Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 909: Social death


  St. Martin’s port!


   The sea breeze is blowing slightly, but it brings a hint of coolness to the busy people in the port.

   At this time, not far from the port, in the official dedicated port of the Kingdom of Saint Martin surrounded by a thick wall!

   "Haha, it's finally time for our brothers and sisters to go!" Iskandar said boldly, looking at the boat in front of him.

   "Sister and brother!" At this moment, Altria on the side gave Iskandar a cold look and emphasized.

   "Ahaha~ Big sister, don't care about those details!" Iskandar smiled, and after a word indifferently, he took out a cigar from his pocket and put it in his mouth!


   After igniting, Iskandar took a deep breath, then spit out the smoke heavily, revealing a sorrowful expression!

   "Brother, smoking is bad for your health, and your father explicitly forbids you to smoke! If you smoke again, I will tell your father!"

   Behind him, Gilgamesh’s gentle voice came into Iskandar’s ears!

   Hearing this voice, Iskandall turned around subconsciously!

next moment!


   A bright smile appeared on his face suddenly, and he said with a smile, "Big brother, this is the only time...please!"

   "You said this was the last time!" Gilgamesh shook his head.


Hearing this, Iskandar was taken aback at first, and then reacted, in a slightly coquettish tone, and said, "Big brother, please, no next time, really! Please~ I know you are the best big brother. La!"

Gilgamesh looked at him like this, covering his face with one hand, and swaying one hand out. He couldn't bear to look straight and said, "Okay, okay, this time, forget it, let you go! "

   Gilgamesh, who has Altria's template, has a good temper from childhood to grandeur. Facing his brother's prayer, he couldn't bear to refuse!

   er... alright!

   mainly cannot bear to look straight!

   Although he is only seventeen years old, Iskandall, who has advanced development and already has a big beard, now looks no different from a middle-aged man in his thirties.

  Think about it, a middle-aged man is acting like a baby, that scene, that scene...Tsk!

   If it wasn't for his own brother, Gilgamesh would have the heart to kill him on the spot!

   But just the next moment Gilgamesh was about to let Iskander out.

   A spear flew from a distance.


   With a gust of wind, the spear passed in front of the three!


  Finally, the spear was stuck on the rectangular wooden boxes not far from the three!

   And at this time, if someone takes a closer look, they can find that there is an unextinguished cigar on the tip of the spear!

"Second sister, don’t I just smoke a cigar? Are you like this?" After smacking his lips, feeling the empty lips, Iskandar showed a wry smile and looked not far away. Shaka walking slowly towards them!

   "Father said that smoking is not allowed!" Shaka looked at Iskandar and said lightly.

   Hearing these words, Iskandall could only smile helplessly.

   Among the few people present, Gilgamesh as the eldest brother has the best character, and Altria, the eldest sister, has the most arrogant character.

   As for his smoking, the elder sister doesn't care, the eldest brother only needs to say a few good things, and he basically makes him smoke!

   The thing that makes him helpless is his second sister, Shaka!

   has a proud personality and only listens to the words of his father.

   So every time I see him smoking, I will stop him!

   "Okay, okay..." Iskandall whispered after a few words with Skhaka, "That old man has a lot of pipes. I'm seventeen. What's wrong with smoking?"

   The voice just fell!


   I heard a thunderstorm.


   Iskandall subconsciously hugged his head and squatted defense, sucking in a cold breath, and showing a painful expression on his face.


  At this time, Arthur appeared behind him, blew his **** lightly, and said quietly, "Speaking of me behind my back?"

   "Hehe, father, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

   Hearing this voice, Iskandar also ignored the pain in his head, and quickly stood up, turned around, and said with a smile.

   "Wrong? You're right!" A false smile hung on Arthur's face, and he said in a sincere tone as possible.

   Iskandar looked at this smile, listened to the voice, and his whole body was excited, and quickly said, "Father, I'm really wrong, I'm really wrong!"

   As he said, Iskandall still smiled, bowed, and almost didn't kneel down for Arthur!


   Arthur's face changed, and after a cold snort, he stretched out a hand and said coldly, "I know it's wrong, what should I do?"


   Listening to Arthur's slightly angry words, Iskandar breathed a sigh of relief in his heart!

  He was not afraid of Arthur getting angry, he was afraid that Arthur would not be angry!

   If Arthur gets angry after provoking Arthur, he will get a beating at most...he is not afraid of that beating even if he has a thick skin!

   But if after provoking Arthur, there is no anger on the surface of Arthur...

   Then he will be miserable!

   Because that means that Arthur will use some unconventional means to punish him!

   For example, let him take off his pants in front of his brothers and sisters, and then give him a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots!

  For example, forcing him to eat a whole plate of dark dishes---fried bullfrog with skin on five-nut mooncakes!

   Well, don’t ask him why he knows these like...

   That's an unspeakable pain!

   Looking back at this time, he still has lingering fears!

   Although these methods did not cause him any substantial harm, they caused serious trauma to his soul.

   Especially the first one, Iskandall almost died socially because of it!

   Then Iskandall obediently took out a box of cigars from his arms and handed them to Arthur!

   Arthur took the cigar, and after a glance, he looked up at Iskandar, and said quietly, "Do you think... I'm so good to fool you?"

   "No, no!" Iskandall shook his head quickly, took out a box of cigars from his arms and handed it over!

Immediately, in the eyes of Arthur’s gaze, Iskandall grinned and took out the pockets on both sides of the pants~www.ltnovel.com~ and the two pairs of shoes. A box of cigars of various sizes was passed over!

   "No, really no more!" After Iskandall finished this, he turned over his empty pockets and exposed them with a bitter face.


  Looking at him like this, Arthur nodded in satisfaction, and said, "For the face of your going to sea afterwards, I won't beat you this time. If there is another...hehe!"

   At the end of the talk, Arthur couldn't help but sneered, and looked at Iskandar with a slightly deep look!


   What else is Iskander?

   Of course he nodded and agreed!

   Then, he asked with a serious face, "By the way, Father! Are you here to send us off?"

   Listening to Iskandall’s words, Arthur patted his head and suddenly said, "I was almost taken off by you. I forgot the real purpose of coming here!"

   Arthur said, as he changed his voice, he said, "The reason I am here is that besides sending you off, there is one more thing I want to tell you!"

   As he said, Arthur seemed to have thought of something, and then added, "Well, to be precise, it is to give away my two baby girls. By the way, talk to you two brats!"

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