Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 905: Baby girl

   "Why did you stop suddenly?" Newton flying in the air, looking at Hawkeye condescendingly, in a joking tone, asked, "Don't you think you stopped, I'll let you go?"

   Hawkeye did not speak, but cast a look at Newton, motioning him to look aside.

   Seeing this, Newton subconsciously followed his gaze and looked aside.

   At this look, he saw at a glance that in the squally wind and waves caused by the fighting between the two, a small boat with only two people on it was crumbling!

   Of course, if it's just that the boat is crumbling, then there is nothing, and Hawkeye will not stop for this.

   The main reason why he stopped was because there was a weak baby crying from the boat!

   "Wow wow wow~"

   "Did it be swept over by the violent wind and huge waves caused by the aftermath of the battle?"

   With the crisp and weak baby crying into his ears, such a thought flashed through Newton's mind.

   Immediately, Newton sighed deeply, put away his fighting spirit, looked at Hawkeye and said lightly, "We can only stop here today!"

"Well, let's stop here!" Hawkeye looked at the crying baby, nodded, and silently received the black knife behind him, then picked up the boatman on the raft he was on, and rowed the small raft. The direction of the baby is close to the past!

   Upon seeing this, Newton flew close to the boat where the baby was!

   was wrapped in coarse cloth, with a wrinkled face and weak breathing. I opened the wrapped coarse cloth with my hands and saw that there was nothing underneath!


   Looking at these, Newton sighed and concluded, "An abandoned baby girl!"

   In fact, it is not uncommon to be abandoned!

   is not uncommon in this world at least!

  Because of low productivity and low living standards, there is still a large part of the common people in this world. Even if they work hard, they just barely fill their own family's stomach and cannot raise too many children!

   Therefore, in the case of accidentally giving birth to more children, in order to ensure that the family is not hungry, and to give the child a chance to live, such families usually choose to sell or abandon a child!

Among them, because men’s physical strength is better than women, men have natural social advantages, can do better farm work, and parents can get more parenting returns from men, so those who are sold or abandoned are usually It's a baby girl!

   Like this baby girl in front of Hawkeye and Newton, this is probably the case!

   "What a poor little guy!" Hawkeye's sharp eyes softened instantly.

   After a rare gentleness flashed in his eyes, he reached out and touched the baby girl's head!

"I think we have to take her back to the boat! It seems that she hasn't eaten for a while. Let's go on the boat to find if there is milk or something!" Newton looked at the weak baby girl. , Suggested.


   Hawkeye nodded without thinking!


   After Newton retrieved his feet from not far away, he and Hawkeye rowed a boat with the baby back to the sea restaurant Bharati!

   And the crowd on the boat watching this scene, their minds are all alive, and some of them can't react to the situation in front of them!

   What the hell?

what happened?

   You just beaten to death, why did you come back with a baby in a blink of an eye?


   A group of people looked at the two of Hawkeye and Newton who came back, and there was a mess of thoughts in their minds.

   And there is some natural rot in it. Looking at the two with bright eyes, I imagined something indescribable in millions of words in my mind!

  This...this...this is too fast, right?

   The chicken lays eggs not so fast!

   Even if you two have a relationship, don’t you need to be so fast?

   And... how can two men... can... can that? Exciting!


   However, neither Hawkeye nor Newton paid any attention to these people.

   After boarding the ship, I found the chef who found the kitchen and asked for some milk!

   "Newborn baby? You can drink some milk without food, but I do not recommend that you feed her milk for a long time!"

   "Because milk is not very good for a baby, and it is not easy to digest. If it is best, let her drink breast milk!" Zhepu said, he asked the chef to get some warm milk over!

"Let her drink some milk first, cushion her belly, and then I will take her away!" Hawkeye looked at the baby girl who was drinking milk well, as if touched by something deep in her heart, so she stopped the responsibility. .

   And after hearing this, Newton did not object!

   His business hasn't been finished yet. If you bring a baby girl, the next thing will be a little inconvenient!

   However, he thought about it and added, "If one day, if you don't want to take it, please send someone to the Sugar Kingdom, then I can at least give her a stable living environment!"

   Hearing this, Hawkeye was taken aback for a moment, then took a deep look at Newton, then smiled, and said, "I found...You are a good person except for other purposes!"

   Newton shrugged and did not answer Hawkeye's words!

   In a while!


   After being full, the baby girl held by the eagle eye showed a pure smile and laughed happily!

   Upon seeing this, Hawkeye followed with a smile!

   But then, he thought for a while, and said to Zip, "Do you have any new quilts and silk on your boat? Bring me a new quilt and a silk, I am going to take her away!"

   "Okay, wait a minute!" Zhepu nodded in response without thinking.

   Although the restaurant on the sea is not a merchant ~www.ltnovel.com~, new quilts and silk are still available!

no way!

   If a guest gets drunk on their boat and can’t leave, they will always find a place for them to sleep in, right?

   Also, the people on the ship, including the chef and waiter, always wear new clothes, right?

   Besides, some curtains, tablecloths and the like are also made of silk!

   Therefore, silk is also available!

  Of course, these are not many on their ships!

   After all, only a few are drunk and unable to leave. Among the members of the ship, if they want to wear new clothes, most of them will wait for the ship to dock and buy them from the shops in the port!

   In a while!

   Zhepu came back with a quilt and a piece of silk!

   After replacing the coarse cloth on the baby girl with the silk, Hawkeye took out the money from his arms, threw it to Zhepu, and said, "This is money for shopping!"

   said, Hawkeye didn't stay too much, he just hugged the baby girl and walked out!

   While looking at his leaving back, after Newton shrugged, he didn't say anything, and turned to enter the restaurant!

   He is starting to trouble Luffy and the others, and by the way helped him become famous!

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