Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 887: Karp molested

   Navy Headquarters!

   Marshal's office!



"Hee hee hee!"


   Accompanied by different laughter, a group of lieutenant generals and Marshal Warring States in the office all smiled more or less!

   The opposite is Kapu!

   Karp has changed from the old personality, his face is gloomy, his eyes flickering, and he doesn't know what he is thinking!

   As for why this happens...

   Because they saw the King of Adventure!

   St. Martin is a confidant of the world government. The world government naturally follows the news of St. Martin all the time. Similarly, the navy, as a subordinate institution of the world government, dare not care about St. Martin and has been collecting information on St. Martin!

   Therefore, after the King of Adventure aired, the Navy received the news and immediately asked the intelligence personnel to use the video phone worm to project it directly to the Navy headquarters.

   In order to analyze whether the adventure king had any hidden meaning, the Warring States invited the generals in the navy headquarters, lieutenant generals and other high-level officials to come and look at it, and want everyone to analyze and analyze!

   This is what happened now!

   "Kapu, I didn't expect your grandson to be so funny!" A rare smile appeared on the usual calm face of the Warring States Period, and he joked at Kapu.

  Before watching the projection, the Warring States had already asked people about the information, and I knew that Luffy was Karp’s grandson!


   Karp changed his usual unreliable behavior and responded to the Warring States Period with a cold snort!

Upon seeing this, Zhanguo smiled, but he didn't tease Cap anymore. Instead, his face changed and he looked around and asked, "Let’s talk about it, St. Martin broadcasts this anime called Adventure King. What is it for? And why did the protagonist choose Karp's grandson?"

   Listening to this, everyone present reduced their smiles and fell into thinking!

   And this thought, no one answered the words of the Warring States for a long time!

   Obviously, no one can think of why Saint Martin did it!

   In the end, the crane spoke first.

   She shook her head and said, "Now there is too little information to analyze!"


   Sengoku nodded, and did not force everyone to think. Instead, he looked at Karp and asked curiously, "Saint Martin knows your grandson?"

   Karp heard this, his already black face turned even darker!

   But in the end, he nodded and said, "About ten years ago, Arthur of St. Martin didn't know why he went to the East China Sea. He also met my grandson, and finally left me a letter!"

   "Believe?" The Warring States frowned, keenly grasped the key point, and asked, "What letter!"

   "What letter!?"

Hearing this, Karp was taken aback for a moment, and then a tangled look appeared on his face. After hesitating for a long time, he said slowly, "Well... if you have to say something, it can only be Provocative letter!"

   "Provocative?" Sengoku asked curiously, "What's the content?"

   "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Karp said glumly.

   "What?" Warring States thought he heard it, so he asked quickly.

   "Are you surprised? Did you mean it? These eight words!" Karp confirmed again.






   Immediately, the people who were drinking water couldn't help squirting water out of their mouths. Some of them were choked accidentally and couldn't help coughing!

   The Warring States period listened to the sound of water spraying and coughing around, and after twitching the corners of his mouth, he said inconceivably, "He left a letter just to tease... No, provoke you?"

   "Hmm!" Karp nodded depressedly!

   When he got the letter for the first time, he was already shocked and angry before reading the content!

   A person who is your enemy from a standpoint, finds your relative, and spends some time with him, are you surprised? Angry or not?

   On this premise, he lost his temper in front of his beloved grandson for the first time!

   Later, as time passed, after he gradually calmed down, he began to calmly study the content of the letter, wanting to see what Arthur's purpose was for leaving this letter.

   And finally he worked out a result that made him depressed!

   Arthur was purely for teasing him!

  Although Arthur is a king in the eyes of outsiders, his behavior should be solemn and solemn, but Karp, who has been in contact with Arthur and owes a lot of money, knows that Arthur is a black-bellied bastard!

   Therefore, he knew that Arthur could really do things like molesting him!

   After looking at Karp for confirmation, everyone present looked at each other, and they all showed an expression of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, and their cheeks were flushed.

   After they are afraid to laugh, the **** Karp will target them in the future!

   Well, things like Karp bastard's character are indeed done!

   Sengoku grinned, couldn't help showing a smile, and said again, "Well, let’s get back to business! Then why did he make this adventure king, and also use your grandson as the protagonist?"

   "I don't know! But, Arthur is a black-bellied bastard. He can do everything. It may be because of bad taste, or it may be because of the separation between me and the world government!"

   Karp, who doesn't know the "potential" of his grandson, can only make such a guess!


   After thinking about it, the others also nodded, agreeing with this guess!

   Judging from the current situation, only this guess is the most reasonable!

   Karp’s grandson has become the protagonist in St. Martin’s animation. The world government must more or less doubt whether there is any abnormal and ulterior relationship between Karp and St. Martin!

   "By the way, the one named Mengka... how to deal with it?" At this time, an unknown lieutenant general asked.

   With the passage of time, the anime of Adventure King has been broadcast to the episode of Monka these days!

   After the Sengoku glanced at Karp subconsciously, he did not immediately answer the question, but asked the crane on the side, "Have you confirmed that the Mengka matter is true?"

"Confirmed! It's true!" Crane said in a serious tone, "I just asked the intelligence personnel to confirm that Monka has a tyrannical character and indeed has been violating our navy's regulations and exploiting the people in Shelz Town. The interests of the local civilians have suffered a great loss!"

   "Moreover, he also used cruel methods to persecute some of the civilians who disobeyed him, causing those civilians to die, which is a heinous crime!"

   After the Warring States nodded, he groaned, "Since it is confirmed, then send someone to take him back to trial!"

   Sengoku said, subconsciously ignored what Luffy did in this process!

   To be honest, although Monka’s actions violated the Navy’s regulations, Luffy’s actions were also illegal when investigated.

   One yard goes to one yard, if you really want to be held accountable, Luffy can also hold him accountable!

   However, the Warring States did not hold him accountable, or subconsciously ignored him!

  I did this not because of anything else, but because Luffy’s grandfather was Karp!

  Although Karp usually doesn't pay attention, it is undeniable that as a lieutenant admiral and a naval hero, he is still quite powerful in the navy.

   Kapu and Sengoku are still friends!

   So the Warring States did not pursue Luffy's responsibility, or subconsciously ignored the existence of this friend's grandson!

   The people present knew this well, but no one opposed it, and even the upright character and cruel red dog did not say anything!

   Well, he doesn't want to offend Karp for nothing!

  Of course, there is also the reason that Luffy is an adventurer at this time, not a pirate!

  If Luffy hangs the Pirate Flag like the original work~www.ltnovel.com~, no matter how many people present don't want to offend Karp, they can only hang Luffy as a reward!

   After all, they are the navy!


at the same time.

   Somewhere in the Great Channel, Ace, who was eating in the restaurant, inadvertently glanced at today's news on the table.

   Immediately, he didn't care to continue eating, so he picked up the newspaper and looked at it carefully!

   After a while!

   "Hahaha, I didn't expect Luffy to be so famous!!!" Ace looked at the headline of the newspaper and couldn't help but laugh!


   Revolutionary Army Headquarters

   Looking at the headlines of today's newspaper, Dorag's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking!


Windmill Village

   Mackinaw Bar!


  The villagers gathered in the bar, looking at the headlines in the newspaper, looked at each other, and didn't know what to say for a while!

   They hope that Luffy will be famous, and they think that Luffy will be famous sooner or later, but they never thought that Luffy would be famous in this way!


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