Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 903: Fight a great battle

   After coming out, as there are no islands around, Hawkeye and Newton decided to fight on the sea!

   The two each paddled a small raft and came to the sea not far from Bharati, facing each other at a distance of about 100 meters!

   But before the fight started, Hawkeye was looking at the opposite Newton, squinting his eyes and asking in a deep voice, "Before the fight, can you tell me your real purpose?"


   Newton raised his brows, he was secretly surprised, but on the surface he asked quietly, "What's the real purpose?"

   "Although you are hiding well, my instinct tells me that the reason why you fight with me is not me!" Hawkeye said lightly.

   In addition to intuition, Hawkeye also noticed a lot of things wrong!

   For example, if Sauron was cut and flew toward Newton by him, Newton would fight him to death, which is a bit unreasonable!

   It is true that there are people in this world who have weird personalities, abnormal brains, and will kill people because of small things.

   But this definitely does not include the person in front of you!

   Hawkeye noticed it when he was looking at Newton. Newton’s eyes were calm from beginning to end. Even when he said he was going to fight him, there were no emotional fluctuations in his eyes, and he looked completely calm and couldn’t be calm anymore!

  The well-informed Hawkeye is sure that this kind of person is definitely not the kind of weird personality and abnormal brain, but the kind of person who has to think twice before doing things!

  Well, that kind of person with weird personality and abnormal brain, the eyes are full of craziness and distortion!

  It is this kind of calm person who clashed with him because of a small matter. Hawkeye didn't believe that there was no other purpose in it!

   "No, the purpose is you!" Newton retorted directly.

   Regardless of what Hawkeye perceives or feels.

  Newton knew that at this moment he could only kill himself with one bite and his purpose was Hawkeye!

   "Okay!" After listening to Newton's perfunctory words, Hawkeye didn't care, but said domineeringly, "Anyway, no matter what your purpose is, it's your fault that provokes me, and you will eventually be defeated by my hands!"

   Talking, Hawkeye slowly pulled out the black knife behind his back and pointed at Newton a hundred meters away!

   "Farewell? That's not necessarily!" Newton smiled deeply!

   In this battle, he never thought he would lose!

   On the one hand, he also knows Hawkeye very well, but Hawkeye does not know him at all!

   On the one hand, his fruit ability just restrains the swordsman!

   Well, the split fruit can perfectly avoid the swordsman's slash!

   In this case, he can be said to have a great advantage!

   Therefore, failure is impossible to fail, and Newton never thought that he would fail!

   "Not necessarily? Try and you'll know!" Hawkeye said in a deep voice.


   Then, there was a cold flash in his eyes, he raised the black knife, and moved towards Newton, which was a hundred meters away, with a slash without hesitation!

   Upon seeing this, Newton smiled slightly, his feet did not move, but the part above the calf, including the calf, flew!

Then, after flying to the edge of his own raft, he pushed the raft with his own feet hard to the back, and let him quickly leave with his feet toward the back, only the calf and the calf were only above the calf. Newton in the upper half of the inner body directly greeted him with the flying slash!

   "Fruit to pieces. Atom smashed!"

   Before the slash was about to come, Newton stretched out a hand and used the devil fruit ability!

   Suddenly, the flying slashes melted into the air silently!

Hawkeye raised his brows, but didn't say anything. Instead, he kicked his legs. The whole person jumped up and jumped in the direction of Newton a hundred meters away. At the same time, he raised the black knife in his hand. Cut it down!

"Ha ha!"

   Newton chuckled twice, facing the menacing Hawkeye, but did not even hide, so he directly let the black knife slash towards his head!

   But, the next moment!

   When the black knife hit Newton, Hawkeye felt something was wrong!

   Too easy!

   The knife in his hand seemed to cut a piece of tofu, and cut the opponent in half without any hindrance!

   "No! This is not what it feels like when hacking people normally... There is a problem!" Such a thought flashed through Hawkeye's mind, and at the same time he felt a little surprised!

   But before Hawkeye wanted to understand, Newton, who was cut in half, suddenly showed a strange smile on his face.


   Immediately, before the eagle eye did not react, his right hand hit the eagle eye directly, hitting his chest, and knocking him out, who was caught off guard!

   However, Hawkeye's reaction was quick!

   After being hit and flying out for a distance of about 50 meters, he reacted, flipped in the air and gently landed on the small raft he was riding on!

   "What devil fruit is this?" Hawkeye asked Newton curiously after landing on the small raft.

   "I won't tell you!" Newton gave an eagle eye.

  What a joke!

   Tell the enemy the name of the fruit?

   This is something that many brains can do!

   You know, sometimes the name of a fruit is enough for people to infer a lot of things.

   For example, burning fruit, when you hear this name, normal people know that it is related to fire and heat!

   Another example is the bat fruit vampire form of the animal-based fantasy beast species. Once you hear the name, anyone with a little common sense can guess that in addition to the physical fitness that the animal system itself will increase, this fruit should also have special abilities related to blood sucking!


   Upon hearing this, Hawkeye shrugged, but said nothing.

   He also knew that, let alone Newton's question, normal people would not answer him!


   Immediately, his legs were slightly bent, he suddenly exerted force, and flew up again, and UUCreader www.uukanshu.com struck and killed in Newton's direction!

   Although I didn't know the name of the fruit from Newton, from the attack and defense just now, Hawkeye probably guessed that Newton's fruit ability should be the ability to decompose and split!

  He was a little helpless about this, but he was a little helpless!

no way!

   This kind of fruit capable of splitting is definitely the greatest nemesis of the swordsman!

  The slashing and knife skills that the swordsman is good at are almost useless with this devil fruit ability!

   Even armed and domineering will not play a big role.

   But thinking about it, Hawkeye is still up!

   As the world's largest swordsman, he will not give up because of this little helplessness!

   Furthermore, he carefully recalled the scene from the beginning to the present, and also discovered Newton's "weakness"!

   "You can fight!"

   After such a thought flashed in his mind, the flying eagle eye showed an indomitable momentum.

the other side!

   Seeing Hawkeye attacking him fiercely, Newton took a deep breath, with a trace of blood in his heart, and directly greeted him!

   "Come on, have a great fight!!!"

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