Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 998: Visiting from Gion


   ascended the throne!

   Killing Liwei!

   Yusuke Inoue, who has experienced countless times of overthrowing the kingdom, rebelling, usurping the throne, etc., after the proficient set came down, his chosen candidate, Sherlock Jason, was pushed to the throne!

   and he himself was appointed by Jason as the prime minister of the kingdom!

Well, this Inoue Yusuke has discussed with Arthur in advance. Inoue Yusuke decided to stay in the North Sea for a period of time in the name of the prime minister of the mountain country, and deal with the hands of those overturned kingdoms to avoid being discovered by the navy and the world government. , But also deal with the internal affairs of the mountain country!

   Although it seems that the mountain country has been overturned and mastered, there are actually many things to deal with!

  For example, in some high mountain alliances under Fokker, members of high authority in the high mountain country, such as the army of the high mountain country, etc., all need to be dealt with!

  Only after mastering the army of the mountain country, suppressing, slaughtering, and wooing those high-ranking members can we truly master the mountain country!

   However, these things are relatively simple for Inoue Yousuke!

   Among the kingdoms that have been subverted in the past, most of the kingdoms have some relatively high-ranking people who need to come to this set, so Inoue Yousuke can be considered a master!


   Another kingdom has been overturned?

   Looking at the latest information reported, the world government did not care too much while asking the intelligence personnel underneath to check if there were any problems.

  Because of the recent revolution in the Revolutionary Army, the Qiwuhai wave of things that have not settled has caused them too much headache, so they are not in the mood to care about the trivial matter of a kingdom in Beihai being subverted!

   However, the world government does not care, but the navy does care!

   The Revolutionary Army and Qiwuhai are also related to them, but the world government is more troublesome.

  Because these are either enemies that the world government wants to deal with, or they are established by the world government, and have little relationship with the navy, they didn't worry about the world government!

   But the matter of the mountain country has something to do with the navy!

As the kingdom of the North Sea closest to the Upside Down Mountain, not only merchants often pass by, but most of the pirates who are going to land on the great waterway are here to supply supplies. In this case, the navy has also established a Naval branch base!

   is to intercept the pirates during the last voyage from Beihai to Diandaishan!

   Therefore, this change in the mountain country will inevitably attract the attention of the navy!

  They are afraid that changes in the political situation of the mountain country will affect the operation of the navy's branch base here, and thus affect the navy's interception of pirates in the North Sea!

   Well, although as a subordinate unit of the world government, under normal circumstances it will not be affected by changes in the political situation of the kingdom.

   But this kind of thing is not unprecedented!

   There was once a change in the political situation of the kingdom that affected the naval branch base, which caused the branch base to be hit by the rebellion and suffered heavy losses!

   Therefore, they are going to send someone to the mountain country to test the attitude of the new king!

   As for who to send...

   This should be the mission of the branch base leader!

   But because Lieutenant Admiral Taotu Gion happened to be doing a mission in the North Sea, passing by this branch base and resting in the base, the Navy Headquarters handed over the mission to Gion!


   There are only sparse people on the streets of Yunding City in the Great Qing Dynasty!

   And these people are shopping, but their eyes are a little lost!

   The king is dead!

   President Fokker who has been pressing on their heads is also dead!

   The prince Jason, who had been least valued by the king, became the king!

   The news that was heavy news for them came down, making the people in the city of Yunding feel like living in a dream these days!

   is like a dream!

   However, what makes them even more dreaming is that a chamber of commerce named John Chamber of Commerce has entered the kingdom in an all-round way.

   and dominates all the commercial activities and resources of the original mountain alliance!

   Moreover, the most important thing is that it has also changed the squeezing way of treating civilians in the past of the Mountain League!

   All the labor of the civilians were given reasonable remuneration!

   This made the civilians in the city of the clouds in a daze, with a feeling that spring has arrived!

"Here! This mountain country is really troublesome! It's all mountains, so I took a cable car for all night to get here!" Gion looked at the giant mountain city surrounded by clouds and couldn't help complaining. stand up.

   But then, after tidying up her mood, she put away her complaint and walked directly to the palace of the city of Yunding!

   "Let’s finish things soon!"

   thought in his heart, Gion soon came to the gate of the palace!

   "Tell me, please, Lieutenant Admiral Gion of the Navy Headquarters is visiting!" Gion ordered the guard at the gate of the palace.


   The guard at the gate of the palace was stunned after seeing Gion. He was stunned, but he quickly reacted. After he agreed, he turned and ran towards the palace!

   If it is an ordinary visitor, the guard at the palace gate will usually cross-examine it to confirm the identity of the other party or simply refuse!

   After all, if everyone visits to report, what are the guards doing?

   However, Gion did not refuse the guards of the palace gate!

   Without him!


   Even if Gion is a boring person, he believes that the king will not blame it for his looks!

   and soon, the guard trot back!

   "Gion Lieutenant General, please come in!"

   This time the guard's face is respectful!

   When he first went in to report, the people in the palace had already called and confirmed the identity of the other party with the people at the naval branch base!

   This is a must!

   What if it is an assassin or a boring person who is too idle?


   Gion nodded, without saying anything, and went straight to the palace!

   Seeing this, the guard walked quickly to the front of Gion and started to lead the way!

   In a while!

   Under the leadership of the guards, Gion came to a side hall of the palace.

   "Lieutenant General Gion, please wait here for a while!" After the guard said a word ~www.ltnovel.com~, he turned his head and left, and returned to his job!

   While looking at his leaving back, Gion didn't say anything. He went straight to a chair in the palace and sat down!

"Da da da!"

  The **** hasn't been hot yet, a young man in luxurious glasses walked in with a smile on his face!

   "Are you?" Gion asked with some confusion.

   She can be sure that the other party is not the new king!

after all...

   How can a king not wear a royal robe and wear a crown when he sees outsiders?

   Unless the two are very familiar!

   "Introduce myself, I am the new prime minister of the mountain country, Hua Sheng, John H. Hua Sheng!" Inoue Yousuke smiled and reported his pseudonym.


   Gion suddenly!

   "Our king has something to do and can't see you, so if you have anything, just tell me, the same!" Inoue said with a smile.


   Gion once again suddenly.

   However, this time in a sudden, she found something!

   This person across, seems to be... familiar with her?

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