Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 921: Fixed plan

   a few days later!

   New world!

   Somewhere on an uninhabited island!

Around this small island with no resources, no creatures, no one to visit, and nothing, it was uncharacteristically parked at this time with dozens of ships of various shapes, but more or less there were dozens of doors, hundreds of doors. Artillery, you know the powerful battleship at a glance!

"Da da da!"

   Accompanied by the sound of messy footsteps, a tall woman carrying a white gold special gun, brought dozens of people to the center of the island!

   "Good morning!"

After saying hello, Kaido, who was already waiting here, sat on a huge chair, gestured to the empty chair opposite to him, and said with a grin, "Queen Hathaway, Please sit down!"


   Hathaway was not polite, came to the chair, nodded, pulled the chair in front of her and sat down!

   "I received the news a few days ago that King Arthur of the Kingdom of St. Martin asked his four children to set off with arms!" Kaido did not say any nonsense, and went directly to the topic!

   This is what they discussed some time ago!

   Some time ago, Kaido learned from the undercover agent of the BIGMOM Pirates that the BIGMOM Pirates had reached a huge arms deal with Saint Martin!

In order to prevent this arms trade, to avoid the loss of the pirates of the beasts in the arms trade, and to avenge the original revenge, he immediately contacted Hathaway, who also belonged to the enemy relationship with Saint Martin, and Reached a cooperation with her!

   Well, if it's just a group of beasts and pirates, Kaido doesn't have much confidence to get Saint Martin!

   Today, because he received information about Arthur’s children going to sea a few days ago, he asked Hathaway to come to this small island, ready to discuss how to stop the arms trade in specific ways of action!

   "What do you mean?" Hathaway also didn't say any nonsense, and asked directly towards him.

"Be straightforward, kill them!" Kaido showed a cruel smile on his face, and said, "As long as you kill them, you will not only stop Saint Martin's arms trade this time, but also prevent them from opening the door to the new world arms trade. , It makes Arthur feel distressed, so painful that he can't breathe!"

While    was talking, the cruel smile on Kaido's face became more cruel!

   Listening to this, looking at Kaido's appearance, Hathaway nodded silently after a trace of disgust flashed in the depths of her eyes, and agreed, "Yes!"

   Although she hated Kaido from the bottom of her heart for the act of involving her family in order to retaliate, and even the family did not let it go, considering the relationship between Saint Martin and her, she can only pinch her nose and agree to cooperate with Kaido!

no way!

   If she does not prevent Saint Martin from reaching out to the new world, then once the opponent successfully enters the new world, she will be miserable!

   For the traitor, based on her knowledge of Saint Martin, there is absolutely no end to it!

   "How many people are on each side? Where do we intercept them?" At this time, Hathaway asked again.

"On the human side...I will take Jack and Quinn, as well as one hundred capable people and twenty ships, four thousand pirates!" Kaido asked after hesitating for a while, "As for you... .How much are you prepared to pay?"

   This time he did not bring any flying hexapods, nor any real fights!

   But that's enough!

  Don't talk about the one hundred capable people or the four thousand pirates, just talk about Jack and Quinn!

   That is one of his three big billboards!

  I have brought two of the three big billboards. What do you want?

   "I will bring five ten beasts, a thousand pterosaurs, and twenty ships with two thousand soldiers!" Hathaway thought for a while and said.

   She seems to bring fewer people, but she has no fighting power at all!

   Don't say anything else, just talk about the pterosaur!

   Although there are islands that maintain the ancient style in this world, such islands are still relatively rare. These thousand pterosaurs were bought and found by Hathaway, and it was hard to get together!

   And the combat power of these thousand pterosaurs is very fierce!

  Because of taking the weakened version of IQ potion researched by the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts, these thousand pterosaurs are extremely fierce, and their size, recovery ability, defense ability, attack ability, etc. have all been greatly improved by the naked eye in all directions!

   There is no way even bullets and cannonballs can be used!

   And because they can fly, these thousand pterosaurs are unparalleled in terms of mobility!

   Ordinary soldiers, pirates, even hundreds of thousands, millions, and they are all equipped with the most popular munitions in the world, they can't help them!

   They run when they want to run, fight when they want to fight!

   Kaido calculated the people Hathaway had come out in his heart, nodded, and said, "Yes!"

   Although Hathaway did not have the Turtle King he wanted most, it was okay.

   Especially the thousand pterosaurs that can fly and are powerful in combat!

   These pterosaurs formed the pterosaur army, he has also heard of it!

  On the sea, these pterosaurs are big killers!

   "Then where do we intercept them?" Hathaway asked again.

Hearing this question, Kaido took a map from the hands of his men on the side, unfolded the map, placed it on the table between the two of them, and said, "They have not entered the new world yet. I haven't received any news yet, so I'm not sure where to intercept them for the time being!"

   "But...their target is the BIGMOM Pirates, and from the windless area to the BIGMOM Pirates, there are three places they must pass through!"

   "Oak Tree Island, Wild Grass Town, White Horse City!"

"Although these three places are just ordinary islands, ordinary towns, but because of the scarce supply points around, many reefs, abnormal weather, etc., anyone who wants to go to the BIGMOM Pirate Group from the direction of the windless zone must pass through this. One of three places!"

"Of course, it's not that you really can't go to the BIGMOM Pirate Group without passing through, but if you don't pass through these three places, you will have to detour from other directions, and this detour will increase at least half a month. voyage!"

   "So, as long as they are not stupid, they will only pass by one of these three points!"

   "As for which point...it is not clear yet! However, Yecao Town is the middle of the three locations, we can stay there!"

   "At that time~www.ltnovel.com~ no matter where the people of Saint Martin go, we can intercept them!"

   "Weicao Town can be intercepted directly, the other two places, when we know that they are passing by, we will have time to chase from Yecao Town!"

   Hathaway listened to Kaido's explanation, did not say much, just nodded!

But then, she seemed to think of something again, and asked with some worry, "By the way, do you know what kind of preparation Saint Martin has made for this arms trade, what kind of defense? If the defense is really strong... .I'm afraid we can't please!"

"Don't worry, my people have long been mixed with the ship carrying the arms of Saint Martin! They have found out. This time Arthur only sent a few of his children to lead the team in order to experience his children, without sending anyone. protection!"

   Kaido grinned, showing an excited smile, and said, "Furthermore, for those children, the older ones are only 19 and the younger ones are only 17. With our strength, it is definitely not a problem!"

   "That's good!" After Hathaway nodded, took a deep breath, stood up, and said, "Then it's settled. If nothing happens, I'll go!"

   Without waiting for Kaido to agree, Hathaway turned around and left with dozens of people!

   And Kaido looked at her drifting back and narrowed his eyes, not knowing what she was thinking!

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