Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 902: Star of Tears. Sword of the God of War

That night!


   The pouring rain is pattering!

   King Kakzi King Palace!


As the spicy soup base boiled, Feina quickly greeted a ten-year-old girl with white hair and a soft and cute look beside her, and said, "Attila, you can eat it, I want to eat it. What to do!"

   Pendragon Attila, the fourth daughter of Arthur!

   was born in the year 1509 of Haiyuanli!

   got the heir template when he was born, the last descendant of the Huns, the Hungarian warrior and king, the great hero of the fifth century, the leader of the Huns in ancient Eurasia and the emperor Attila template!

   "Okay, Mom!" After Attila nodded seriously, picked up the chopsticks on the side, picked up a chopstick-cut beef, and rinsed it in the pot.


   As the color of the fat cow gradually changed, Attila licked her tongue and swallowed her saliva. There was a glimmer of excitement in her eyes, and she couldn't wait to get the fat cow out of the pot!


   dipped the sauce on the side, Attila stuffed the hot fat cow into her mouth, and ate it deliciously while sucking in the cold air!

"Ha ha!"

   Looking at her daughter like this, Fina smiled slightly, shook her head, and picked up the vegetables on the side, and started to eat!


   Attila, who was eating happily, seemed to notice something, her face changed, she slowly put down her chopsticks, and looked at the door with some caution!

   "Mom!" Attila called out Fina!

   "What's the matter?" Fina, who was eating, subconsciously put down the chopsticks in her hand and looked at Attila!

   At this look, she saw Attila looking at the door with a vigilant face!

   Immediately, Fina's face changed, she even put down her chopsticks, got up and walked to the shelf beside her, took up the Western sword hanging on it, made a defensive posture, and looked at the door with caution!

  Fina's strength has improved over the past few years!

   But because of the need to deal with government affairs and take care of Attila, it didn't improve much. He just reached the top of the major general, and his accomplishments in seeing and hearing domineering are not high!

   Facing herself like a monster, she has the peak strength of a colonel at the age of only ten, and a daughter with a special talent in the sixth sense. She is ashamed of her perception of danger!

   Therefore, after seeing Attila's face changed, Fina immediately became alert!


   And after Fina and Attila's alert, the door was pushed open soon!

   What appeared in front of them was a tall man with a hood and unable to see his face!

   Just when Fina frowned and wanted to ask who came, suddenly...


   There was a loud noise in the sky, a thunder pierced the rain curtain, and the light of thunder brightened the sky and the earth!

   And under the shining of thunder, the person's face appeared in Fina's sight completely.

   "Are you... the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag?" Fina asked in surprise as she looked at the vivid criminal face.

  Dorag smiled slightly and nodded to admit his identity!

   "Star of Tears. Sword of God of War!"

   Suddenly, a slightly childish girl voice sounded.

  ? ? ?

   Hearing this voice, Dorag raised his brows and subconsciously followed the voice to look at it.

   At this look, I saw a little girl pointing at him with a sword shining with colorful rays!

next moment!

   A sense of crisis appeared from the bottom of my heart!

   without any hesitation!

  Dorag, who is experienced in combat, jumped directly back, leaped over a hundred meters, and fled the place!


   And just as he fled, a beam of light that penetrated the sky and earth directly bombarded his previous location, blasting his previous location into a deep pit!


   glanced at the deep pit, and then at the cowardly and cute little girl who couldn't be far away, Dorrag couldn't help taking a breath, and exclaimed, "What a monster!"

   Attila, from the outside, is only a teenager, and she can even launch an attack that makes people of his level feel crisis-conscious. How can this make him not surprised?

   "In time, I am afraid it will be another monster like Charlotte Lingling's woman!"

   After such a thought flashed through Dorag's heart, he couldn't help but think of Arthur who was far away in the West Sea!

  Though the revolutionary army’s affairs are busy these years, he still often spares some time to go to the West Sea!

   On the one hand, it is to talk to Arthur about arms and the spoils of the Revolutionary Army, and on the other hand it is to understand the strength of Saint Martin!

  Well, St. Martin has developed more and more prosperously in recent years. As a potential opponent, how could Dorage not understand?

   And because he often goes to the West Sea, Dorag has some contact with Arthur's children, so he also knows something about Arthur's sons!


   This is his unified evaluation of Arthur's children!

  Although Arthur’s children have different personalities, they are indeed surprisingly similar in strength. They are all monsters, and they have amazing strength at a young age!

  During the contact, Dorag could even feel that the oldest of Arthur's children brought him a faint sense of threat!

   Attila in front of him gave Dorag and Arthur's children the same feeling!

  Dorag sighed secretly, "Now there are more and more monsters in the sea!"

   Thinking about it, his slightly sand-sculpted son appeared in Dorag's mind inexplicably!

   After comparing his slightly sand-sculpted son with Attila in front of him, and comparing with Arthur's children, Dorag suddenly felt a little tired!

   Think about the movie named Adventure King that recently flowed out of the West Sea, with his sand sculpture son as the protagonist. It looks like a funny animation, and Dorag's heart is even more tired!

   "Speaking of King of Adventure... I'm done with this time, I have to ask Arthur why he wants my son to be the protagonist of this animation!"

After such a thought flashed through his mind, Dorag took a deep breath, but temporarily suppressed the messy thoughts in his mind, and looked at the mother and daughter Fina seriously in front of him~www.ltnovel.com~ the other side!

   Seeing that under her own attack, there was nothing Dorag, Attila narrowed her eyes, leaned forward slightly, and was about to rush over!

   Simply, Fina with quick eyes and hands stopped her!

   "Don't move! Leave it to mom!"

   After shook her head at Attila, Fina turned her head to continue to warn Dorag!

   "Tell me?" Dorrag looked at Fina and Attila who was eager to try, and didn't care about the attack just now, and said with a slight smile.

   "There is nothing to talk about!" Fina shook her head with a serious face.

   Just kidding, what are they talking about now?

   Listening to this, Dorag narrowed his eyes and looked at Fina's mother and daughter. A fierce look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and the overlord's aggressiveness suddenly released and moved toward Fina's pressure!

   And just when the overlord's domineering color was about to spread to Fina, the masked Shaka suddenly appeared in front of Fina and her son!


   An invisible barrier of thought power appeared, blocking Dorag's domineering color from the barrier of thought power.


   When the two collided, a long sound like a bell sounded faintly!

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