Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 908: Take 1 class

   In the end, Arthur rummaged through all the classics in the tree spirit family, but still did not explore the answers to the doubts he had generated!

no way!

   There are too many missing records in the tree spirit clan!

   Besides, time is too long!

  No one in the tree spirit clan remembers, and because of this, Arthur’s doubts are destined to be buried in the bottom of my heart. Only when one day is a coincidence, I can find the relevant information to solve it!

   But then again!

  Because of being able to communicate, Arthur can finally arrange work for the Tree Spirit!

   Breeding special plants, rare plants, precious plants, etc., is the job Arthur arranged for them!

   In this regard, the people of the tree spirit tribe accepted it unexpectedly!

   Originally Arthur thought they would not want to go out because they lived here for a long time.

   But in fact, just because of their long lives here, the people of the Tree Spirits, especially the young people among them, have long felt bored with this place, and have always wanted to go out!

   can suffer from the lack of knowledge of the outside world and the particularity of the windless zone. These people can't get out even if they want to go out, at most they can only go out of the cave and stroll around the island!

   So when Arthur asked them to go out to help plant special plants, rare plants, out of their admiration for Arthur and yearning for the outside world, they agreed without hesitation!

   In the end, apart from some old people who really didn't want to go out, and the tree of life also needed someone to take care of them, they stayed, more than 4,000 Tree Spirits, more than 3,000 are ready to go out with Arthur!

   In this regard, Arthur arranged for people to send these tree spirits to St. Martin's Island, and let them learn before they formally enter the society, then left alone and returned to St. Martin!


  St. Martin’s Palace Study Room!


   Just returned to St. Martin, Arthur received a call!

   "What? A conflict with the Dragon Pirates?" Arthur asked in surprise.

   The one who called him was Chris, the leader of the Chris family who used to sell arms and the Mafia family in Bloodport Town, the one who was sent by Arthur to Gunship Island to dig the dragon bones for a thousand years!

   Although I discovered the keel after digging it out that year, because it was too long, it turned into coral and couldn't be digged, but because Arthur remembered at the time, in the plot, after the death of Lord Dragon, a dragon egg hatched!

   Therefore, in the East China Sea these years, Chris under the alias of Chen Ge led the axe gang, has been entrenched in Gunkan Island, digging dragon eggs for Saint Martin!

During   , because the Kingdom of Elucia entered the East China Sea, the originally peaceful East China Sea began to be in chaos, so in recent years, in addition to digging eggs, Brother Chen has resumed his old business and sold arms!

And because Arthur is behind, and the East China Sea has become increasingly chaotic in recent years, many countries have to buy a large amount of arms in order to protect themselves and attack others. Therefore, Chen's arms business has become better and better these years. !

   Until now, the scale of his arms trade has long been hundreds of times stronger than when they were the Mafia. He is currently the most famous arms dealer in the East China Sea!

   However, arms are on sale, and the digging of the Millennium Dragon has not relaxed.

   Brother Chen has successively given Arthur a lot of dragon eggs over the years!

   Until a few months ago...

   A few months ago, under the instructions of Arthur, the Axe Gang added one more item, the keel-digging item that was once abandoned!

   This project has restarted!

  Because Arthur took the time to be burdened!

  With this thing, let alone the bones turned into corals, even if there is only a little ashes, it can restore things to their original most complete appearance!

   Because of this, Arthur asked the Axe Gang to start digging the dragon bones again!

  He is going to pass the burden of time to revive the dead millennium dragons and form a millennium dragon breeding farm!

  Of course, the keel has to be dug, and Brother Chen has not relaxed about the arms trade!

   Because of this, there was a conflict with the people of the Dragon Pirates!

Originally, the Dragon Pirates were entrenched in Kokoyashi Village. They usually live by collecting protection fees. They are a certain distance away from the warship island where the Axe Gang is entrenched. It can be said that the people on both sides are in business or daily life. Come on, it's irrelevant!

   But just this morning, a batch of arms that the Axe Gang had just sent out was robbed!

   It was no one else who robbed him, it was the Dragon Pirates!

   "Yes, your Majesty, what do you think should be done?" Chen Ge asked respectfully.

   He can handle this kind of thing himself, and it is not a big deal. He doesn't take it seriously either!

  Although Aaron, the leader of the Dragon Pirate Group, has a reward of 20 million, it is the highest reward in the East China Sea at this time.

   But who is Chen Ge?

   He was a mafia in Xihai!

   Twenty million may be very high in the East China Sea, but in the West China Sea...

   is like a joke!

   However, because he once heard Arthur mentioning such an Aaron casually by chance, he didn't deal with it by himself, but called Arthur first!

   "What to do..." Arthur whispered in his heart, lost in thought!

   To be honest, the Dragon Pirates' robbery of the axe to help the arms was a bit unexpected to Arthur!

  In the original plot, he didn't seem to have seen any weapons used by the Dragon Pirates!

   However, after another thought, he felt normal again!

   The evil dragon itself looks down on humans, and it is also a pirate group. There seems to be nothing wrong with robbing humans.

   Also, although he doesn't use arms, he can sell it without it!

   Of course, these are all minutiae, and the most important thing is how to deal with it!

   Now Luffy is currently heading towards the sea restaurant, and there is still a certain distance to Cocosia Village. If the Axe Gang now destroys the Dragon and Pirates, it will undoubtedly interfere with the plot!

   However, it is not a big deal for Arthur to interfere with the plot!

   The plot has long been messed up by him!

   Arthur’s only worry is that if it interferes with the plot, isn’t the story of his Adventure King missing a bit?

   Hesitating, Arthur made a decision in his heart!

   "The ship will go straight to the end of the bridge, so please interfere! When the time comes, Luffy will arrange some other plots!"

   thought in his heart, but Arthur said, "You can handle it! Do it in your normal way!"

   "Understood!" A fierce color flashed in Brother Chen's eyes, and he responded immediately.

   "Let's do this!" Arthur said~www.ltnovel.com~ and hung up!


After taking a deep breath, Arthur leaned back tactically, lying on his chair, and muttered, "By the way...the Klick Pirates have been destroyed, and nothing will happen to the restaurant on the sea. Right? Just let Bucky complete the disaster instead of Klick!"

   Originally, Lu Fei should meet Bucky soon after he went out to sea!

   But because of the conflict between the Sugar Kingdom and other kingdoms during this period, there were indeed a lot of things, and Bucky couldn't spare the time, so Arthur didn't follow the original plan to give Luffy a row!

   just let Bucky's original two men, namely Moqi and Kabaki, trouble Luffy!

  Well, after the two were caught by Newton that year, Newton gave Bucky the power to handle them in order to take care of the feelings of Bucky, the user of the same body!

   And Ba Gene is a nostalgic, hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and did not severely punish them, but after a little punishment, let them continue to be subordinates!

   Asking these two people to trouble Luffy and the others, the result is of course no doubt!

   After they managed to escape, they found Bucky crying and hoped that Bucky would avenge them!

  According to this situation, Arthur prepared to let Newton control Bucky, give Luffy a lesson, and by the way also give Luffy a name as a stepping stone!

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