Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 895: Mud meteorite

   scorching sun!

Hundreds of thousands of people lined up in a long dragon, walking on a gravel path with all kinds of goods, quietly, no one spoke, only the heavy breathing one after another, sweat dripping on the ground and the cargo. The sound of rolling wheels of the truck proves that these hundreds of thousands are still alive.

   At the top of the line!

   "Saab staff, isn't it too dangerous for us to leave from here? This is the port where they landed!" Blaka turned to look at Sabo, frowning and asked.

   Sabo shook his head and said, "The most dangerous place is the safest place! Although this is the port where they landed, it is also the place where they have the weakest defense!"

"I let intelligence personnel outside the kingdom have seen it from a distance, perhaps because they came from here. Apart from the wounded, there are about four to five thousand people stationed at their port. We walked from here and met. The hindrance is the smallest!"

   "As long as we go around the small road and avoid their main force that is marching towards the Kingdom of Regius, there will be no danger!"


   After listening to these words, Blaka nodded clearly, and said nothing!

When Sabo saw this, he didn't say anything. He just looked back deeply at the long line behind him, and looked at the revolutionary soldiers in the line and the people who originally joined the Revolutionary Army from the Kingdom of Rejoice. Falling sweat revealed a touch of confusion in his eyes!

   They originally came to save the Kingdom of Ricus, how could they be like this?

   Sabo asked himself, but he didn't get any answer!

   "Maybe... this is the fate of our revolutionary army!" In the end, Sabo could only comfort himself like this!

   a long time!


   Sabo turned his head again, looked straight ahead, and exhaled deeply.

   "Be sure to take them all back!"

   Sabor made a decision silently!


   After half a day!

  Southern Port!

   Shaka with a mask is sitting on the pier that is already flat, holding a fishing rod, and fishing!

   The southern port is the weakest place in the kingdom of Kakzi among all the ports in the Kingdom of Rieus.

   But this is not only because the main force of the Kakzi Kingdom passed from this direction, but also because of the existence of Shaka!

   Shaka is here, Garnett naturally doesn't need to deploy too much defense here!

  If an enemy is really heading here...

Ha ha!

   The result speaks for itself!


   Suddenly, Shaka, who was fishing, raised his brows and felt a murderous look!

   Following the source of murderous intent, Shaka subconsciously looked up!

   actually found a pile of soil with flowers and plants on it, which seemed to be specially made into a round shape, like a meteorite, flying in the sky, coming toward him aggressively!

   Seeing this, a gleam of light flashed in Shaka's eyes, and he slowly stood up!


   Time goes back to three minutes ago!

   An uninhabited island with rugged terrain not far from the southern port!


   A huge figure fell from the sky and landed on the island!

   "This should be the small island near the Kingdom of Ricus, right?" The bear murmured after scanning the surrounding area.



At this moment, a figure suddenly emerged from the bushes on the side and responded to the bear while walking, "Master Bear, this is a five-person island near the Kingdom of Richus! I'm here to meet you! "

   "Tret!" The bear glanced at the voice that came out, and after a familiar greeting, said lightly, "Where is Saab now? Which port is he going to retreat from?"

"The Saab staff is now near the southern port of the Kingdom of Ricus. The direction he wants to retreat is the southern port. There are more than four thousand soldiers guarding there, and there are a group of wounded men!" Treite, who had just emerged from the grass, replied. He took out a nearby map from his arms and pointed it to the bear!

   Xiong glanced at the map, noted the data on the map, and said in a calm and non-sounding voice, "You inform Saab that I will start attacking the southern port in a minute, and he will see the opportunity to break through!"

   As he said, Xiong seemed to think of something again, and added, "My current identity cannot be revealed, so I will only provide a little remote help to let him pay attention!"

   "Yes!" After Terai nodded, he took out a phone bug from his arms and called out!


   Soon, Sabo, who had come to a hill not far from the southern port, received the call!

   "Bear? Remote help?"

   Listening to the news coming from the other end of the phone, Sabo showed a surprised expression on his face!

   Xiong is the original founder of the Revolutionary Army, but for a secret plan, his information has long been erased from within the Revolutionary Army.

   Now only Miao Miao's senior leaders of the revolutionary army and some people who have been in contact with bears know the existence of bears.

   Others, who joined later, even if they reach the top level, do not know the existence of bears!

   And Sabo never thought that the person who came this time was a bear!

   After all, Xiong’s identity at this time does not allow him to have ties to the Revolutionary Army. Once someone finds out that he has ties to the Revolutionary Army, then their secret plan for the Revolutionary Army is likely to fail!

   But after another thought, Sabo felt that it was normal that the person who came was a bear!

   Because in the revolutionary army, only bears have this speed to support!

It was a sudden thing that the Kingdom of Richus was reported here. Everyone, including Sabo and Dorag, never thought that the Kingdom of Kakzi would know their identities, and General Garnett would report them, so There is no preparation!

   The Kingdom of Corrius is not to be delayed here again!

  If you don’t retreat quickly, once the navy comes to investigate and confirm, then the next thing we will usher in is the thunder strike of the world government, and more than 100,000 revolutionary troops will be here!

   Hundreds of thousands!

   This is not a small amount for the revolutionary army.

  Once it is lost, it is definitely more heartbreaking than the loss of the arrangement and investment of the Kingdom of Ritus.

   Therefore, in order to protect the more than 100,000 revolutionary army, it is normal to take a risk and let the bear support it!

   "I see, I will see the situation!" Sabo replied in a deep voice ~www.ltnovel.com~ After speaking, Sabo hung up the phone!

   Then, he picked up the binoculars and looked at the southern port that was already a flat land!


   In less than a minute, in Sabo's line of sight, there appeared a mass of soil like a meteorite, with boundless might, from the sky to the southern port!

   "Here, here comes!" Sabo murmured, stretched out his hand and gestured to the men behind him to get them ready!

   But just when a cloud of mud like a meteorite was about to hit the port, the scene that made Sabo's face changed a lot!

   The mud seemed to have been kicked. It turned a 120-degree bend in the air and shot towards Sabo!

  ? ? ?

   Now, Sabo is not calm at all!


what's the situation?

   Didn’t you say that you want to hit the southern port?

   Why is the attack coming towards us?

   Thinking about it, Sabo's face became distorted!


   But before he could make any response, this mass of mud, like a meteorite, hit the hill where he was.

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