Chapter 10

    "When I want to come, I want to go and leave, will I be a city, what is it?" Want to go now? lateWang Xiong portable Ju Que sword, face reveals 狰狞.

    The snake handsome feels that things are wrong, and they are all ready to leave, but this Wang Xiong, actually does not care, but also chased in front of it?

    When the snake was handsome, it was considered a peerless strongman. Even if he slept for thousands of years, the cultivation base regressed a lot, and it was still true. But not to mention, these days have recovered a lot, and they have received the enthusiasm of Wang Xiong.

    "Hey, Wang Xiong, do you really think that you under the Heavens is invincible? A True God, I thought that oneself is a lot more amazing? Now True God, with us that year, can't compare, relying on you, dare to let go in front of me, snake Dan! ”The snake handsomely sipped coldly and vomited.

    "Call ~~~~~~"

    A black pill with black light spouted from the snake's mouth.

    "The emperor is careful, that is the essence of the snake handsome cultivation, the snake is poisonous!"Si Xin in the distance suddenly screamed.


    Sure enough, the snake squirted out, suddenly, the darkness of the surrounding area was dark, and the numerous vines manipulated by Wang Xiong were instantly wilted, and even the surrounding earth was corroding.

    The poison gas rushed to Wang Xiong, and it seemed to form a black poisonous snake. Zhang mouth rushed toward Wang Xiong.

    "The Eight Wilds and Sixths are the only ones!"Wang Xiong snorted.

    "Shiing !"

    A sword that killed True God reappeared, and a dazzling light spurred Heaven and Earth, a vast sword, and went straight to the snake.


    The sword is right, a piece of corrosive power, a sword that is in front of it, is instantly entangled in countless snake-shaped poisonous gas, as if it is caught in a quagmire.


    A loud noise. Ju Que Jian Feng, Snake Dan entangled and collided.


    Snake Shuai was spurted by this huge force, a shocking blood, and looked at Wang Xiong incredibly.

    "I am going to recover the Golden Immortal cultivation base, you are actually…!"The snake handsome blinked and looked at Wang Xiong.

    Snake handsome surprised at Wang Xiong This sword is so powerful, Wang Xiong naturally surprised that Snake Shuai can actually block it?

    Blocked? Wang Xiong suddenly stunned in the eyes, Jinwu avatar just carried the power of the national trend, the trend into the body, pouring into the Ju Que sword.


    Among the Wang Xiong a loud shout, there is no Emperor's sword under the arm. It seems that suddenly there are countless reinforcements. After Wang Xiong, the snake looks like a thousand horses and sees the endless people, along with Wang Xiong. A sword, squatting to oneself.

    That is one kind of unstoppable, it is one kind of invincible, own arrivals, as if the arm is a car.

    "No, no, impossible!"The snake shouted.


    The snake handsome instantly turned into a thousand black snake, and in the roaring, the snake was manipulated and slammed into the sword of Emperor.


    A loud noise rang outside the city of Lingxiao, and the entire Lingxiao City was violently shaken. The glaring sword light was dispersed, and everyone could not wait to see the south of the city.

    As you can see, Wang Xiong is still standing in the air, and the bead curtain on the crown of the sky is swung rapidly. In front of it, a shoal of up to three thousand feet is opened by Wang Xiong.

    Above the earth, a thousand-footed snake body was split in half by a sword.

    The snake dan was also smashed into two halves, and the two halves of the snake dan, suddenly turned into countless poison gas into Wang Xiong body, among the giant snake corpse, also rolling blood into Wang Xiong body, blinking in the blink of an eye.

    In the city, countless spies from under the Heavens swallowed.

    Everyone understands that the snake is dead! I died under the sword of Wang Xiong! A sword 斩 True God! A sword python handsome?

    The people suddenly cheered up.

    "Long live the emperor!"

    "Kill it well, kill it well, just in the illusion, you can scare me!"

    "Kill this vicious snake, the emperor is invincible!"




    The people cheered.

    Wang Xiong turned back and returned. However, behind the snake soldier, Wang Xiong was not let go. In a blink of an eye, it was shredded by countless vines and dragons. Blood was rolling and Immortal Essence quickly poured into Wang Xiong.

    Si Xin wanted to speak a few times, and didn't bother to say it.

    Wang Xiong also saw Si Xin's desire to stop, want oneself to let go of these snake soldiers, let him conquer?

    If in normal times, Wang Xiong will naturally give Si Xin, but today, today is the day of oneself's big marriage, oneself can not have the good temper to put down the oneself wedding guy.


    The snake sea turned all over and turned into a dry body.

    Rolling blood, Immortal Essence poured into Wang Xiong body, when Wang Xiong returned to Evergreen Palace Square.


    Wang Xiong's body instantly swells a powerful air stream.

    "Sky Immortal, 7th Layer? Wang Xiong broke through again? ”In the distance to the White Desert, the mouse eyelids jumped wildly.

    When the snake is dead, he dies in front of oneself. The mouse is not going to help, not being scared by Wang Xiong, but the mouse is sure of the guess.

    "Emperor, the Emperor is helping Wang Xiong Ah?
The Emperor is helping Wang Xiong Ah!
Snake handsome? The snake handsome died well and died well! Fortunately, I did not slam, but fortunately, I did not disobey the Emperor, ridiculous, ridiculous, you are handsome, but also want to count the treasures of the Emperor? You are just the chess piece of the Emperor, that's all, the Emperor is not missing, how could you get it? Ridiculous, ridiculous! ”The mouse is handsome and exclaimed.

    The mouse handsome finally realized that Wang Xiong couldn't help, oneself had previously thought about grabbing Wang Xiong and forcing the idea of ​​"Monarch overlooking the world under the Heavens True Dragon Chart" and instantly annihilated.

    Just kidding, oneself doesn't want to follow the footsteps of the snake. Oneself still wants to live more time.

    In the distance, Evergreen Palace Square, Wang Xiong also found that oneself cultivation base broke through again. The power provided by True God, Snake Shuai and Snake Army is so huge.

    Wang Xiong didn't care about the promotion of the cultivation base, but looked at the mysterious monks not far away, but the mysterious monks had already surpassed all the evil spirits. And Li Shenxian didn't know what was crazy, but he was scared away by the mysterious smile.

    "Thank you for the master!"Wang Xiong "breathes deeply.

    Mysterious monks clasped their hands together and nodded slightly.

    Wang Xiong This is the look at the blue flame.

    "A'Li, now all the people who are blocking our big marriage are gone, let's continue!"Wang Xiong stared at the blue flame and laughed softly.

    At this moment, Li Shenxian and the snake handsome were in a mess, which led to the loss of Ji Shi.

    However, at this moment, no one reminded Wang Xiong that Wang Xiong knew that Ji Shi had passed. Although he was annoyed in the heart, he did not mention this matter. Everyone seemed to forget the 'Ji Shi'.

    "Please invite new people to Heaven and Earth!"Wang Zhongquan said again.

    The sky is still under the blood, but this wedding still needs to continue. Although it is not smooth, although there are bad signs, but this moment, no one can stop Wang Xiong big wedding! Who would like to stop, block Wang Xiong, and die!

    "A hundred days!"Wang Zhongquan shouted.

    Wang Xiong, Lan Yiyan respectfully worshipped God!

    "Two worships!"Wang Zhongquan shouted again.

    Wang Xiong, Lan Yiyan devoutly worships the earth!

    "The husband and wife are worshipping!"Wang Zhongquan shouted again.

    Wang Xiong and Lan Yiyan face each other.

    There is also a bloody smell around, bloody and rainy, sorrowful and sorrowful, but the faces of Wang Xiong and Lan Liyan's face are bright smiles.

    Looking at each other's bright smiles, all the gloomyness of the two in the heart was dispelled.

    "This world, even if it is an enemy of the whole world, I will cherish it to you!"

    Two people in each other in the heart mourning the vows, each other really worship!

    "Rite!"Wang Zhongquan shouted.

    "Congratulations to the emperor, the emperor is long lived!"

    "Congratulations to the Queen, the Queen is a thousand years old and thousands of years old!"




    All the offers and guests on Evergreen Palace Square are all shouting.

    All the people in Lingxiao City shouted with blessings.

    At this moment, Destiny Yunhai is still broadcasting all the news, the entire Dong Qin under the Heavens, all the people of the city know that the wedding of the emperor and the queen is over.

    "I wish the emperor and the empress, forever!"

    "I wish the emperor, the queen, and always be together!"

    "Long live the emperor is long live!"

    "Queens, Chitose, Chitose!"




    The endless blessings of the sounds make this sorrowful Heaven and Earth full of joy.

    Wang Xiong took the hand of the blue flame.

    The blue flame is full of excitement, and his face is full of excitement.

    "Queen, my bride!"Wang Xiong took the hand of the blue flame and smiled softly.

    "The emperor, my husband!"Blue is also excited by the flame.

    Congratulations continued, blue and flames excited, on the neck, the suppression of the aroma of the pendant, suddenly appeared a trace crack.


    The crack suddenly grew, and in an instant, the pendant turned into a fine powder and dissipated.

    Wang Xiong glimpsed, and the blue flame was not suppressed by the pendant, and the aroma of the body suddenly broke out at this moment.


    The horror of the horror, the skyrocketing moment, shrouded the entire city of Lingxiao. At the same time, the city of Lingxiao has a bright red lotus shade.

    "Good incense Ah!

    "indeed, good incense Ah!
Hey! ”

    "Hey, hey, good fragrance Ah!




    For a time, no hundreds of surnames swallowed.

    On the Evergreen Palace square, countless offers, guests can not help but swallow the mouth, the fragrance of the blue flames, so that everyone suddenly has a mouthful of life, want to swallow.

    “Golden Dao Flower Dan, Dan Cheng?”Lan Tianyu suddenly changed his face.

    “Golden Dao Flower Dan?”Wang Xiong is also a sudden sinking face.

    Wang Xiong's father, also the body of Pure Yang, was refining Jinao Dao Flower Dan. He was eaten by Dan God Child. After eating, he made a true fairy with the help of Jinao Dao Flower Dan, and Dao Seed blossomed.

    Now, the blue flame is also Dan? Moreover, this fragrance seems to be many times more powerful than that of Wang Hong in the past, and it can be smelled throughout the city.

    The people don't really want to eat the queen, just this aroma, but how can they not restrain themselves.

    At the moment, Baiguan also stared at the Queen with red eyes, but under the prestige of Wang Xiong, no one dared to take a step.

    AmitābhaNot far away, the mysterious monk suddenly came.

    ExpertWang Xiong looks at the mysterious monks.

    "Donghuang, I have a 'fu' here, you can temporarily suppress the aroma of the queen!"The mysterious monk is solemn.

    The mysterious monk took out a piece of paper, and there were six words on it.

    Wang Xiong explorer attached the paper to the blue flame.


    Suddenly, the aroma of the blue flame was suppressed by countless, the aroma in the air suddenly disappeared a lot, but there is still a trace of silk residue, which is constantly being distributed.

    Although it has not been completely suppressed, at least four weeks have been able to restrain oneself, and there is no more impulse to eat blue flames.

    "The aroma of the queen, the inferiority can only suppress this, and there are some omissions, but there is nothing to do, and the aroma of the imperfect queen is still slowly increasing, I am afraid…!"The mysterious monk sighed.

    “Thank you for the master, the master can help me seal this, Wang Xiong is grateful!”Wang Xiong is solemn.

    The pendant of Yehe Fengtian can't hold the fragrance of the blue flame, and Wang Xiong naturally knows that the mysterious monks have tried their best.

    "The trouble should end it! Dong Huang, so do it yourself! ”The mysterious monk nodded and returned to the small courtyard with his hands folded.

    "The trouble should end it?"Wang Xiong frowned slightly.

    At this moment, although the big wedding is over, everyone feels that this time is a big marriage, I am afraid it is not a good sign of then. Not only have foreign enemies attacked, but also the queen’s own problems, all of which are silent.

    "Chengcheng, sent to the cave!"Wang Zhongquan suddenly shouted.

    Wang Xiong took the blue flame and slowly walked to the Diaoyang Palace. At this moment, Baiguan sighed and did not know whether the emperor or the empress was married. In the end, it was good or bad, but naturally no one dared to be in the heart. The doubts were said, only to recall the previous fragrance, one by one, a cold war.

    I just wanted to eat the queen just now? Oneself is crazy?

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