"Double guns. Lore barrage!"





   Amidst the sound of bullets like a machine gun, a black barrage headed directly towards the middle-aged man in sunglasses in midair!

   While looking at the menacing forces in front of him, the middle-aged man in barrage sunglasses that gave him a sense of crisis from the bottom of his heart did not dare to be careless, and did not dare to avoid it!

   Behind him is a dragon man!

   "Armed and domineering!"


   In desperation, the middle-aged man in sunglasses can only use the armor color and the iron block at the same time, and the whole becomes a dark iron man, lying in the air!

next moment!

   "When, when, when~"

   When the bullets formed by the bullets and the sunglasses touched, a dense metal collision rang!

   "Block me!"

   At this time, the middle-aged man in sunglasses roared, struggling to think, his body shape was constantly changing in the air, and this blocked all the bullets in the barrage, and all the bullets heading towards the Dragon Man.

   "Hmm, hum!"

Although this behavior did not cause the middle-aged man in sunglasses to suffer superficial damage, it expended a lot of physical energy. And because of the huge impact of these black bullets, the middle-aged man in sunglasses felt a surge of blood in his body. There was a muffled hum!

  The strong!

   There are strong ones!

   After one move, the middle-aged man in sunglasses immediately realized that there are not simple people on these three pirate ships!

   "My lord, leave now!"

   Immediately, he did not hesitate to shout to the ship carrying the dragon people behind him!

   If the Tianlongren are present at this time, he can't guarantee that he can completely save the lives of the young Tianlongren!

   And the young Tianlong man is not stupid. After hearing the shout of the middle-aged man in sunglasses, the excited expression on his face disappeared instantly!

   "Retreat, leave now!"

   also did not hesitate, the young Tianlong people anxiously shouted and ordered!

   There are always a small number of Tianlong people who do not live or die like those in anime. Most of the Tianlong people in this world are very clear-headed and will never die in a crisis!

   So soon, the ship where the young Tianlong was sailed towards the distance at the fastest speed, leaving only the middle-aged man with sunglasses to face the enemy in this battlefield!

   However, Bond had already expected this!


   In the direction where the young dragon boat left, a ship with the Pirate flag also came towards the young dragon boat!

   "Turn around, turn around!!!"

   The young Tianlongren saw this and immediately roared anxiously!

   But the ship hadn't turned its head, the young Tianlong people discovered that in the direction they turned, a ship with the same pirate flag was also coming towards them!

   lore! ! !

   Suddenly, the face of the young Tianlongren turned pale with fright!

   Surrounded on three sides!

   How does this break through?

   Thinking, the heart of the young Tianlongren sank to the bottom!

   At the same time, the middle-aged man in sunglasses also discovered the current situation, and his heart sank to the bottom!

   was surrounded on the endless sea, and the opponent had a strong, not weaker than him. Under such circumstances, he really couldn't think of how to save the young Tianlongren away!

   Is it possible for him to break through with the young Tianlongren alone?

   Well, that is no different from looking for death!

   Even if it really breaks through, if there is no ship, there is an enemy of similar strength, even if he is a lieutenant general, it is difficult to cross the sea, and it is the same, let alone a dragon who has no power to bind a chicken?

   Not every lieutenant is called Karp!

the other side!

   Looking at the dragon boat that has been surrounded in the center and the middle-aged man in sunglasses stepping on the moon step in the air, a smile appeared on Bond's face!

   "As long as you kill the man with sunglasses, let the dragon boat accidentally escape, and then drive him all the way to the BIGMOM Pirates, the mission will be more than half completed!" Mumbling, Bond did not stop!

   "Double guns. Arc shooting!"



   After raising his hands, Bond pulled the trigger and shook his hand at the same time. The bullets in the two special firearms flew out in an arc, toward the Tianlongren behind the middle-aged man in sunglasses!

   "Block it for me!"

   Upon seeing this, the middle-aged man in sunglasses roared, but he could only rely on his body to hardly catch the bullet to avoid the Tianlong people from being injured!

   Well, his wife and children are still under the hands of the world government!


   About half an hour later!

   There is a body full of bullet holes in this sea!

   "I'm sorry!" Looking at the corpse floating on the sea, Bond put away the guns that had not yet dissipated the smell of gunpowder, and said silently in his heart!

   Bond made a trick this time!

   If it is a normal fight, the two sides will definitely not end the fight so quickly!

The middle-aged man in sunglasses is about the same as his strength. If he insists on fighting, it will take at least one or two days to tell the victory or defeat, but because of the existence of the dragon people, Bond has been attacking the dragon people and forced the middle-aged people in sunglasses. He had to hard-wire all his attacks, so the battle ended so quickly!

   "But... the task is more than half completed!"

   At this time, Bond watched not far away after the "difficult" resistance, fortunately rushed out of the gap in the encirclement, the boat with the young Tianlongren, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face!

   As long as you kill the guards of the Dragonite, and then drive him to the BIGMOM Pirates, you can proceed to the next step---kill him to blame St. Martin!


   Early the next morning!

  Navy headquarters!


   The Warring States period listened to the news from the other end of the phone, and couldn't help but be shocked, "Did the Tianlongren disappear?"

   "Yes, Marshal! There was just a message from above that a Dragonite disappeared in the new world, asking us to help them track down the whereabouts of the missing Dragonite!" A respectful voice came from the other end of the phone!

   After digesting the shocking news, Sengoku asked, "Do you know where it disappeared?"

"I know! This Heavenly Dragon was originally going to visit the Moongrass Kingdom. The place where he disappeared should be near the waters of the Moongrass Kingdom. After his disappearance, the world government has been trying to contact their ship, but they have not been contacted. What is blocking the signal!"

"In addition, the Moongrass Kingdom has also contacted. They have dispatched the kingdom's army to search nearby. Now they hope that the nearby naval base and the navy headquarters will send people to assist in the search!" The voice on the other end of the phone attacked again. .

   "I understand, I'll send someone there!" After the Warring States agreed, he hung up the phone!

   Then, he didn't hesitate too much. After calling Huang Yuan who is now in the headquarters, he began to think about the current situation!

   There is no doubt that the disappearance of the Tianlongren is definitely a major event!

   But how big it is depends on the future development!

   If there is no danger, it will cause a wave of waves at most, but if you only see the corpse... then a huge wave will be lifted!

   Thinking about it, the Sengoku frown frowned involuntarily!

   If there are really huge waves, then the Navy will certainly not be immune!

  As the subordinate organization of the world government, once the world government has something to do, they will definitely not escape!

   "I hope this Tianlongren won't have an accident!" Warring States frowned and couldn't help muttering.

   And just now.


   The door of the room was knocked!

   "Come in!" Warring States casually said.


   Huang Yuan opened the door~www.ltnovel.com~ walked in casually, sat directly on the chair opposite the Warring States Period, raised Erlang's legs, and said, "Marshal, are you looking for me?"

   "A Tianlongren has disappeared!" Seeing Huang Yuan's careless appearance in the Warring States Period, he got used to it, so he entered the subject directly!

   While listening to the words of the Warring States Period, Huang Yuan’s casual expression could no longer be maintained. He couldn't help but ask, "Really!?"

   Sengoku nodded.

   Suddenly, a bad feeling arose in Huang Yuan's heart!

   However, he did not feel bad because of the disappearance of the Tianlongren, but at this point in the Warring States period called him!

   Tianlongren disappeared, and then the Warring States Period called him!

   This is obviously asking him to find the Celestial Dragon!

as predicted!

   The next moment, the Warring States Period looked at Huang Yuan with blazing eyes, and said, "This time, let me send someone to help find it, I hope you go!"

"You've got it!"

   Huang Yuan wailed in his heart after hearing this, but still said helplessly, "Okay!"

  Although he is a bit salty, he also knows that it is okay to refuse other things, but he can't refuse or refuse the disappearance of the Tianlongren!

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