Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 948: Sorrow of the Navy

   "The Sorrow of the Navy? The navy in collusion with the pirates! "---Le Monde!

   "The evil dragon was beaten to death by villagers! Is Qiwuhai right or wrong? "---Chambord Islands Daily News!

   "The dirty and **** concealed behind Qiwuhai! "---A place in the Great Waterway!


  While Gilgamesh and others were curious about the top food of the so-called Sea of ​​Legends, as Kata Kuri set foot on the road of fish hunting, a new episode of Adventure King was also broadcast!

   And as soon as this episode of King of Adventure was broadcast, it caused widespread heated discussion among civilians in the world, which caused newspapers to report on it!

   Some of the supernatural newspapers have also unearthed the past of the evil dragon, including the fact that the evil dragon was once in prison, and was released by the world government to allow Jinping to join the navy!

   "This...this... the navy colluded with the pirates?"

   "It's too miserable! An adult is 100,000 Baileys a month? This is totally fatal!"

   "These **** murlocs! Do you dare to do this, are you impatient?"

   "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that there is such a thing in the Navy!"

   "Let me say, the navy is just a bunch of waste!"

   "Yes! And that Qiwuhai shouldn't exist. Is it worth it to release this kind of person from prison for a Qiwuhai?"

   "That's right! I didn't see that Qiwuhai made any contribution to him! For him, he released this kind of evil party, the navy is really damned!"

   "You are wrong, the world government did the affairs of Qiwuhai! The navy has no way to manage them!"


   With various emotions such as surprise, sympathy, anger, etc., after reading the newspaper, civilians all over the world couldn't help but discuss this matter!

   Among them, there are two main points of discussion!

   One is collusion between the navy and the pirates, can the navy still believe it?

   The other is to make a murloc become the Qiwuhai, and even promised him to release a prisoner, is it appropriate?

   There are many people discussing these two issues, but their final ideas are surprisingly consistent!

   They all questioned the navy, and also questioned the organization Qiwuhai!


at the same time!


   After reading the newspaper, Zeng Guo couldn't help but slap the table fiercely!

   "Damn... how dare he, how dare!!!" The Warring States changed his former calm, the blue veins on his neck were exposed, his face became flushed, and he burst into anger.

   "Okay, okay, calm down, our navy is so big, this is inevitable!" The crane on the side looked at him like this, comforting.

   In fact, like Colonel Mouse, it is almost inevitable!

  Absolute right leads to absolute corruption!

  The navy is a huge organization with bases all over the four seas. In addition, the whole world is the sea. The transportation is a bit inconvenient, and the navy cannot directly manage the place.

   Therefore, in addition to the sub-bases that are relatively close to the headquarters, many other naval sub-bases are basically the heads of the bases, the branch colonels and other responsible persons!

   And in this case, it is inevitable that some bugs will breed!

   This is not only clear to the crane, but also to the Warring States!

   But clearly, he is still very angry!

   However, in addition to the collusion between Colonel Mouse and the dragon, what made him even more angry was that this incident was not discovered by the navy, but only after it was reported by the news!

what is this?

   is simply rubbing their navy faces on the ground!


   After getting angry for a while, the Warring States sighed deeply, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked calmly, "By the way, this is called the evil dragon. Is this the condition for Jinping to join the Qiwu Sea?"


Crane nodded and explained, "At the beginning, this evil dragon was arrested by Huang Yuan! Not long after the arrest, the world government invited Jinping to become Qiwuhai! And Jinping became a condition for Qiwuhai. One, this is the evil dragon!"

   "Then report the news to the world government...let them give us an account!" Warring States thought for a while and ordered.


   Crane is a little puzzled!

   Colonel Mouse is a member of the Navy. There are such people in the Navy, and they have been exposed by newspapers. It can be said that the Navy has lost face to the whole world.

   In this case, it would be good for the world government not to trouble them, and they still take the initiative to find the world government. Isn't this looking for scolding?

   But after another thought, Crane understood!

   Sengoku This is the first to win!

   Although this incident is the Navy’s fault, to a certain extent, it can also be regarded as the world government’s fault!

   After all, Qiwuhai was formed by the order of the world government, and the evil dragon was also released by the order of the world government. It would be impossible if the world government had no responsibility!

   And in this case, the navy first censors the world government, which is equivalent to remind the world government that they are also responsible for this matter, and directly cut off the possibility of the world government's enquiry against the navy because of Colonel Rat!

  Well, when both parties are responsible, even if the world government wants to blame the navy, there is no way out!

   "I see, I will do it now!"

  Crane nodded, turned and left the office!

   While looking at her leaving back, her empty eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking!


   Fishman Island!

   Jinping who just finished a trip, returned to the fisherman island from the new world to rest!

   And at this time, he also saw the latest newspaper!


   Looking at the report in the newspaper, Jinping murmured, revealing an indescribable complex expression!

   Seeing the evil dragon in the newspapers caused so many civilian deaths, he wondered whether his decision was correct at the beginning!

   And when he saw the newspaper, the evil dragon was finally beaten to death by the villagers. He was a little unacceptable!

   Of course, he is not unacceptable to the evil dragon being beaten to death by villagers!

   Regarding this, he thinks this is what the dragon deserves!

  What he can't accept is the fact that the dragon is dead!

   Looking at the partner who used to be on the same boat, they just died. It's a little hard to accept who they are!


   Fishman Island!

   Mermaid Cafe!


   Looking at the news in the newspaper, Xia Li looked calm on the surface, but secretly could not help clenching her fists!


   But after a moment, she sighed deeply, but relaxed her fist again, and muttered with a complicated expression, "I told you not to do this a long time ago, but you still don't listen...Ah~"

   At the end ~www.ltnovel.com~ Xia Li couldn't help sighing!


  Chambord Islands!

   Xia Qi's ripping off BAR!

   Woke up early in the morning, the coater Lao Lei came to this bar as usual and ordered a cold beer and a breakfast.


   "Ah~ cool!"

   After taking a sip of cold beer, Lao Lei didn't eat breakfast right away, but picked up the newspaper on the side and read it.

   And when he saw the content of the newspaper, the ecstatic expression on his face froze!

Immediately, he seemed to see something unbelievable. He stared at the newspaper. In the photo of the dragon that was killed by the villagers, he also died behind the dragon, looking like an octopus. Murloc!

   "Little Eight~"

   Finally, after gritted his teeth and said something, Lao Lei didn't care about breakfast anymore, stood up with a sullen face, and walked directly out of the shop!


  The Study Room of King St. Martin’s Palace

   Looking at the latest newspaper, Arthur couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

  The God Creation Project has begun to bear fruit!

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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