Above The Sky

Chapter 105 The Diviner (410)

At this moment, Viscount Grant is neither angry nor violent, he just feels an unprecedented tension.

The aristocrat frowned, thinking about the meaning behind the action of the imperial capital: "My father's mission was to build a strong port and let the empire take root at the edge of Nanling. In this way, he will have enough credit to make it happen. Your Majesty... Let His Majesty the late emperor bestow the potion, this is the only way to advance to the broken Grant family at that time, and the opportunity to return to the noble class."

"Father did complete his mission, but he was also seriously injured and couldn't take the potion... His Majesty the late emperor entrusted the Harrison Port to our family as compensation, which is also a direct control of this place in disguise."

"Now the imperial capital has sent another patrol knight at the second peak of the energy level. What is this going to do? Do you want to replace me? Do you want to harvest the fruits of our family's construction for decades?"


Thinking of this, Viscount Grant shook his head again. It was not a fluke, but he knew very well that the probability of such a thing happening was too low: "Our Majesty is not a fool, and it will not do any good except to create chaos."

"To banish a frontier aristocrat in one sentence, he wouldn't think that it is still the ZTE era of the late emperor, right?"

Unlike other nobles who used to refer to the late emperor as the 'Black King', Viscount Grant did not have this habit: "But the question arises... why is this?"

No wonder the Viscount was so nervous.

After all, he understands the reasons for his family's decline and rebirth better than anyone else...and why Harrison Harbor has been ignored by the imperial capital for decades.

Decades ago, the late emperor Inaiga II died suddenly in his heyday, leaving no edict. The original crown prince wanted to inherit the throne, but many princes and daughters claimed that they were the real heirs. The Dark Moon turmoil that almost destroyed half of the imperial capital.

A duke, many high-ranking nobles and ascendants perished, and most of the imperial family was removed.

These are just hearsay, of course, it is impossible for Viscount Grant to know what the truth is about the turmoil in the imperial capital that is half a continent away from him.

But he is very clear that his family line is the 'confidant' of the late emperor Inaga II.

The Grant family is the military nobles of the original quiet sea fortress group. In the past, they made great contributions during the second dark mountain turmoil and were awarded knights. Then, in the first pioneering movement, they built a castle in the north of Shenshagang. The fortress became a very common fortress nobleman at that time, guarding the frontier.

With generations of guarding the frontiers of the empire, fighting chaotic beasts and intelligent aliens, the Grant family finally has a hereditary viscount.

But the good times didn't last long, and the third dark mountain turmoil broke out.

This time, the Grant family did not hold on.

Losing the support of fortresses, fiefs and territorial people, the Grant family is left with the title of aristocrat. Even if the imperial capital does not revoke the title due to hard work, it can only hold its own identity and continue to fight on the frontier, and Other frontier nobles who also lost their fortresses hoped for a miraculous victory to regain their territory that had become a virgin forest.

Until Inaga II re-used their group of lost landless nobles.

The old Viscount Grant was a die-hard loyalist to the late emperor. Even if he died, he felt guilty for not completely pacifying the Nanling Mountains for the empire—but the current Viscount is different. He is very clear that his identity is in the eyes of the current emperor of the empire, the defender of the soil, Axel. , completely belongs to the 'Remainders of the Former Dynasty'.

At least, it's not "my own".

No matter what the other party wants to do for Port Harrison, the more important it is, the more likely it is that the other party will send someone to replace the Grant family and take Port Harrison into their own hands.

"so troublesome."

Viscount Grant sighed: "This is a noble with insufficient strength."

Whether all his rights exist or not is just a matter of thought for the real superior.

And, like the late emperor gilded his father, he used his own family to gild the knights he admired for his merits, and then he was thrown into a remote place to be a country viscount.

Yes - no matter how rural, maybe it's better than a real frontier area like Port Harrison.

But in Port Harrison, there is hope, and freedom!

Unless, he can become a master of the third energy level and become a heart light.

Be the 'cornerstone of an empire'.

In that case, as long as he is still alive, even if the opponent is the emperor of the empire, it is absolutely impossible to easily deprive him of everything.

Because the cornerstone of the empire was forged by nobles and ascendants like them!

"Find out a way to figure out the guy's real purpose."

Turning his head, Viscount Grant said to Yam and Lamar, with a solemn expression: "Send someone to follow him. If I want to know his every move, where he goes, and what he does, I must be clear."


Yam and Lamar looked at each other, the knight shook his head and said, "This patrol knight... is very honest."


Touching his chin, Viscount Grant was a little puzzled: "He made an appointment with me and will not expel our personnel to follow - this is an agreement, not honesty."

"No, my lord." Lamar on the other side spoke, the red-haired financial officer turned his head and gestured to the central avenue outside the window of the Viscount's Mansion: "Since this morning, our visitor to the imperial capital has taken off his armor, concealed his identity, and has been in Stay in the Long Gull Tavern."

"Pub? He likes to drink? But he doesn't smell at all. I can sense that there is no alcohol in his veins."

This time, Viscount Grant was even more puzzled: "The stewed fish is a little more delicious over the long gull. Boley was the only one in the guards."

"Indeed." Even Knight Yam couldn't help but complain: "He served us food for five years, and we also ate stewed fish for five years."

"Don't mention that dog thing." Viscount Grant showed an unbearable expression: "What on earth is he going to do?"

Obviously, neither Yam nor Lamar can answer this question.

at the same time.

Inside the Longgull Tavern.

"Well... this gentleman, your married life is not very harmonious, is it?"

In the corner of the tavern, a man with a very good appearance, wearing a somewhat damaged astrologer's robe, with a slightly mysterious and decadent look, was surrounded by a group of drinkers watching the fun, and said solemnly to a sailor who looked uneasy: "Mrs. Zun is very loyal to you, but you always suspect that the other party is unfaithful - why not consider it as your own problem?"

"I recommend you go to the pharmacy to buy some concentrated sea cucumber powder, which can effectively supplement nutrition and physical strength."

"Hahahaha, Seid, you early X man, I said that your stuff is not good, you are bragging all the time, it will be exposed now!" "That is, isn't your wife a good person." "No, How do you know that Seid can't?" "Nonsense, there are no women in the ocean for ten or twenty days, even if Old Bill doesn't know, the fish will know!"

Rude laughter and ridicule immediately flooded the entire Longgull Tavern, bringing unexpected joy to a group of sailor fishermen who were drunk except for work.

No one can tell a joke that doesn't offend anyone - in other words, as long as it's a joke that can offend people, most of it is very funny.

"Hu, nonsense! You liar, your divination is not accurate at all—"

Withdrawing his hand from the hand of the 'fortune teller', the sailor who was questioned about 'can't do it?' was furious. He raised the wine glass beside him, intending to cover the face of this nonsense fortune teller in front of him. superior.

But just before he raised his hand, the fortune teller also stretched out his hand, and a hand with a thick and long callus pressed down on the sailor's arm.

The angry sailor was still a little unconvinced. He struggled a few times, but was stunned to find that his arm could not move, even...

"Chenghui, two Finneys."

Looking at those deep dark green eyes, the sailor named Said swallowed. He suddenly felt a chill in his spine, and then scolded in a low voice, took out two Finneys from his arms and slapped them on the table. Immediately after the fortune-teller let go, he got up and left, and stumbled out of the tavern while coaxing and jeering at acquaintances and strangers.

Looking at the direction, he most likely went to the pharmacy.

Watching the marked sailor leave the tavern, the Fortune Teller smiled slightly.

He took Finney in his arms and showed all the other onlookers the seat in front of him.

"Offer, only two pfennigs today."

The fortune teller said so, waiting for the next guest.

It's like a spider waiting for its next prey.

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