illuminated by the sun. where the hue is bluish, but just as clear.

It's like the whole body is spontaneously reacting to stress. If he doesn't control it, his body is likely to twitch indiscriminately, twisting indecently in a way that violates the normal behavior of the human body.

"The pain is waning...it's tingling now."

And now, in the vision horizon, the rainbow-colored brilliance has begun to spread from the brain, extending to every corner of his body.

Through the door and wall of the room, the teenager could even see a red light - the little boy was hugging in a ball on the bed, as if he was worried and a little sleepy because he didn't sleep well last night.

Extreme data is not difficult to test, followed by sublimation organs.

All fear stems from the unknown. When you can roughly understand the context of a thing, many things do not need to be guessed.

Ian wasn't worried that the strange thing would be harmful to him.

At this time, Ian had roughly controlled his limbs, and after pouring a few saliva, he urged Elan to go back to his room to rest.

At this moment, Ian felt an explosive force coming from his body.

The pain is not unbearable.

All the engineers on board in the previous life had to undergo a memory review, which felt that Ian could not say familiar, but it did seem familiar: "What is that? I don't have an electronic brain now, and it can search for long-term memory by scanning the bioelectric signals of the organic brain. What kind of magic technology is this... oh, this is the magic world, when I didn't say it."

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