Above The Sky

Chapter 107 Clairvoyance And Shunfeng Ear (610)

Weggs took out a pen and paper from one side. He didn't need lights and could easily write in the dark: "Five suspicious points have been found so far."

"Four years ago, a team of natives disappeared, delaying the purchase of local smugglers and losing nearly a hundred talers. I still remember it so far, and the purchased materials just happened to be able to make water breathing medicine."

"Three years ago, a fishing boat went to Odell Reef to catch eels, and it disappeared. The whereabouts are unknown, and the family is still paying homage."

"Eight years ago, the local judge of Port Harrison, Sir Cradower, was struck and killed by an ironclad shark - a very strange death. And the follow-up, Sir Porumba, went out five years ago and disappeared on the way to the sea, The Viscount Mansion has no desire to investigate this at all."

"Well, the above is a bit reluctant, it feels like an ordinary political struggle... Where is the fool, I can see that the Viscount is very controlling, and he will just leave his post and let the virtuous, why bother to be killed by the iron armored shark. "

After complaining, Weggs shook his head slightly. He didn't even bother to write this 'bad deed' in the report of Port Harrison - if he didn't write it, the big man in the imperial capital might still make up for some messy bad behavior, and this Writing small things that are big ass can prove that Viscount Grant has almost nothing else to do.

That's it? Viscount Grant can even run for sainthood among the nobility!

After pondering for a while, the black-haired knight continued to write doubts: "Two years ago, when the natives invaded, Viscount Grant confronted the great shaman, and a team of young city guards and the eight-year-old psionicist Ian resisted together. The native attack miraculously assisted the viscount in repelling the great shaman, and in the end only the youngest city guard and the psyker survived."

"It was also two years ago that the natives attacked Harrison Harbor with their totem masters, but the impact of the sea beasts was far less than expected. It may be that the beast tide was driven by people."

"Well, there are only five main doubts. Behind each of them, there may be a mentor's shot or something related to the mentor."

"It may be to obtain the underwater breathing potion needed to go out to sea, or the ships needed to go out to sea, and the information of local tyrants."

"As for the last two, I feel like the mentor's sudden kindness... Helping the imperial army and civilians defend against the indigenous invasion? If I were a wanted criminal, I would definitely not have such a spare time, but if it was a teacher, he would definitely take action."

"Furthermore, is that young psionicist also awakened to psionic power two years ago..."

Standing up, the knight put the notes in his arms: "Come one by one."

Weggs is very clear that the doubt most likely to be related to the mentor is the last one - the others are essentially far-fetched, and they are a few slightly reliable doubts that he can barely collect in the past few days. .

The natives were heavily armed and invaded on a large scale, and all the walls of Port Harrison collapsed. As a result, only one of the four totem spirits came.

Even if the spirit of the sea of ​​​​trees can't come, and the two totem spirits of Teng Tide and Gulang can't land, they can still drive sea beasts away! It is impossible for the natives to make the rudimentary mistake of not offering enough sacrifices.

The sea beasts did not gather together to attack Port Harrison, or they were blocked by the mentor, or it was a big show of collusion between Port Harrison and the natives!

A game that disguised Port Harrison into a precarious mess, turning it into a mess that made the Empire too lazy to send someone to intervene, and a reason to keep asking for aid!

"Instructor's current physical condition, it is estimated that he will help drive away the sea beasts. He has more than his heart but is not enough. This is the sadness of the hero."

Shaking his head slightly, although he said it frivolously, his tone was very serious: "The first knight of the year has actually been reduced to the present level..."

"But it's good for me."

The above five doubts, no matter which one is possible, are all credits, which will help Weggs get rid of the current predicament.

Of course, if he is willing to wait for more than ten days, he will definitely be able to obtain more and more detailed information through keyword search and observation of specific people... but he can't stay for too long.

The investigation time for Weggs in the imperial capital was not long. He must collect clues as soon as possible, find a mentor, and achieve his goal.

If possible, Weggs actually wanted to ask Hilliard a question he had always wanted to ask.

One has to do with the Dark Moon turmoil.

as well as……

[Black King's Relic] problem.

In addition, the duration of his psychic power is about ten days. If the first cycle has not gotten the clues he wants, the second cycle will be much more difficult... He has no relevant excuses, and then To reach out to those people a second time.

"Time waits for no one, it's time to go."

Looking at his pocket watch, the black-haired knight stepped towards the door.

Wiggs' first target was the native land west of Port Harrison.

He believed that the clues he wanted were there.

There are also 'voices' that he can listen to.

"It's almost time."

At the same time, Ian was also staring at the pocket watch and at the cauldron emitting light blue fluorescence in front of him.

The youth's eyes flashed with aqua light, which was more dazzling than the light in the cauldron.

The pocket watch gifted by Viscount Grant was suspected of having some kind of recording and eavesdropping device, but soon, Ian realized that it was a simple pocket watch with at most three blue-green gemstones inlaid on it, which seemed very precious.

At this moment, the sun is shining outside, and although there are still clouds, it shouldn't rain before nightfall.

With the observation of sunlight, any Harrison Hong Kong person can know that the current time is about two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is no need for a pocket watch.

But it was clear that the boy didn't need a pocket watch these days to confirm whether it was afternoon or not.

What he needs is the lack of planning in this era, 'accurate to the second'.

On the other side, already wearing a saber, Hilliard, with a serious expression, silently watched his student activate his psionic power, and then added various materials to the cauldron according to the second hand of his pocket watch.

"Three hundred milliliters of purified water, fifty grams of Siberia Herb, eight grams of gray crystal, thirty-five grams of blue mist mushroom powder, five spinal nerves of tongueless lizards, and twenty-three grams of fluorescent algae. The corresponding schedule is added in sequence, stirring with a silver stick, until a clear liquid oozes out of the surface..."

Reciting the formula of the 'Perception Enhancement Potion' provided by Hilliard in his heart, Ian earnestly used the alchemy knowledge he had learned from Elder Pude in the past two years, and reproduced it as much as possible.

A few days ago, since they noticed that someone was using psionic energy to monitor their family's life, Ian and Hilliard, in addition to acting as a normal family, were still thinking about how to fight back and find the true identity of each other.

Yes - even passers-by know that the patrol knight from the empire, the fluent Wiggs has come to Harrison Harbor... This person, 99%, or that Hilliard has determined Now, the other party is the 'former apprentice' that he is familiar with, that is, the person who casts psychic power on Elan and monitors them.

At present, the other party estimates that they are just monitoring them. After all, such a young psionicist is worth spending some time paying attention to, so the real secrets of the two have not been exposed.

However, it can't just hide it unilaterally, and it must not be allowed to move freely by the patrol knight. Otherwise, a master who is intent on chasing Hilliard's clues will definitely find their clues!

You must take the initiative to attack and monitor in turn... or even prepare to kill the opponent in advance!

But where are the others?

Weggs lives in a secluded place. Even if he travels, he will disguise his identity. Even Ian has confirmed that the other party has recently contacted and beaten many guests and challengers by virtue of his identities as 'divine masters' and 'mercenaries', and spread a large number of 'spirits'. Can imprint 'gather information, but he can not determine the true location of Weggs.

Why? It's very simple, because Weggs uses psionic energy almost like wholesale. Now, in Ian's eyes, as soon as the vision of precognition is opened, the whole city is churning with purple mist!

If the vision of vision is weaker, it will not be affected by this kind of thing... It's just that Ian's psionic energy is too sensitive, and even a single psionic mark can be clearly displayed, which makes Ian unable to grasp the true body of Weggs at all. .

So, he can only find another way.

If you can't be weaker, then become stronger!

"The other party can use the sound to trigger the psionic energy and feed back the body information, then on the other hand, as long as I enhance my perception, I can also directly see where the body is by observing the feedback of the psionic energy!"

- Psionic wiretap, right?

- I'm sorry, I'm a psionic surveillance camera!

This is what the teenager thinks, as long as he improves his perception, Ian believes that he can definitely grab the opponent's tail!

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