Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 897: Lord Bear, I'm not like that

   Three thousand two hundred and thirty-two!

   28,921 people!

   These two data are the dead and injured people counted after Sabo and his team escaped to both sides of the range of the dirt ball!

  Among the more than 3,000 people who died, most of them died at the moment when the hill collapsed, and they still died on the hill without time to escape, and a small part were hit by a mud ball behind.

Of the 20,000 or nearly 30,000 injured people, a small part was hit by a mud ball and survived, or was affected by the mud ball that was smashed down, and most of them were escaping because they were too eager to escape. , Accidentally injured under crowded people!

   And looking at these two data, Sabo is out of anger!

   Even when he was reported before, he had not been so angry as he is now!

   Before, although there was anger, but it was more just unwilling, after all, Kakzi’s report did not bring any actual casualties to the revolutionary army, just some loss of resources!

   But it's different now!

   Now, the corpse is in front of you!

   Seeing the familiar partners lying on the ground one by one in the past, the blood on the wound was gurgling, and the whole person was motionless, and the anger in Sabo's heart filled his forehead!

   However, what makes him even more angry is that half of the deaths of these partners are due to his own people!

   If it weren't for the dirt ball thrown by the bear, then this would not happen now!

   "Bears are blamed!"

  Thinking, Sabo, who was sitting on the ground all over his body, looked at the same embarrassed revolutionary army around him, looking embarrassed and complaining in his heart.

   Of course, Sabo knew in his heart that his complaint was unreasonable!

   After all, it is impossible for the Bear to know in advance that the dirt ball he throws will be kicked to where they are hiding.

   "There must be a strong man in the southern port!"

   After forcibly calming himself down, Sabo guessed in his heart.

   If there is no strong person, then the bear will attack, how could it be possible to shoot them here inexplicably?

  Thinking about this, Sabo suddenly understood why the southern port had the weakest defense!

   It turned out that it was not because the main force of the Kakzi Kingdom passed from here. They did not think that the revolutionary army would break through here, but there was a strong man sitting in the port!

   Thinking of this, Sabo had another question in his mind!

   Have the powerhouses in the port spotted them?

   If not, then why did the clay ball shoot at them?

   If so, why not kill them directly, but use the dirt ball to engage them?


   Thinking about it, Sabo suddenly heard a ringing of the phone.

   "Saab staff, call!" Blaka, who also survived the hill by chance, took the phone worm and sent it to Saab!


   Sabo didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone bug!

"it's me!"

   And when a familiar voice came to Sabo's ear on the phone worm, his face changed on the spot!

   "It's a bear!"

   Sabo gritted his teeth a bit.

   "How are you doing there now? People outside of us didn't see you breaking through!" Xiong felt a little strange about Sabo's tone, but he didn't think much about it, and asked directly.

   "Break through? Not only are we unable to break through, but many people have died!"

  Sabo knew in his heart that although part of the current situation was caused by the bear, he really couldn't blame the bear. After all, the bear himself did not expect this to happen, so he could only grit his teeth and tell the bear what happened here!

   "It's like this..."


the other side!

   After hearing what Sabo said on the phone bug, the cold expression on the bear's face changed a little for the first time!

  He is stunned!

   completely stunned!

   He didn't expect that when he threw it to kill the clay ball of the Kakzi Kingdom army stationed in the port, he would get his own people!

"What should we do now?

   Tlett also heard what happened, so he frowned and asked at the bear.

   It is a headache to have a strong man in the port!

  If the bear’s identity can be exposed, then even if there is a strong man in the port, it would be nothing more than a big battle.

  Tlett doesn’t think the Bears will lose to the unknown powerhouse in the port!

   But now that the bear’s identity cannot be revealed, it hurts a bit!

   Judging from the description in Sabo’s words, the person who can kick the bear's clay ball away is not much stronger than the bear, but not much weaker.

   In this case, Sabo and his party want to break through. Without the support of the bear, it is very difficult!

   However, before Xiong could answer, a small and clear voice came from the phone that hadn't hung up yet.

   "Well, the staff of Sabo, we were bypassed by the main force of the Kakzi Kingdom. It seems that they have discovered us and are returning to help. At the current speed, they can come to us in at most half a day!"

   After listening to these words, Sabo on the other end of the phone hasn't said anything, the faces of the bear and Tlett have changed!

   After the two glanced at each other, Xiong finally spoke first, and calmly said to Sabo on the other side of the phone, "Now you are forcibly breaking through, I will support!"

   After speaking, the bear hung up the phone without waiting for Sabo to say anything!


   With the sound of the phone hanging up, the bear turned his head, and after looking up and down Tlett, he calmly said, "Take off!"


  Tlett was visibly taken aback, and then subconsciously responded, "Master Xiong, I am not that kind of person!"

   At this moment, Tlet, who had contact with the senior cadre of the revolutionary army, Ambrio Ivankov, had many pictures in his mind!

  Which males are added to males, what strongmen lock males, what lonely palms call males, what men are valuable, what males are better, etc...

   But the next moment, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face!

  Because he saw the bear slap his own body!





With the clapping sound ~www.ltnovel.com~ the muscles on the bear's body also disappeared with the naked eye, and masses of muscles were patted out. His body seemed to have shrunk, and he became thinner visible to the naked eye and visible to the naked eye. Going short.


   A handsome black guy who was about the same size as Tlett, who could vaguely distinguish the appearance of a bear, seemed to be three-point handsome, but his clothes were a bit collapsed because of the size, appeared in front of Tlett!

   "What did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly!" The shrunken bear looked at Tlett and asked casually.

"no no..."

   Tlett touched his nose, and after an awkward response, he consciously began to take off his clothes!

   In a while!

   He took off his underwear, and handed all the clothes in his hands to the bear!

   And the bear was not polite, and put on Tlett's clothes to his face!

   Immediately, a man who is familiar with bears, if you don’t look carefully, you can’t distinguish between them, appears!

   "I went to support!"

After    shrunken version of Xiong Shen Sheng said a sentence, he didn't hesitate, his legs were slightly bent, he kicked hard, and he flew towards the southern port!

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