Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 907: Honesty

   "This hat... can you send it back to Shanks for me?" Luffy was silent for a while before speaking again.

   In Newton's words just now, although he was full of dissatisfaction and disdain for Shanks, Luffy could still hear that Newton was not dissatisfied with Shanks in fact, he just spoke upright!

   Of course, Luffy didn’t know the word “conscientiousness”!

   But the meaning is the same.

   He could hear the relationship between Newton and Shanks, not as bad as Newton's mouth!

   And this is what Newton deliberately showed!

the other side!

   Listening to Luffy's words, Newton was startled.

   He never expected that Luffy would be willing to send his hat back!

   Before he came, but I heard Arthur said how important this hat is to Luffy!

   However, after another thought, Newton could accept it!

  Because he had also heard what Arthur had said before he came, a little bit of details about the things he did to Luffy back then!


   If it weren’t for Luffy who experienced everything back then, he would have been completely depressed if he was treated like an ordinary child by Arthur?

   So, he can understand a little bit about how Luffy wants him to send his hat back!

  Although he was not depressed, he always left some shadow of the Pirate in his heart. Therefore, Luffy would be a little disgusted with the hat of One Piece!

   After thinking about it, Newton said faintly, "From what I know about Shanks...he and you have an agreement on this hat?"

"how do you know?"

   Luffy couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Ha ha!"

   Newton chuckled slightly, as I knew it, but he didn't explain it!

"However, even so... please send it back to him for me! I'm afraid I can no longer complete the agreement!" Lu Fei was surprised for a while, his eyes dimmed, and a trace of despair appeared on his face. color!

  Looking at Luffy like this, Newton's mind turned a little and he understood!

   Originally, the reason for asking Newton to help give the hat, apart from his aversion to the pirates, Luffy was mainly afraid that he would die here and could not fulfill the promise!


   He is like this now, except for Newton himself, everyone else, or himself, feels dead!

no way!

   Newton is too strong!

   And once he dies here, the agreement between him and Shanks is destined to be impossible, so it is normal to find someone to complete the agreement for him in advance!

   If this person is the murderer who killed them, that is, Newton, so much the better!

  Because of Newton's strength, I can definitely deliver the hat!

   thinking, a playful smile appeared on Newton's face, "Why, are you afraid you can't complete the agreement?"

   Luffy nodded and didn't speak any more!

   Upon seeing this, a disdainful smile appeared on Newton's face and said, "Don't worry, you have a chance to complete! Even if you don't look at the face of that **** Shanks, you also look at the face of your grandpa!"

   "My grandpa?" Luffy's face appeared surprised, and said, "Do you still know my grandpa?"

   "I don't know..." Newton shook his head and said, "But I know that your grandpa is a lieutenant admiral, and the navy hero Karp!"


   Following Newton's words, before Luffy and his party could react, all the onlookers who were watching in the restaurant all exclaimed!

   If you talk to the group of businessmen in the East China Sea, what the nobles tell the Four Emperors of the New World...

   Sorry, they don’t know or understand!

   But when it comes to Vice Admiral Karp, they all know each other!

   As for why this is...

   There are several reasons!

   One is that Karp was born in the East China Sea!

  As a navy hero, and it is native to the East China Sea, the navy of the East China Sea, the kingdom nobles of the East China Sea, will more or less publicize his reputation and establish an image of a hero born in the East China Sea!

  The second is that Karp often travels between the Great Channel and the East China Sea, and often secretly goes back to the East China Sea to see his grandson. On the road, he often handles the pirates of the East China Sea casually, and to a certain extent maintains the order of the East China Sea!

   Therefore, those in the East China Sea who have been rescued by Karp or injured by pirates, after knowing Karp's name, will more or less spontaneously help him publicize it!

  三, is also the most important point!

  The East China Sea is the territory of the world government!

  On his own territory, of course, he is only allowed to promote his own people!

  How can propaganda pirates be allowed?

   Therefore, due to the above reasons, these merchants and nobles in the East China Sea do not know what the Four Emperors are, but they all know the existence of the naval hero Kapu!

   "Unexpectedly, that stupid looking kid turned out to be the grandson of the navy hero Karp!"

   "Yes! I really didn't expect it!"

   "Wait, after Lord Bucky is gone, I must go up and meet him!"

   "Go together, go together!"


   A group of businessmen and nobles began to discuss in a low voice after being surprised!

   And what they discuss the most is undoubtedly waiting for Bucky to go up and get to know Luffy!

   nothing else!

   is Luffy’s grandfather is a lieutenant admiral!

   If you can get the friendship of a lieutenant admiral of the Navy, it will be of great benefit to them!

   Of course, what they don’t know is that Luffy’s character is destined to be impossible to befriend them!

"Ha ha!"

   Listening to Newton’s words, Luffy’s face showed a rare wry smile!

   He never thought that one day he would survive because of his grandfather's name!

   You must know that since he was a child, he has always yearned for the sea, for adventure, and for a free life. In addition to Shanks, in addition to the King of Adventure, part of the reason is because of Karp!

   Because of the shadow of love that Karp left him from childhood, he always wanted to break free of Karp's shackles, get out of Karp's control, and stay away from Karp's pitfall!

   The irony is that it was the person he wanted to leave the most, but he saved his life now!

   "It's almost there, ready to leave!"

   Looking at Luffy's appearance, Newton thought to himself.

   His original purpose was to make Luffy famous.

   Now that he points out the hat, Roger left it to Shanks, Shanks left it to Luffy, and points out that Luffy’s grandfather is the navy hero Karp, his goal is considered complete!

   These two news will definitely make Luffy more famous!

  Think about it, an adventurer who inherits the hat of One Piece, his grandpa turned out to be a naval hero. How topical is this?

   Of course, if Newton breaks out that Lu Fei’s father is the leader of the revolutionary army, the most vicious criminal in the world, the topic will be even stronger!

   But, he thought about it and let it go!

   is so topical...

   But I am afraid that the world government will also use Luffy as a target!

  Although the world government should also know the relationship between Luffy and Dorag~www.ltnovel.com~, exposure and non-exposure are two different things!

   No exposure, Karp is there, and the world government should more or less take care of Karp's emotions!

   has been exposed, even if Karp is there, the world government has to do it!

   Otherwise, if the son of a revolutionary army leader dangles under his nose and the world government can’t handle it, the participating countries should have doubts about the ability of the world government!

   "However, there is one last step!"

   Newton thought, looked at Luffy deeply, and said, "Boy, although you offend me, your courage...I recognize it!"

   This is the last step!

   The eagle eye was used to set off Newton with the eagle eye before, but now that Newton has been set off, it is of course to use Newton to set off Luffy!

  Think about it, a small person, a big person who is as strong as an eagle eye, said that I agree with you, how much glory is this?

   Just before crossing with Arthur, a diaosi was told by an army commander that I am optimistic about you!

   After speaking, Newton didn't stay too much. After leaving a pile of Bailey as compensation for destroying the restaurant, he left here with two unconscious trash men!

   left a group of nobles and businessmen with eyes on Luffy.

   Luffy and a group of people were left behind.

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