Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 944: Nami, now!


   Along Park!

   Along Park is a base area named after the evil dragons who have been in the East China Sea and built it for themselves after they collected wildly and frantically from the hands of civilians in Cocosia Village and more than 20 surrounding villages!

  The interior of the park is luxuriously decorated. In addition to the normal houses, there are also a series of functional buildings such as swimming pools, recreation rooms, bars, etc.!

   But perhaps because of self-confidence in its own strength, or perhaps because of its disdain for human beings, Aaron Park does not have many defensive buildings that can deal with the enemy, provided that there are all functional buildings!

   The most defensive among them is the wall of the park!

   Besides, there are no spies, venting personnel, etc., who provide guards for the forces, there are none!

   To be precise, there is no layout!

   Of course, there is no arrangement but no arrangement. This does not mean that the people of the Dragon Pirates will not get news!

   After making a phone call with Arthur and confirming his thoughts, Brother Chen took the people straight to the headquarters of the Dragon Pirates, which had already been inquired about, Aaron Park!

  Although I met many members of the Dragon Pirate Group along the way, they were all easily solved!

  Well, although murlocs are born to far exceed ordinary humans in strength, they still carry personal characters after all, and they are still afraid of bullets!

   And Chen Ge, as an arms dealer, does not mention his own strength, bullets, firearms and other arms are definitely not bad!

   Therefore, after a burst of "bang-bang-bang" guns along the way, the members of the Dragon Pirate Group that Chen Ge and his team encountered, did not even come close, and died tragically on the spot. They were beaten into hornet's nest.

   Among them, there are a few murlocs who have nothing to do because of the distance. After seeing the tragic death of their companions, they fled in a hurry!

   Therefore, under their influence, the evil dragon who received the news immediately summoned all the members of the evil dragon pirate group and gathered in the park!

   There are not many people in the Evil Dragon Pirates group, there are almost a hundred people!

   However, because they are all murlocs, plus the people who have been brutally beaten several times in the great channel with the word Aaron...Uh...Yu, as a leader, in terms of combat effectiveness in the East China Sea, it can be regarded as the top!

   But at this moment, looking at Brother Chen and the group of people outside the gate of the park, the evil dragon is sitting on a chair, calm on the surface, and still a little bit embarrassed in my heart!

no way!

   Chen Chen is so cruel!

   brought more than a thousand fully armed personnel over!

   More than a thousand armed personnel!

   This is not a civilian, but a fierce gang member!

   Facing this kind of strength, the evil dragon can't do it without guilty!

   But, he also had to forcibly stand up!

   Well, the opponent has hit the door, can he still surrender?

  Don't say that he himself is a person who hates humans from the bottom of his heart and is unwilling to surrender to humans. Even if he surrenders, can the other party let him go?

   Obviously impossible!

   Everyone is a gangster, who doesn’t know who?

   How dark the Axe Gang’s hands were, his evil dragon knew clearly that the graves of the Axe Gang’s enemies were over three meters high in recent years.

   So after snatching that batch of arms, he was ready to be troubled!

   Of course, he never thought that Brother Chen would bring so many people here!


the other side!


  After killing all the way to the entrance of Along Park, Brother Chen didn't hesitate, stepped forward and just kicked, kicking the park gate directly!

"Five hundred people are guarding outside, and I enclose the entire park with Lao Tzu. Don't let anyone run away, everyone else will follow me in!" Chen Ge said lightly and took the lead and moved towards Walk inside the park!

"Da da da!"

Then, the others did not hesitate. Amidst the sound of messy footsteps, Brother Chen automatically divided into two paths, walked all the way around Along Park, surrounded the entire Along Park, all the way was Followed Brother Chen and went in!

   As soon as he walked in, he saw Aaron sitting in the middle of the park and surrounded by hundreds of murlocs guarding him. Brother Chen made a loud noise and asked loudly, "Is it your **** dragon?"

   To be honest, although Brother Chen has seen pictures of evil dragons, this time the real contact will be!

   "Why is Lao Tzu called the evil dragon?"

   And listening to Brother Chen's words, although the evil dragon was a little bit guilty about the heavily armed axe gang members around Brother Chen, it still sprang up on the surface and directly replied.

   "I'll just ask you, these years, you have been aggressively conquering in Cocoyashi Village and surrounding villages, causing countless people to be destroyed as a result. Do you admit or deny the crime?" Chen Ge pretended to be just and awe-inspiring.

If Luffy is not there, this matter will not appear in anime or comics later, then Chen Ge naturally does not need to pretend, and it is nothing to say that he is here for revenge, but now Luffy is by his side, he naturally wants to find someone Wei Guangzheng's excuse!

   Hearing Brother Chen’s words, the evil dragon "chuckled" and said with a sneer, "I said, you humans are really hypocritical! Those who come for revenge are here for revenge. Why use any excuses?"

   Brother Chen raised his brows and snorted coldly, but he said, "I will ask you if it is... or not?"

   "Some lowly human beings die if they die, so what?" the evil dragon said disdainfully.

   Although he didn't answer Brother Chen's question directly, he has confirmed the meaning in Brother Chen's words sideways!

"So...who is your umbrella?" Brother Chen narrowed his eyes and said in a deep breath, "More than twenty villages! Based on what you have done over the years, if there is no one to cover, you would have long since Was it wiped out by the navy?"

  Ge Chen hasn't forgotten Arthur's instructions, so he started to deliberately lead the topic!

   "Huh, navy?"

The dragon, who was dissatisfied with humans, showed a look of contempt after hearing the word navy, and said, "You think too much, how could the navy destroy us? The money I made in these places, The navy takes part too!"

   Because he looked down on humans, the evil dragon sold Colonel Mouse without any burden!

   "The navy also takes part?"

   Brother Chen said a sentence ~www.ltnovel.com~ and asked with a squint, "So...the navy is your umbrella?"

   "Umbrella? You value the navy too much. Why use the waste of Colonel Rat as our umbrella? We just need to move our fingers, and he will be wiped out!" The dragon said with disdain.

   said, the evil dragon suddenly felt something wrong!

and many more!

   Didn't the other party come to me for revenge?

   How can you ask all these irrelevant questions?

  Thinking about it, a hint of surprise flashed in the evil dragon's eyes, but he couldn't help thinking!

   But at this moment, he suddenly yelled and interrupted his thoughts!

   With Luffy behind Brother Chen, while listening to the conversation between Brother Chen and the evil dragon, he looked around curiously!

   And this look made him see Nami's figure flashing by the window in the building behind the evil dragon!

   Immediately, Luffy didn’t care about other things!


   After shouting excitedly, Luffy pushed away the people on both sides, rushed directly out of the crowd, and rushed in the direction of Nami!

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