Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 889: Crossfire

   Lieus Kingdom

  Southern Port

There are many ports in the Kingdom of    Liqius, but the largest of them is also the closest to the Kingdom of Kakzi. It is undoubtedly the southern port!

   Because of this, starting from the Kingdom of Kakzi, a mighty army, up to two hundred thousand troops, is staying outside this port at this time!

among them.

   on the biggest sailing warship!

   "Shakah, how do you think you can fight it?" Caesar Garnett, the general of the Kakzi Kingdom, asked politely towards Shaka who was wearing a mask.

   "You see it done by yourself, I'm here to sit here, I don't understand the war!" Shaka shook his head.

   "Well, I will come by myself!" Garnett nodded without hesitation and agreed.

   The question he just asked was just because he respected Shaka, so he just asked more!

   If Shaka really agreed, he would not know what to do!

   After all, it is a big taboo for a layman to direct an insider!

   "Manu, go and negotiate before the battle!" Garnett took a deep breath, and then solemnly ordered to the officer on the side.

   "Yes! Commander Garnett!" After a salute, the officer named Manu turned and left!

  Although Garnett is the general of the Kingdom of Cakzi, he has an army of nearly 300,000 under his hand, but within Saint Martin, his military position is only commander.

   In a while!

   A ship stood out from the fleet and headed for the southern port!

   "As long as you play beautifully this time, you should have enough military merit. Then there is hope to be promoted to commander!" Garnett looked at the ships that stood out from the fleet, his eyes flickered and his heart secretly excited!

  Commander is the new military position of Saint Martin in the past ten years!

   With the continuous expansion of the army, the original regiment system is obviously not enough.

   Therefore, after internal discussions, Saint Martin decided to add the group army to the original army level!

   The ten armies unite to form a group army!

   With the increase in the organizational system, the military position must be increased, so after discussions, St. Martin's internal decision was made to add the position of commander to the original military commander.

the other side!

   Sabo, who is located on the wall of the southern port city, is holding a telescope, looking at the fleet on the sea that is pressed together by black, with a solemn expression!


   accompanied by a long voice from far to near to Sabo's ear, a soldier also hurriedly came to Sabo's side!

   "Say!" Sabo replied while continuing to look at the fleet not far away.

   "The other party sent a ship to ask for negotiations before the formation!" The soldier reported.

   Sabo listened to the soldiers' words, and after scanning the sea again with binoculars, he found the ship that stood out from the fleet!

   "Negotiations before the formation? I am afraid it is to declare war before the formation!" Sabo looked at the ships that stood out, thought to himself, and replied, "Promise them! In addition, let Wiggins negotiate with them!"

   "Yes!" After a respectful salute, the soldier turned and ran away!


   There is also a ship that emerged from the southern port and headed towards the fleet of the Kingdom of Kakzi!

   In a while!

  The ships that stood out on both sides met at the center point of both sides!

   "Do you know that the Kingdom of Liqius is guilty?" As soon as we met, Manu, the officer in charge of negotiations with the Kingdom of Kakzi, was the first to win!

   "Hehe! What crime do you know?" The Liqius Kingdom was responsible for the negotiations, a sturdy man with dark skin, short black hair, and a height of about 1.8 meters, not to be outdone, and responded with a sneer.

   "Attacking the fishing boats of our Kingdom of Kakzi, causing the death of more than 30 meters of fishermen in our kingdom, this is a big crime!" Manu said sharply.

   "It is the remnants of the previous generation of Kings of the Kingdom of Rejoice who attacked you, not the people of our Kingdom of Rejoice!" Wiggins replied in a deep voice.

   "If something goes wrong, it is a remnant. Wasn't he an officer of your kingdom before the accident? Ah? Don't you dare to say it?" Manu said angrily.

Although Manu is now acting angry, he is actually very calm in his heart. He knows exactly who caused the fishermen’s death, but in order to gain justice, he still decisively chooses to buckle the kingdom of Ricus. hat!

   "The remnant is the remnant, our Kingdom of Lichus disdains to lie!" Wiggins retorted.


After the two sides fought each other for a few more minutes, they ended up in Manu’s "You Kingdom of Lycus is waiting, our Kingdom of Kakzi will definitely avenge the death of our citizens!" In the declaration of war, the two sides broke up unhappy. , Each drove the boat back to the battlefield!

   As for this, the leaders on both sides have no mood swings!

   This is already expected!

   "Have everything been set up?" Sabo looked at the ship returning to the port and asked blankly towards the side of Braka.

   "Alright!" Blaka replied in a deep voice, "Now every corner of the city has been placed, if necessary, the whole city can be up to the sky!"

   "Okay!" Sabo nodded and said calmly, "Now let's load all the artillery! Do something to resist!"

   "Yes!" Blaka nodded solemnly, then turned and left Sabo!


the other side!

  Looking at the ship returning to the position, Garnett took a deep breath and ordered the soldier on the side in a deep voice, "Order to go down, the whole army will attack!!!"

   "Yes!" The soldier nodded heavily, then turned and left!

   In a while!


   Accompanied by the long horn sound, the fleet of 200,000 troops, crushed by the black, slowly pressed towards the southern port!


   When the fleet of the Kingdom of Kakzi came within the range of the Kingdom of Rieus, Sabo decisively gave the order!





   Immediately ~www.ltnovel.com~ Dozens of black cannonballs, accompanied by a strong smell of gunpowder, moved towards the fleet attack of the Kakzi Kingdom!





   Soon, amid the explosion of the shells, more than ten ships of the Kakzi Kingdom burst into flames.

   was hit!

   However, Garnett, who has experienced many battles, is not sad about this. Instead, he frowned and said to himself, "The firepower of the other party... seems a little bit small!"

   According to a normal kingdom, such an important port obviously cannot have dozens of guns!

   Even if the Kingdom of Liqius is indeed poor, it is indeed a bit too much to say that there are dozens of guns in a port with a million people!

Thinking about it, Garnett didn’t say anything. He only raised his vigilance in his heart, and calmly ordered the soldiers on the side. Before the third round of shooting, we rushed into the range of our ship, and then fired, covering the southern port!"

   "Yes!" After the soldier nodded, he turned and ran away!

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