Above The Sky

Chapter 109 The Betrayer (810)

"It's a good feeling..."

Looking around, Ian said softly, his eyes swept across the surrounding objects and seats as if in substance: "These cracks, fragile places, and the worms crawling in the wood are so clear... "

"The colors are clearly layered, and you can even see specific details, just like when you saw the totem knife on Elan's body... Is this the result of my psychic enhancement?"

Since the enemy's psionic energy can feed back information through sound, it proves that his psychic energy must have some connection with his body.

The invisible connection wasn't visible before, but now, Ian feels like he can see it clearly.

Even, in turn, spy and see where the other party is!

Shutting his mouth, the teenager shook his head, he stepped forward, and opened Alan's room.

Ellen was watching with interest the fight between two beetles on the window sill. It was some kind of ladybug-like bug that built its nest in wood and stone cracks. The boy noticed the movement behind him. He turned his head and saw himself. Bright-eyed brother.

"elder brother?"

Alan opened his mouth suspiciously and made a sound.

So, the purple psionic mark on top of the boy's head was triggered, activated.

And then... the vibrations pass!

At this moment, Ian opened his eyes wide, and while taking the perception potion, his psychic perception was also improved, he clearly saw that the dark purple mist that was originally blurred suddenly extended after a flash!

It's like, like a spider's silk - a blurry, seemingly unreal light strip, it turns into a hazy mist line, straight to the other side of the distant sky!

Not only that, in the entire city, there are thousands of threads stretching and shaking.

The entire Port of Harrison... It was like being covered by a purple spider web, and in an instant, countless voices were transmitted!


Immediately closing the door under Elan's suspicious eyes, Ian turned his head and whispered to Hilliard, who came to the door after him, "He's in the west of the city... No, farther, he's already out of the city!"

"Teacher, he is now located in the indigenous gathering area of ​​the Redwood Forest, probably around the Purple Leaf Forest..."

Although he can't directly see the location of the other party, but with the powerful sensing power of the vision horizon, Ian can be very responsible and sure that the other party is in the position he pointed out!

- hum.

And at this moment, with a loud noise, Hilliard, who was standing in front of Ian with a solemn expression, disappeared.


Dilated pupils, even with Ian's first energy level sublimator level, plus the dynamic vision enhanced by the perception potion, he could not see exactly when the old knight disappeared.

What can be seen and sensed, only the door that has been opened, and the curtains and clothes that are still blowing.

The warm June winds blow into the house, bringing a humid coastal air.

"...How strong was the teacher back then? And it should be just to monitor, right? If we really want to kill that knight, we have to wait for us to prepare a trap..."

After blinking his eyes, he was able to realize what was going on. Ian let out a sigh of relief and shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, it was also my promise to the teacher, but it was too urgent."

The boy knew very well that the dispatch of the old knight was inevitable.

After all... Hilliard, the loser of the Dark Moon turmoil decades ago, went from a well-known powerhouse to a wanted criminal who is now incognito.

Everything about him will be cleaned, tampered with, and completely erased.

In this case, why did his apprentice still survive and continue to work as the 'Knights of Patrol' who are theoretically 'the emperor's confidants'?

As a knight, at least, consider yourself a knight.

Hilliard, it is impossible to tolerate the appearance of a 'traitor' among his past disciples, even if they have only taught them for a short period of time!

Thinking of this, Ian shook his head slightly, this was not something he could stop.

"Brother, what happened just now?"

At the same time, the door was opened, and Elan stuck his head out in confusion, looked left and right, and then asked puzzled, "The door, why, is it open?"

"...It's okay, I didn't close the door tightly just now, and a gust of wind blew the door open."

After being silent for a while, Ian leaned down and hugged Alan. He smiled calmly: "It might rain this afternoon, so don't go out."

"Brother will go outside and bring you some novel plants. Maybe it's sublimation plants?"


Blinking his eyes, Elan, who didn't understand what was going on, immediately put down his previous doubts after hearing Ian's promise, and cheered happily, "Brother, it's the best!"

The other side.

"...Viscount Grant has granted me the authority, and I can command everyone except his trusted knights - you scouts are naturally within the scope of my command."

Purple Leaf Forest, in the hidden camp in the forest, Weggs frowned and looked around at the uneasy and pale scouts in front of him.

He clapped his hands and patiently comforted: "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to be cannon fodder... If I really do, Viscount Grant will report me to the Knights, can I still understand the importance of intelligence networks? ?"

"All I want is that you take me to sneak behind the natives, and then you can retreat. I will do the tongue scratching and interrogation at the back, and I will ensure that no one will find out."

The seven scouts present looked at each other in dismay. They received the secret sentry belonging to Viscount Grant and hurried to the safe camp from all over the place to gather, but found that the visitor was an imperial envoy, a patrol knight.

This is not surprising, the empire, it is normal to send a few masters down from time to time.

The black-haired knight has a handsome face, gentle words, and a very kind tone. He is much more reasonable than those gentlemen who are hard to talk, and he is obviously an expert in intelligence work.

But even so, the seven scouts were still cowardly.

"Why, are you all so timid? The scouts in the southern border are so daring?"

Weiggs narrowed his eyes and noticed the unnaturalness of these scouts. He casually nodded: "You, tell me, what are the names of the tribes dedicated to the four totem masters, and where are they located?"

"Ah, me?"

The named scout looked quite young, he seemed to be in his twenties, he looked helplessly around his colleagues on both sides, and then, under the gazes of all his colleagues, stammered: "Actually... uh, the Sequoia native said yes The four totems actually have five totem masters..."

"And there are only two of the four major tribes that live up to their names. The Fog Nest Tribe has declined and is still settled in the Miasma Forest. After the Shanchao Tribe merged with the Linhai Tribe, it is currently the co-owner of the Great Redwood Forest and lives in the ancestral land of Elephant Bone. Mountains... Only the Tenglan tribe can resist the power of the mountain tide department a little, and now they are nomadic fishing and hunting on the west coast..."

"Tenglan Department, isn't it... This name is really simple and straightforward, saving me the effort to identify. Well, that's it."

Thinking of the two giant eels that might be blocked by the mentor, the black-haired knight heard the information he wanted and nodded with satisfaction: "Isn't this clear? Pick two familiar paths and take me to the west coast to catch one. Tongue, I will take credit for you."

All the scouts raised their heads and looked at him in astonishment, but no one dared to respond to his words.


Noticing that no one responded, Weggs raised his brows. He did not use psionic energy, nor was he angry at the silence of the other party. By simply observing words and expressions, he realized that the behavior of these scouts was not right.

So he pretended to be the most normal old man and scolded: "You bastards are still afraid? Don't worry, I am a second-level elite knight with a title, even if you call these native tribes in the countryside. It is impossible for the totem spirit to block me!"

"And so what if you really die, won't I give a pension? If you refuse to obey, I can execute you on the spot in the name of the patrol knight!"

"No, no, sir..."

Immediately, one of the oldest scouts trembled and knelt down and bowed: "Just... what information do you want? We are all old people here, is it possible that we don't need to scratch our tongues, we can tell What you want to know..."

- Sure enough, there is a secret.

Nodding thoughtfully, Weggs already had the answer in his heart, but he still threatened: "What I want to investigate is the real royal secret, and it has nothing to do with all the information in your small places!"

"Don't talk nonsense, take me there, this is an order!"

Undoubtedly, for these scouts who came from flat-headed commoners, Wiggs' status as a patrol knight and royal party background is indeed enough to make them tremble - but even so, it is better to say that after such a threat, these All the scouts were even more afraid to speak.

The black-haired knight nodded slightly. He had already guessed the answer, but he was not sure yet.

Therefore, a pale white fluorescent light lit up in his dark green eyes... The fluorescent light like spider silk shone directly into the eyes of a scout with a look of fear on his face.

The voice...the voice of the heart is echoing.

Listen carefully...then, Weggs was smirked.

"I couldn't believe it at first."

The dim light faded and the psionic energy ended. The knight shook his head in disbelief, raised his hand, and pointed at the scouts who dared not move in front of him: "Is Viscount Grant really colluding with the natives?!"

All the scouts raised their heads in amazement.

——They didn’t say a word, how could this knight from the imperial capital guess everything? !

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