Above The Sky

Chapter 113 I'm Here (1210!)

It was confirmed that Hilliard was indeed in Harrison Harbor, but Weggs, who was hiding his identity, drove a canoe to the vicinity of Odell Reef in the far sea of ​​Nanling.

It is afternoon now, and in the distant place where the sea and the sky meet, clouds and storms can be vaguely seen converging, and even a small thunder can be seen flickering in the distant rain clouds.

With the Odell Reef as the center, it is a dangerous reef area. The reefs like swords are erected in the sea unevenly, and you can vaguely see that black morays of different sizes can be seen staggered swimming in the Sword Reef.

In the entire Harrison Harbor, only the Silverscale fleet can hunt eels around Odell Reef, because Captain Silverscale is the one who hunted the tidal fish king and became the sublimation of the wavebreaker.

He made a 'deal' with the native swarm of eels, the captain would drive the shoal to Odell Reef, and the swarm would allow the fleet to capture their 'unlucky kind'.

The eel group got free food, and it also reduced the pressure on the group, and they could eliminate those defective products that were stupid enough to be captured by humans without struggling to kill each other.

And Captain Silverscale can trade cheap dead sardines for a pound of sambaisen's eel meat, and occasionally get precious essentia, even potion ingredients.

It's a win-win for both sides!

As for the fish...

Hi, no one here can talk to the fish anyway.

However, it is not every day that the Silverscale fleet will come to Odell Reef to catch eels... They have a fixed time, and it is obviously not the day to hunt eels recently.

Wiggs stood on the stable canoe, and he stared at the bare sea, as if there were dense marks on the indestructible reef, like a heavy fortress full of scars from enemy attacks.

Just looking at it, there is a cold and damp breath that follows.

Aldair Reef is a gathering place of psychic fields - this is an open secret, after all, if there is no such field, no matter how resource-rich the ocean, there can be enough to support an entire swarm of eels. resource.

If it were any other time, Weggs would probably try to get a little benefit from this psionic field. After all, this natural field has experienced hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, and will precipitate many natural element crystals, one that can be directly motivated. Natural psionic gem crystal.

As long as you get a piece of high-purity element crystal, you will get hundreds of thalers.

But now, he doesn't have the time or the intention to greedy for such a little cheap.

He just observed carefully, in detail, and without the slightest omission, the criss-crossing scars on the rocks that were so solid that they were almost immortal.

"It's the mentor... Haha, this sword is exactly the mentor's edgeless sword!"

"He is really here, just in Port Harrison. Two years ago, he blocked the two giant eels here, and kept Port Harrison from being breached by natives and sea beasts!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Weggs suppressed his excitement at the moment, and he forced himself to calm down: "Moreover, the instructor also used a real technique... He completely suppressed the frontal and defeated the two giant beasts."

"With a body that has been ravaged by the virus, it is still possible to do this. It is worthy of being the first knight of the empire in the past..."

"But, now... how much 'life' do you have left to squander, mentor?!"

Not afraid of his former mentor, the black-haired knight even clenched his hands, trembling, embarrassed by his excitement.

"Don't worry...let me think about it."

Exhaling a breath, Weggs forced himself to calm down, he whispered to himself: "Two years ago, the teacher did not hesitate to fight with the indigenous totem master... He must be still recuperating now, he is in Port Harrison, just incognito , or changed his identity and lived a cautious and low-key life..."

"Two years ago, what else was important?"

A silver-white halo lit up in his eyes, and the knight turned on his psychic power and began to gather the voices in the whole city to help himself speculate on Hilliard's possible identity: "Let me think about it..."

Sounds began to converge.

Two years ago, special, war, indigenous...

Key words were selected one by one, with the ripples of psionic energy shaking the network, and then pouring into the owner of the network, the spider crawling in the web of streaming sound.

With the opening of ideas, some ideas that were not connected at all began to aggregate and reorganize...

Finally, connect in the mind.

"Two years ago, the indigenous attack, the surviving psionic child, the seriously injured uncle..."

Whispering in a low voice, it was like a beam of light overflowing from Weggs' eyes. He tightly pressed his blood vessel's bulging forehead, almost gnashing his teeth to listen to the sounds transmitted from the psionic imprints - those It was almost a voice that burst out of my heart.

"The aboriginal war that followed, the big storm, the sea beasts that invaded the city, the huge crocodile dragon..."

He knelt on the canoe, the black-haired knight closed his eyes, but the materialized light still penetrated his eyelids and shone on the surrounding sea: "The crocodile dragon repelled by the city guards and children, the two giant giants in the sea were blocked. beast……"

"Genius, hope, would rather spend what little life I have left to protect him..."

Drops of blood overflowed from the eye sockets, mouth, nose and ears, dripping on the damp wooden board, and it kept spilling out.

But Weggs didn't stop at the slightest bit, which almost took the initiative to push himself into a psionic rampage.

He even grinned and laughed: "Severely injured uncle - a genius psionic child!"

"The rubbish that originally sucked black mushrooms has returned to normal in the last two years because of the awakening of my nephew... Is it possible that I saw a young genius seeing the joy of hunting and killing that scumbag uncle, so I replaced it myself, By the way, hiding your identity here?"

"And the other party is a genius who can assist a team of city guards and be able to repel the mountain master... Yes, since the natives are all invading, how can an ordinary eight-year-old psionicist stop the elite natives? raid?"

"He must be different, or in other words, the genius is unbelievable!"

"—All the clues are gathered!"

Raising his head, Weggs turned around, even though the blood was still dripping, he opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction of Port Harrison with those dark green pupils: "Ian! That's the name... that's you! "

"Now, the final confirmation step is left!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the knight stood up, wiped a handful of blood on his face, and then whispered in a voice that had been forcibly suppressed with a smile, but still couldn't hold back completely: "Yes, that uncle's has indeed been replaced. become a mentor..."

"Found, that uncle's body!"

The canoe is windless and automatic.

Driven by the power of the sublimator, the invisible oars shook violently, causing the boat to advance rapidly.

And the direction it is heading is the east side of Harrison Harbor.

East of Port Harrison, Lake Forest.

The heavy footsteps of the knight dragged in the thick rotten leaves, bringing up the sound of breaking branches and leaves.

Although the knight's face was full of blood, exuding a very delicious taste for all kinds of hunters, but not even half a beast dared to approach this black-haired man in black armor.

The invisible source material rolled, overflowed from him, rolled, and spread out in all directions.

"It won't be in the west of the city, where it was extremely dangerous two years ago. It can't be in the official road, there are too many caravans, and you will be discovered if you are not careful."

"It's only possible in the east - the lake forest in the east!"

There was a firm and indifferent light flashing in the dark green eyes, and Weggs was using his full force at this time.


Spiders are web-weaving creatures and hunters who feed on insects.

However, many people may not know that the close relatives of spiders are actually those scorpions that dormant in the sand and crabs that run rampant in the sea.

Those 'knights' who wrap themselves in carapaces to protect themselves, have sturdy armors and hard shells.

The apprentice of the city of immortality in the past, the current patrol knight, was the apprentice of the sand armor and the sublime of the rock cast knight.

However, after the Dark Moon turmoil that led to the sudden departure of the mentor and the death of most of the patrolling knights, all elders, brothers and familiar people died because of this, who would dare to continue to practice this forbidden inheritance?

You can only take the risk of distortion and change the door at the cost of not being able to advance for decades.

In the past, the knight of the True Form and the Unmoving Fortress, and the current cultivator of the bloodline and enamel scorpion spider, does not rely on physical nets to hunt prey.

This sublimated beast can listen to the vibrations dozens of kilometers away from the ground, accurately judge the approach of the prey, and then... rush out with lightning speed and kill the enemy!

In addition, the armor made of solid calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate can also protect its fragile internal organs.


Bone is made up of calcium.

At this moment, with Weggs activating the sublimation organs in his body, the 'earth element' in the surrounding earth, or the 'calcium element', instigated with his own will.

Immediately, pieces of broken bones, fine sand and gravel, as well as calcareous dust that God knows what it was originally, poured out from the surrounding earth, rock formations and rotten leaves, spinning around the knight in black armor.

He walked all the way, sensed all the way, listened all the way... Finally, he arrived at a shallow lake.

The transparent lake water reflects the sunset light falling from the sky, the clouds are swayed by the wind, and there are many insects roaring in the humid breath.

"right here."

The iron boots stepped down, crushing an unknown beetle, and Weggs came to the root of a lush tree.

He narrowed his eyes, stared somewhere near the roots, and smiled.


The shock sounded, the earth began to agitate as if it had life, and the soil began to rise continuously under the will of the knight, rising...

Then, a section of speckled white bones was revealed!

Shortness of breath for a moment, Weggs took a deep breath, and then focused again, activating the essence.

Clap la la, the sound of falling dirt sounded.

Soon, along with the violent fluctuation of the earth element source material, the cover of the soil was broken open, and it was lifted up by an invisible force like a volcanic eruption, and it erupted——

And a tall and mutilated skeleton, without the skeleton of the right leg, has returned to the world from the underground that has never been seen in the world!

"It's you!"

Looking at the skeleton in front of him with great surprise, Weggs was ecstatic. He looked at the broken adult man's skeleton in front of him, and couldn't help clenching his fists: "It's you! The uncle beside the psionicist Ian, yes, his Distortion of the right leg, everything corresponds to it!"

"Teacher, so this is your hidden identity!"

At this moment, Weggs wants to cheer, shout, and use this extreme behavior to vent his excitement and anguish, as well as unparalleled joy: "You're right there!"

"I found you!"

He shouted ecstatically.

Until a voice came from behind him.


A tired, helpless and indifferent voice came from behind the black armored knight: "Sure enough, Weggs, you are a smart child."

With the sound of footsteps that were no longer hidden and incomparably clear, the knight looked back in amazement.

He saw a familiar figure standing in front of him.

Hilliard Lexi stood in front of his former apprentice, the gray-haired knight and the black-haired knight looked at each other, calm eyes and shocked eyes.

He smiled and said calmly, "Yes, you found me."

"I am here."

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