Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 951: Divide by 2

   "Can enhance the overlord's domineering?"

   Seeing the news from Gilgamesh, Arthur couldn't help being taken aback!

   You must know that the overlord's domineering is among the three domineering, but it is obviously different from the other domineering!

   Other domineering can be obtained through acquired training, but if there is no domineering, there is no use, no matter how much exercise, it is useless, even if it is inherited, it can’t be exercised!

  Moreover, other domineering can also be enhanced through acquired exercise!

   As long as you practice more and more deeply, then the range of seeing and hearing is domineering, and it is even possible to develop new abilities at the BUG level such as foreseeing the future!

  Similarly, as long as the armed color domineering exercises more and deeper, the intensity will also increase, and you can also develop new abilities such as entanglement and release!

   But, the overlord is not domineering!

   No matter how you exercise, no matter how deep you exercise, it can’t be directly enhanced like seeing and hearing, and armed with domineering!

   There is only one way to enhance it, that is, it will only be strengthened in disguise after you are fully strong in spirit, body, and skills!

   Well, to put it bluntly, it means that only when you become stronger will it strengthen!

   In this case, something that can increase the domineering look suddenly appeared. How could Arthur not be surprised or curious!

   "I really want to hurry up and eat!" Arthur couldn't help saying with a three-point curious tone.

   Gilgamesh also told him about Iskandar’s practices when he heard the news!

   Regarding this, Arthur sighed secretly---If you have a father, you have a son!

   This son, like him!

   A fish must be repeatedly squeezed out of its use value. This shameless and brutal practice is almost the same as what he had back then!

   "However, forget it, no matter what, let's deal with political affairs first! Anyway, they won't come back for a while, and the fish won't run away!"

   Thinking about it, Arthur let go of this thought and began to pay attention to another thing!

  About the opening of the vest in the kingdom of Kakzi!

   In the past few days, Arthur and Saint Martin’s ministers, staff officers, think tanks, etc. have discussed together about the opening of the vest in the kingdom of Kakzi.

   And because Saint Martin has many precedents, this discussion is relatively smooth!

   Everyone quickly made a complete plan!

   However, the plan is out, but there is still a bigger problem before Saint Martin!

  That is the surveillance of the world government!

   In order to prevent Saint Martin from expanding, the world government has been struggling to monitor this aspect by extending its hand outside the West Sea!

Not only have people been sent to monitor the various military bases and military districts of St. Martin, but also many people have been infiltrated into the Kingdom of St. Martin, either as officers, soldiers, or ordinary people. Staring at every inch from top to bottom!

   And in this case, if you want to open a new vest, it's a bit troublesome!

   Kakzi Kingdom has been expanding over the years, and there is no room left to open a new vest, so if you want to open a new vest, you can only adjust the power from the side of Saint Martin to execute it!

   Then the problem arises!

   St. Martin was stared to death, almost as soon as there is a movement, the world government can detect a little bit. If a new vest is to be opened, then it is very likely that a new vest will be found along this clue!

   Of course, finding a new vest is a trivial matter for the behemoth Saint Martin!

   is nothing more than losing a little early investment!

   But Arthur was afraid that the world government not only followed the clues to find a new vest, but also followed the vine and found the Kingdom of Kakzi!

   In that case, Arthur would have to go to war with the world government in this hasty situation!

   After all, with the current strength and influence of the Kakzi Kingdom, Arthur was not willing to lose it for nothing!

   "I must find a way to bypass the surveillance of the world government!" Arthur rubbed his temples, thinking with a headache!

   After a long time!

   "Or...get some trouble for the world government, find something to do, divert their attention, let them reduce the intensity of monitoring?" Arthur murmured, and soon came up with an idea.

   Immediately, he touched his chin and said, "This idea is fine! However, it is obviously not enough to find something for the world government to do!"

After thinking about it, Arthur said again, "Well...the power to be mobilized will go through the portal and the underground train! These two are the most secret transportation channels in the kingdom. When the power was adjusted, I walked from here and was discovered. The probability will be greatly reduced!"

   "However, it's still a bit insecure! Or... spread a rumor within the kingdom, and make the spies of the world government think that Saint Martin is going to do something big and then pay attention to this matter?"

   "That's right, let's do it! This will not only attract the attention of spies from the world government in Saint Martins, but also serve as a cover for adjusting power! Let these spies think that the reason why Saint Martins power is to do big things!

   "And just like this, under the three-pronged approach, the chance of exposure will be greatly reduced!"

   While talking to himself, Arthur thought of three ways, prepared three ways to combine them, and then came up with a three-pronged approach to minimize the chance of being discovered!

   Thinking, Arthur is ready to make a final move!

"Although the chance of being discovered like this is very small, I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!" Arthur groaned and said, "Well..., considering that the worst happens, we must do a good job with the world government at any time. Ready for war!"

"Also, when it is really impossible to start a war, we must find a way to drag all organizations and forces that have the ability to take advantage of it, including the revolutionary army, etc., together, and try to let these organizations do not take advantage of it after the war. Ability!"

   Finally ~www.ltnovel.com~ Arthur's mouth raised up involuntarily!

In the worst case, if someone is dragged into the water by you and put your back on your back, then the situation is not too bad, it is equivalent to dividing one part of the bad luck by two, and only 0.5 is left, which is half of the bad luck. !

   And, by that time, if you think about someone being pitted by you, your mood will be much better!


  Time is like flowing water!

   Soon, a few days passed!

   In the past few days, according to the plan he thought, Arthur began to mobilize resources, including materials, manpower, etc., to gather and prepare to go to Beihai!

On the side of   , a false message was distributed in the kingdom---the reason why St. Martin adjusts his power so frequently is because they are about to make a big move!

   And this news, Arthur also deliberately made a mysterious secret, used to attract the main force of spies in the kingdom!

at the same time!

   Arthur is also starting to find opportunities for the world government to cause trouble, and is ready to find something for the world government to do so that they don't pay much attention to Saint Martin.

   and did not look for long, he was eating once, because of a fish, and recalled a hidden hand that he has not used yet, but can indeed attract the attention of the world government!

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