Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 936: Curry stick


   The battlefield of Gilgamesh and Kaido coincides with the battlefield of Altria and Hathaway!

   "What? Can't hold on? Need this princess to help you?" Looking at Gilgamesh coming towards her, Altria asked while coping with the attacks from Hathaway and others.

   "Yes! Yes!" Gilgamesh with a gentle personality touched his nose, a little embarrassed, but he did not deny it!

   are all sisters and brothers, who doesn't know who!

   And, there is nothing to deny!


   At this time, a black bullet flew quickly!


   Altria waved her hand, a golden light flashed, and the bullet fell.

After that, she ignored the source of the bullet, but embraced her hands, raised her head slightly, and turned her chin towards Gilgamesh, with a proud little expression, and said, "In this case, this princess will help me with great compassion. Hello!"

   "Yes, yes, I beg my sister to show mercy!" Gilgamesh smiled and nodded.

   "Hey! I said...Did you forget me?" Kaido couldn't help but interject when watching Altria's sister and brother had a conversation.

   "Oh! Sorry, sorry, I forgot to have you!" Gilgamesh heard Kaido say this, slapped his head and showed apologetic expression.

   Well, he is sincere!

   He also felt that it was a bit bad to forget Kaido during the battle!

   However, after his words were heard by Kaido, they completely ignited Kaido's anger!


   Forgot to have me?

   This obviously doesn't put me in the eyes!

   Thinking, Kaido is about to have an attack right away!

   At this time, Altria said, "Brother, use your curry stick to **** him!"

   Curry stick?

   In such a serious fighting occasion, what do you say about food?

  Kaido was confused by Altria's words!

   And Gilgamesh listened and retorted with a black line, "That's not a curry stick, no!!!"

"Father, it's called curry sticks!" Altria said, watching Gilgamesh open her mouth and retort, she waved her hand quickly, "Well, no matter what you call it, get him , Just get him! I'll cover you by the side!"

   Hearing this, Gilgamesh could only take a deep breath, swallowed the words he was going to refute, nodded heavily, and said solemnly, "Okay!"

   Afterwards, Gilgamesh raised the sword in his hands with both hands, prepared Kaido for the confrontation, and poured all the magic power into the sword in his hand.

   "The Sword of Oath of Victory!!!"

next moment!

   There was a dazzling light from Gilgamesh's magical sword.

   Then, the light narrowed, and the sword in Gilgamesh's hand turned into a lightsaber that seemed dangerous to look at.


After    was swung down fiercely, the lightsaber in Gilgamesh's hand struck Kaido with an aura of destruction!


   is very dangerous!

   Before the sword came, Kaido's heart "cocked", and his whole body shivered.

  He felt a fatal sense of crisis overwhelmingly pressed over, and completely enveloped him, making him unable to breathe!

   However, he, who has rich combat experience, reacted quickly after feeling this!

   is about to turn around to avoid this attack!

   But just about to turn around, he felt a surge of energy coming from Gilgamesh's direction, locked on himself firmly!

   can't leave!

   can only resist!

   After two thoughts flashed in his mind, Kaido was not afraid!

   Hardly resist attacks, he is good at doing death himself, what he is best at!

  Thinking, he tightened his muscles, and at the same time he carried his arms and domineering, covering his whole body, he must resist this attack!

   But at this moment, Hathaway and others who were on his side were glimpsed from the corner of his eye, but his brain was flashed, and he immediately changed his mind!

   It seems...you can take advantage of this attack and do something!

The daring Kaido of the art master thought secretly in his heart, but his feet were not slow. After stepping on the air, he turned and rushed in the direction of Hathaway, revealing a pair that seemed to dodge The appearance of Gilgamesh attacking!

the other side!

   "Huh huh!"

   Standing on a pterodactyl, Hathaway held a gun in her hand, panting slightly, while paying attention to the battlefield!

   While seeing Gilgamesh’s attack, and Kaido’s appearance that seemed to be coming towards them to avoid the attack, her heart "cocked"

   Suddenly, there was a bad feeling!


   In the battle between her and her subordinates and Altria, they are at a disadvantage!

   So, when she saw Kaido and Gilgamesh coming over, she was a little happy in her heart!

   Regardless of whether Kaido is willing or not, whether he came by himself, but as long as he comes, Altria will pay more attention to him, and in this way, Hathaway's fighting pressure will be somewhat reduced!

   And after seeing the three of Kaido chatting, she was even more happy!

   In the previous battle with Altria, her physical exertion was also visible to the naked eye!

   As a superhuman fruit capable person, she is also a shooter. Physical fitness has always been her weakness. Now that the three of them have a chat, then she can hurry up and take advantage of this opportunity to regain her strength!

   But what she didn't expect was that the battle would happen again before a few people talked!

   Even if the battle happens!

   Can this be such a powerful move from the very beginning?

   Looking at the sword of vows of victory with a destructive aura, Hathaway only felt her heart and liver trembled.

   And what made her feel cheating is...

  Kaido actually came to her side!

  In an instant, she couldn't be happy anymore!

  Who is Kaido~www.ltnovel.com~ Does she still know?

   Seeing Kaido seem to be trying to dodge an attack, Hathaway's heart is like a mirror, it is clear!

   This is obviously to kill someone with a knife!

  Kaido wanted to use Gilgamesh's trick to insult her!

   If she dies by that time, Kaido will be able to take advantage of the situation and covet it for a long time, and all her subordinates will accept it.

   In this way, regardless of whether this blockade against Saint Martin is successful or not, Kaido is also a winner!

"Asshole, I knew you had bad intentions a long time ago!" Hathaway sipped in her heart, but on the surface she was calmly moving to the side on the pterosaur, but all of them were embarrassed and panting. Five of his men instructed, "Everyone, control the pterodactyl and fly towards the east! Hurry!"

   The five subordinates heard Hathaway's instructions, so they were a little unclear, but they nodded and agreed, "Yes!"

   Immediately, the pterosaur where the five were located flew towards the east!

   And the next moment they left, Kaido also came to Hathaway's side!

   "Quick, go! The attack is coming!" Kaido pretended to be anxious and said to Hathaway who greeted her.

   said so!

   But in fact, it was too late for the two to leave!


   Attack has come!

   The sword of vows of victory that shines in the night like the day, with the aura of destruction and endless light, falls towards Kaido and Hathaway beside Kaido!


   A loud noise came out of thin air!

  In an instant, Kaido and Hathaway, the two figures were submerged in the endless light brought by the sword of victory!

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