Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 974: Xiaoxin's Pit

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"However, if you buy me a bottle of ice-cola...I believe you are not!" Xiaoxin said, intentionally or unintentionally turning his gaze to the shop aside, as if to signal Edla to buy him a Coke !

Upon seeing this, Edera felt dumbfounded!

What the hell, I wanted to drink coke!

Just say it if you want to drink it!

Why hurt me so much?

Thinking about it, Edela walked into the store, bought a bottle of ice coke, handed it to Xiaoxin, and said with a strong smile, "My kid, this is your coke, if there is nothing wrong, please go home quickly. , Or your mother will be anxious!"

Now Edla has only one idea!

Dismiss this irritating kid quickly, don't delay his mission!



After Xiaoxin drank the ice bottle of Coke in one breath, he hiccuped and waved his hand. It didn't matter, "It's okay! That big **** Obasan won't worry about it!"

"Big **** Obasan?"

Edla looked at Xiaoxin with a black line, and some did not know what to say!

How can a serious kid say that to his mother?

Forget it!

Can you not afford to hide?

Thinking about it, Edla took a deep breath, squeezed a smile on his face again, and said with a strong smile, "Then kid, you can continue to play here, uncle has something to do, go ahead!"

After that, Edla will leave without looking back!

"Oh roar! Uncle is going to the red light district, did something bad?" At this time, Xiaoxin said quietly behind him.

And because Xiaoxin's voice was not covered up, it seemed to have been deliberately raised a few times, and everyone around him heard it.

Immediately, the people around all subconsciously focused on Edla's body!

"Red light district? Do bad things? I didn't expect this person to be this kind of person!"

"Sure enough, you can't see a person from the outside!"

"Yeah yeah!"


A few of them started talking in a low voice!

Upon seeing this, Edla shook his head and quickly turned and ran back. Standing in front of Xiaoxin, he roared loudly, "When did I say to go to the red light district? I just want to go home and go home!!!"

"Well, I know you are not going to the red light district, you don't need to be so loud!" Xiaoxin waved his hand and said indifferently.

With Xiaoxin's voice, the people around not only did not disperse, but looked at Edla with more and more weird eyes!

Such a loud discussion of the red light district on this street...tsk!


The world is getting worse!

Such an idea came to the hearts of the people around!

And feeling the weird gazes of the people around him, Edla was going crazy!

what! ! !

Who is this **** kid from?

I want to kill him!

Thinking frantically, Edela looked at Xiaoxin's eyes more and more, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes!

Edela thinks he is not a good person!

Although he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, if someone pesters him and offends him, he can't even be a child!

Simply, at this time Xiaoxin seemed to have realized that he was too much, and quickly pointed to a beautiful girl in the distance, and changed the subject, "Hey, uncle, there is a beautiful young lady over there!"

Ok! ?

Subconsciously Edla followed Xiaoxin's voice and looked in the direction he said!

But at this look, the beautiful young lady did not see, but saw a middle-aged man who looked ordinary! Jiujiu Book Pavilion


Was fooled!

After seeing the middle-aged man, Edla reacted immediately and turned to find Xiaoxin.

At this time, Xiaoxin, who had seen the bad news, had already ran away, disappearing into a street not far away!

"Ah! Damn kid, don't let Lao Tzu see you again!"

Edla stomped her feet in anger, but she was helpless deep in her heart!

Everyone ran away, what else could he do?

But at this moment, he saw that Yu Guang saw the ordinary-looking middle-aged man just now!

and many more!


After subconsciously taking a look at the middle-aged man, Edla frowned and realized that something was wrong!

This middle-aged man seems to be...a companion! ?

Thinking about it, Edla began to pretend to pass by, walked past the middle-aged man, and looked at the middle-aged man several times with the corner of his eye intentionally or unconsciously!

Well, I'm sure, it's a peer!

After observing the middle-aged man's hands, eyes, posture, etc., a gleam of light flashed in the depths of Edla's eyes, and the middle-aged man's identity was immediately confirmed!

"The goal that can be pitted is here!"

Thinking with excitement in her heart, Edla was still a little grateful to Xiaoxin at this time!

Although Xiaoxin was angry with him several times, he also helped him find such a goal!


the other side!

On the second floor of a restaurant not far away, Arthur, who watched the whole process, slapped his lips, and can only sigh that he is indeed Xiaoxin!

It's pitted and awesome!

Edela looked for a spy that he hadn't found for several days, and Xiaoxin made a few blind points, and he actually pointed it out!

However, think about Xiaoxin's irritating skills...Well, even if Xiaoxin is really good, but Arthur decided to stay away from Xiaoxin!

Otherwise, no one will pay if you are so angry!

"German, let's go!" Arthur looked at it for a while, and suddenly said after seeing Edla contacting the colleague who was found.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Although Devin didn't understand what Arthur meant when he came to see the potato-headed kid from a distance, as a subordinate, he still obeyed Arthur's orders!

And then, the two left the restaurant one after another, heading back toward the palace!

On the way!

"Oh, yes! Send someone to pay attention to the kid and his family just now!" Arthur suddenly gave orders to Edla!


Devin was a little bit astonished. He didn't understand why Arthur asked him to pay attention to such an ordinary family, but he still asked honestly, "Your Majesty, how much attention should I pay?"

"Pay attention to where their family has gone, and protect their family when necessary, and don't put their lives in danger!" Arthur said, as if thinking of something, he immediately changed his words.

"Forget it, there is no need to protect them, as long as people pay attention to where their family is going, and grasp their movements!"

Just now Arthur suddenly thought that the Nohara family doesn't seem to need protection!

In the animation ~www.ltnovel.com~ what evil organizations, monsters, aliens, none of them killed their family, and they were all beaten by them, so they still need protection?

It's good if they don't protect people!

"Yes, I understand!"

German nodded, expressing understanding!

"Well, if it's okay, you can leave first! I can go back to the palace alone!" Arthur said again at this time.


Devin did not refuse, and after nodding solemnly, he turned and left!

Looking at the back of him leaving, Arthur smiled, but continued to walk towards the palace!

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