Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 986: The most welcoming town for adventurers

  What is a bounty hunter?

  Except for very few characters, other heroes who say good things are for the people, and those who say bad things are desperate for money!

   The reason why they risked their lives to kill pirates was mostly just for bounty!

   Therefore, if there is something more valuable than a pirate, most of them, as desperados, don't mind killing others!

  Almost all the characters in the Whiskey Peak are like this!

   Therefore, after reaching the Whiskey Peak, Luffy and his party were warmly received!

   Although Luffy and his party have no bounty, Luffy’s straw hat is valuable!

  30 million is not a small sum!

   It can be said that most bounty hunters will not make so much money in their lives!

   Well, don’t look at the pirates offering a reward of several million, tens of millions.

   But that is not something that ordinary bounty hunters can kill!

Pirates who can get that price basically have certain strength, influence or special abilities. It is too dangerous to hunt them, so in general, bounty hunters kill hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands. !

   Therefore, these bounty hunters have some ideas about Luffy's hat!

   As long as you get a straw hat, it costs 30 million. Where can I find such a good thing?

"Welcome to Whiskey Peak. We are... the town where adventurers are most welcome!!!" Just arriving at Whiskey Peak, a strong man opened his mouth with a simple smile and warmly greeted him. Luffy's group!

   At the same time, after seeing the straw hat on Luffy's head, the strong man inadvertently revealed a trace of...greed!

   What is the most popular town for adventurers, of course it’s just for fun!

   If possible, Whiskey Peak is not only the most welcoming town for adventurers, but also the most welcoming town for pirates, bounty hunters, and merchants!

   As long as you have money, you are valuable or have something of high value, the people in the Whiskey Peak welcome you!


   However, there is no doubt about this simple-minded Luffy, but looking at the brawny man with a surprised look!

   He did not expect that there is such a place in the world!

   "Of course it is true, we have prepared a welcome banquet in the town, come here!" The smile on the brawny man's face became brighter, and he greeted several people into the town very warmly.


   Luffy listened, his eyes lit up, he couldn't wait to rush towards the town!

   Banquet is his favorite!

"Wait for me!"

   And Usopp, as the Straw Hat Adventure Group, is currently the only one who has the IQ to compete with Luffy. After seeing Luffy rushing in, he didn't think much about catching up!

  Although the others in Luffy's group felt a bit weird, they didn't say anything because they had no experience and didn't know the reputation of the Whiskey Peak. They half pushed and half walked with the strong man into the town!


the other side!

   In the center of the Whiskey Peak, on a tall building with a huge clock hanging outside!

   "Finally here!" Klockdal stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, smoking a cigar while watching Luffy's group of people who were being warmly invited to the town not far away, he couldn't help but muttered.

   Since Alabastan was driven out, Krokdal moved his Baroque Walker work to the Whiskey Peak!

  The reason for doing this is the result of a discussion between Krokdal and Arthur!

  In the extreme danger of the windless zone, as the main entrance to the great waterway of the four seas, the importance and strategic position of the inverted mountain is self-evident!

   It is almost a place that must be occupied!

   But because of the terrain, the upside-down mountain cannot be stationed too much!

   Therefore, Arthur retreated to the second place. At the entrance of Xihai Upside Down Mountain, the island was renamed Xihai Customs after being occupied by Saint Martin in the past ten years and laid heavy troops!

   However, Arthur was not satisfied with this!

   Although there are heavy troops on the West China Sea, there is no force on the Great Channel. Once the future enemy is jammed on the Great Channel of the Mountain, with the terrain of the Mountain, St. Martin can hardly enter the Great Channel!

   In this case, after discussing with Krokdal, Arthur and Krokdal decided to transfer the Baroque Walker Work Agency, which had withdrawn from Alabastan, to Whiskey Peak!

   Then, on the surface, he changed the Whiskey Peak into a gathering place for bounty hunters, using it as a cover, but in the dark, he was heavily armed inside the Whiskey Peak.

   And the role of these forces is to dispatch when necessary to seize the entrance to the upside down mountain, so that Saint Martin's army can pass the upside down mountain smoothly!

  Of course, these are all things!

   In addition to this task, Krokdal now has another task!

   Help Luffy become famous!

   In the past few months, Luffy’s reputation has become more and more prosperous with the broadcast of The Adventure King!

   And therefore, Arthur's original purpose-to use Luffy to expose the darkness of the world government, to induce people to have negative emotions towards the world government, and initial results have been achieved!

   Among the navy currently present, whether it is Monka or Colonel Mouse, the audience feels disgust, feels the world government, feels the darkness of the navy!

  Although the navy responded quickly and dealt with these people quickly, it was inevitable that a shadow was left in the hearts of the audience!

   In this case, almost everyone who has watched anime has a bad sense of world government!

   Especially Xihai!

   Originally Saint Martin and the world government were enemies, and now the broadcast of anime has exacerbated the negative views of the Xihai people towards the world government!

   So Arthur is going to make persistent efforts and help Lu Fei make a name for himself, and also expose some of the darkness of the world government!

   Well, the existence of Qiwuhai itself is a manifestation of the darkness of the world government!

   A pirate who has done a lot of evil, because of his strength, he was recruited, and he did not investigate his past faults. Isn't this darkness?

   Although the world government still wanted to kill Qiwuhai if they had a chance, they didn't say it!

  In this case, exposing Qiwuhai and their past is equivalent to exposing the darkness of the world government!

   However, Krokdal's identity of Qiwuhai is still useful at the moment, and the Whiskey Mountain he is on is also more important, so Krokdal will definitely not expose himself.

  Because of doing that, maybe he will be removed from Nanbukai!

   So when he plans to make a name for Luffy in the future~www.ltnovel.com~ choose to expose Doflamingo.

   Well, just look for a chance to confront Luffy, then speak out, and finally broadcast it through the anime of Adventure King!


   Among the current Qiwuhai, if you say who is the strongest, it's hard to say!

   are almost the same, maybe Hawkeye is stronger, but it's not so strong that others are desperate!

   But if anyone deserves to die the most, then it must be Doflamingo!

   The sale of arms, the sale of slaves, human experimentation, it can be said that Doflamingo has committed all the capital crimes that can be committed in the world, and he has made it bigger and stronger, created a brilliant, and formed a huge industrial chain!

   However, even Arthur, who is far away in St. Martin, has to admit that such a **** person's life is too hard!

   After several shots by Arthur, Doflamingo did not die, and the more he developed, the better!

And it is this kind of Doflamingo. As long as his deeds are exposed, coupled with Doflamingo’s own particularity, the world government will not easily expel his Qiwuhai status, then it can definitely make people feel bad about the world government. There is a direct understanding of darkness!

   "Enjoy the warm hospitality of the bounty hunters! When they are finished, I will play with you!" Klockdal looked at Luffy and his party, and the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily!

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