Kaido and others saw Gilgamesh's fleet, and Gilgamesh and others naturally saw his fleet!

   "According to the original plan!"

But Gilgamesh did not panic, but after taking a glance, he withdrew his gaze and faintly ordered that people follow the secret channel that Iskandar said according to the original plan. !

   "Want to run?"

   Kaido, who was behind Gilgamesh, raised his brows and showed an expression of interest on his face after seeing Gilgamesh's fleet entering the vortex waters.

   No wonder he thinks so!

   He knew that if he could see the other person, then the other person would definitely be able to see himself!

   In this case, from the perspective of normal people, it must be run!

   After all, the banner of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates is hanging there brightly, anyone who doesn't have long eyes wants to fight with him?

   Thinking, the expression on Kaido's face changed, showing a joking expression like a cat catching a mouse, and ordered, "Come on!"

Although Gilgamesh and Kaido’s fleet are not far away, he can catch up directly with at most one jump. However, he didn’t do it with the idea of ​​holding a cat and catching a mouse and first molesting him. He just made people follow him. Go up!

   Well, the hatred back then, but not so easy to end!

   If he does not vent, he will not be in a good mood anyway!

   "At this distance, we can all rush up, why not go up? Let them enter the whirlpool sea area?" Hathaway felt something wrong, so she frowned and asked.

   She is not as optimistic as Kaido. Judging from her knowledge of Saint Martin, even the boys and girls of seventeen or nineteen should not be underestimated!

   And, with her steady personality, in the face of this kind of thing, it is natural to reduce the possible trouble as much as possible, so try to reduce it as much as possible. She does not want any accidents to happen!

   "It's okay! It's just a group of children!" Kaido grinned, waved his hand, and said indifferently.

   Seeing him like this, Hathaway frowned again, but said nothing!

   Although she can't understand Kaido's approach, she also has to admit that Kaido is really strong.

   And, in terms of personality, Kaido is also a more opinionated person, not so easy to convince!

   "Be careful afterwards!" Hathaway thought to herself.

that's it!

   With their own thoughts, Gilgamesh, Kaido and others entered the whirlpool sea one after another.

   About half a day later, the two parties came to the center of this secret channel in tandem!

   "It's almost there!" Gilgamesh looked at the still clear sea, and said in his heart.

   Immediately, he directed to the people on this ship, "Now, everyone is moving to other ships, hurry!"


   Although the others on the scene did not know why Gilgamesh gave this order, the difference in status and strength still made them obediently listen to Gilgamesh's words and transfer to other ships!

  At this moment, Gilgamesh seemed to have thought of something, his eyes narrowed, and he scanned the boat!


  He found the target---Trelte who was about to transfer to another ship like everyone else!

   Immediately, he disappeared in place!

next moment!


   Gilgamesh suddenly appeared in front of Tlerte and kicked him in the stomach!


   Unprepared Tlealt screamed and knelt down, clutching his stomach!

what happened?

   Why did the prince fight a small soldier?

   And this scene made the people present who were preparing to transfer somewhat confused!

   "He's an undercover agent!" Gilgamesh faintly explained!


   All the people present are suddenly taken aback!

   turned out to be an undercover agent!

   They didn't doubt Gilgamesh's words, and there was no need to doubt it!

   As the prince, it is necessary to frame an ordinary soldier?

   just kidding!

   Although most of the people present have not read many books, they also know that it is unnecessary!

   Don't say Gilgamesh is famous for his gentle personality, and don't say that this little soldier has not offended him. Even if the prince is tyrannical, even if the little soldier offends him, what about it?

  As a prince, he doesn't even need to say anything, there are a lot of people who want to please him, rushing to solve this little soldier for him!

   "Tie him and take him to another boat. I will interrogate him later!" Gilgamesh quietly ordered.

   "Yes! The prince!"

   Immediately, a few soldiers walked out, stepped forward to grab the painful and immovable Tlerte, and tied him up!

   In a while!

   Tlelt, who was tied up, was taken by the soldiers and transferred to another ship.

  "The other ships are moving towards the BIGMOM Pirate Group as originally planned!

  At this time, Gilgamesh gave another order!

   Under his order, the other ships moved towards the territory of the BIGMOM Pirate Group according to their original plan, only the ship where Gilgamesh was staying!

   At this time, Gilgamesh and his three siblings were the only ones left on the ship where Gilgamesh was!

   "Are there going to war? Suddenly I am a little excited!" Iskander looked at the Beast Pirates group approaching from behind, and suddenly felt a little excited in his heart.

  At the same time, a sword suddenly appeared in Iskandar's hand!

   Iskandar's Sabre---Cypriot Sword!

   "Let this princess teach you a profound lesson!" Altoria squinted at the group of beasts and pirates approaching behind her, her eyes twinkling, and her body began to emit a golden light.

   In the golden light, countless phantoms of treasures appeared behind Altria!

   "Fighting?" Scarha thought, a trace of confusion appeared in the red eyes.

   But then, a crimson spear that looked full of death and ominousness appeared in her hand!

   treasure---the spear that penetrates the dead Xiang!

"It's going to fight again~www.ltnovel.com~ It's going to be dead again!" Gilgamesh, after arranging for the other soldiers to go first, also looked at the beasts and pirates who were approaching. He muttered, but there was no hesitation in his hand!

   A gorgeous-looking sword appeared in his hand!

   treasure---the sword of vows of victory!


the other side!

   "A ship has stopped? What is this going to do?" Kaido was puzzled, a smile appeared on his face suddenly, and said, "Do you want to stay and face us alone?"

   When he saw that several of Arthur's children were stunned!

   actually left a ship behind, trying to deal with them, it was a joke!

   Of course, when he wanted to come, it might be that the people on the ship didn't know that he was the one who was chasing and killing him, so he made such a wrong decision!

   But, no matter what, it will not prevent his cat from catching the mouse, full of jokes!

   "Maybe!" Listening to Kaido's words and looking at the ship in front of him, the ominous feeling in Hathaway's heart became more and more intense, but she still responded with a deal.

   and soon!

   The two sides officially met in their own thoughts...

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