Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 963: When the killer meets the assassin

That night!

After dinner, the three of them found a remote homestay to live in!

Well, some "owners" in the city also provide accommodation for them, but they don't go and don't want to go!

Because they can't believe in the so-called "self".

As killers, or top killers, they can survive countless assassination missions, not because of their apparently unranked school-level strength, nor the backing of the most powerful organization in the world. It is thinking and vigilance!

Think about the action plan before the action, think about the retreat plan, think about everything well in advance, and prepare for the worst, be alert to the enemy when you act, be alert to your "self", be alert to everything you can be alert to, and it is not wonderful to do things well Plans to retreat at any time.

These are their secrets to becoming a top killer!

"From the information point of view, the place where Katori Shiro is located is very protective!" The red-haired woman looked at the information in front of her, and a dignified look appeared in the slightly heroic Dan Feng's eyes!

The information in the hands of the red-haired women is different from the information in Edla's hands!

Their information is detailed to the number of guards around Katori Shiro, the patrol time, the general area of ​​the patrol, and so on!

This is also the difference between this kind of background and organized killer and Edela this assassin!

Although there are people on both sides to serve them and help them collect intelligence information, the world government, as the world's largest and strongest organization, undoubtedly far surpasses an assassin's agent in intelligence capabilities!

"Yes! In addition, this is the capital of St. Martin. Even if it is like an admiral or the strongest of our CP5 boss CP0, I am afraid it will not be pleased!" The young man in the cloak frowned and said .

Hearing what the two said, the middle-aged man looked at the information on the table again, and after thinking about it, he said in a deep voice, "This time I can only rely on my brain... Then, Rheinna, Hagens, you two. Inquire outside to confirm the authenticity of the information, and then we will make plans!"

Although the information was given by "his own person", he still doubted the authenticity of this information!

"Understood! Augustus!" Rheinna and Hagens nodded without hesitation.

Augustus is the leader of the three-person team. Although he is a bit weaker than Rheinna and Hagens in strength, he is only a major, but he is really good in his mind!

Before each assassination started, he had already prepared all the pre-plans, so that the assassination of the three people was carried out perfectly every time, so the two listened to him!


What is the best place to get news?

Some people say restaurants, others say roadside stalls, and some say casinos, but for Lainna, the best place to get news is the bar!

Under the influence of alcohol, people often inadvertently tell some very secret or very important news!

Because of this, she has been looking for bars in the city after she left the homestay where she was staying!

Because I didn't know the city of St. Martin, after looking for it for more than half an hour, Rhinena found a very lively bar in a corner of the city of St. Martin!


As soon as she entered the bar, she heard a burst of exciting music. Following the sound of the music, she could see a band performing a tune on the stage in the center of the bar!

Regarding this, Lainna didn't pay much attention to it, but after a glance at the audience, she walked towards the bar!

"A glass of whiskey, ice, and lemon!" After ordering a glass of drunk casually, Linna began to observe the situation in the bar intentionally or unintentionally, and was ready to find out where to get information!

However, before she could observe well, a man with a mature face and a trace of melancholy on his face sat straight beside her!

It is Edera!

Edla is very melancholy these days... melancholy is almost depressed!


His matter is still known!

I don't know when, among the assassins and killer groups in the underground world, suddenly began to spread that he was caught by the security officer while observing the terrain and preparing to act.

And the content of the rumors is rigorous, and there are even a few photos taken by him in law and order.

This made him a joke of the underground world, assassins, and killers for a while!

A magnificent top killer, even if he did not accomplish anything by force, he still did nothing. It would be too embarrassing to be caught by a police officer like this!

This is no different from the fact that before Arthur crossed, an internationally renowned assassin wanted to assassinate a certain character, but he was caught by the village police station of the Rabbit Country when he did nothing!

I'm ashamed of my home!

In response, Edla was angry and helpless!

He doesn't know who spread the news to the public, but he knows that he is ashamed this time!

At the same time, he also knows that if he wants to be in the assassin and assassin world in the future, this mission must be completed!

I'm already embarrassed. If he can't complete the task anymore, then don't mess around in the future, find a place to live in peace!

However, Saint Martin's protection of Katori Shiro is indeed strong. Although he has been thinking about how to assassinate Katori Shiro these days, he has thought of countless plans, but because of Saint Martin's seamless protection that day, he has rejected them one by one!

Today, because he thought that his brain was about to explode, he didn't come up with one, so he found such a bar, wanting to drink, relax, and find inspiration by the way!

"Here is a glass of whiskey, ice, and mint!" After ordering a glass of wine casually, Edla scanned the situation in the bar, and finally turned his eyes to his side. This plump body, looks beautiful and charming. Red-haired woman!

Go with you!

For the first time, Edla confirmed the identity of the other party!

Although this woman does not look like an assassin or a killer in terms of her temperament, her figure, or every aspect, Edla still confirms her identity!

Because he saw this woman after he sat down, her body tightened subconsciously, as if she was about to fight back at any time, and the palm of this woman was a bit rough, she looked like she was holding a weapon like a dagger all the time!

How could an ordinary woman make such a move when people approach?

How can an ordinary woman hold a weapon all year round?

"Meet the beauty?" Edla said with a smile after a glint flashed in his eyes.

He doesn't know which force the opponent is the killer, or whether it is a lone killer, but he knows that the one who came at this point in time is likely to be a competitor!

Well, during this period of time in the underground world, there is also a mission to assassinate Shiro Katori. It is worthy of assassins and killers to come to Saint Martin!

Of course, he does not deny that the other party may have come to travel or vacation!

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ he is ready to test each other!

As for Linna, she didn't want to care about Edla!

But after seeing Edla's face and recalling a picture of an assassin in the underground world that she accidentally saw in the intelligence department, she felt that she could talk to him!

Thinking about it, Lainna smiled and asked, "I don't know those unknown people...Would you like to introduce yourself and then introduce your profession?"

"Okay!" Edla raised his brows, with a bright smile on his face, half-jokingly and half-seriously said, "My name is Edla, I am a...doctor!"

After speaking, Edla looked at Rheinna with blazing eyes, wanting to see her reaction.

"Edera...Doctor!" Rhina said charmingly after taking a deep look at Edela, "I haven't heard of it! But... it sounds like fun, maybe we can meet My name is Lainna, a traveler!"


The name matches, as for the identity... Haha!

Linina sneered secretly, but thought in her heart, "But...maybe you can use it!"

"Linna... a nice name, a traveler... a cool profession!" Edla said with a smile and praise, and said with a little deep meaning, "Then get to know!"


The kind that kills people everywhere?

Edla couldn't help but sneer in her heart.


It seems you can use it?

Edla thought, a little inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and at the same time he chatted with Rheinna!

The scenery of various places, all kinds of interesting things, the two talked like this.

Until late at night!

The two talented people with ghosts and wombs "reluctantly" separate!

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