Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 879: The first conflict with the revolutionary army

  This day!

   "Clashes with suspected revolutionary forces?" Arthur looked at the information in front of him and frowned slightly.

   The Revolutionary Army has always been Arthur's default opponent!

   Although the cooperation with the Revolutionary Army over the years has been quite pleasant and has benefited a lot from it, the difference in concepts has destined that the two sides will certainly not be able to coexist peacefully in the end.

   Therefore, he has always defended against the revolutionary army.

   Similarly, he knows that the revolutionary army is also defensive against himself!

   are all grown-ups, and there is no naivety, and they will not treat each other as their own because of their friendly cooperation!

  Of course, when there is a world government, the priority of mutual defense between the two sides is definitely lower than that of the world government!

  Because both sides are well aware that the biggest enemy at present is the world government. Until the world government has resolved it, it is not appropriate for the two sides to conflict, otherwise it will only be for nothing!

   Therefore, even if St. Martin and the Revolutionary Army have encountered each other in some places these years, they have all stepped back and try to avoid conflict!

   And such information today makes Arthur a little strange!

   But when he looked at the information carefully, he immediately understood!

  It is not Saint Martin that is in conflict with the suspected revolutionary army, but the Kingdom of Cakzi in the North Sea!

   Although the Kingdom of Kakzi is the power of Saint Martin, it is also Saint Martin’s secret hand in the North Sea. It is not known to outsiders, so even if it conflicts with the revolutionary army, it can be understood!


   Arthur looked at the two words in the intelligence, and couldn't help but raise his brow!

   In order to avoid being targeted by the world government, the usual whereabouts of the revolutionary army are very hidden, and the way of doing things is more hidden!

   They rarely overthrow any kingdom in person. Generally, they first choose a kingdom where the people don’t live, and then secretly look for people in the kingdom who have a reputation and agree with the revolutionary army's ideas, and find a way to subdue him!

   Then, I asked this person to recruit troops, and the revolutionary army was hiding in the dark to plan secretly, providing arms, and providing some military support to help this person overthrow the kingdom!

   In this way, not only can it avoid being discovered by the world government, but it can also hide the power of the revolutionary army!

  Well, in a kingdom where people don’t live, it’s normal for a highly respected person to save Li people from the fire and water, and summon thousands of civilians who can’t survive, fight to the death and overthrow the entire kingdom, right?

   Even if it is a world government, without evidence, it is impossible to easily distinguish whether it was the people spontaneously overthrowing the kingdom or the revolutionary army behind it!

   Of course, if you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts!

   Although this method of overthrowing the kingdom is difficult to distinguish, there are more kingdoms overthrown, and occasionally a little accident will occur.

   If someone betrays the revolutionary army by their interests, if someone accidentally discovers the traces of the revolutionary army!

   Because of this, the revolutionary army has offered a reward, and the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, is known as the most vicious criminal in the world!

   And this approach of the Revolutionary Army not only makes it difficult for the world government to distinguish, but also makes it difficult for outsiders and even the people of Saint Martin to distinguish whether the other party is actually a revolutionary army when conflicts with the Revolutionary Army!

   Although Saint Martin has a lot of undercover agents in the Revolutionary Army, and many people have achieved middle and high levels, the Revolutionary Army has also implemented a strict and rigorous confidentiality system to avoid being overwhelmed by others.

   Therefore, even though Saint Martin has many undercover agents in the Revolutionary Army and its status is not low, it is not all about the Revolutionary Army. Saint Martin knows it!

   Just like the kingdom that is in conflict with the kingdom of Khaquez!

"Try to find a way to test if the opponent is right... If it is not, kill it, then take advantage of this opportunity to practice! In the future, you will still have to meet with the revolutionary army. First, use a revolutionary army to practice. Good!" An inexplicable light flashed in Arthur's eyes, whispering that he had a decision in his heart!

  With the development of Saint Martin's forces and the confrontation of the revolutionary army is also a matter of time, instead of being caught off guard, it is better to take the initiative now and adapt to the battle with them without the revolutionary army knowing it!

   Of course, the premise is to make sure that the opposing force is a revolutionary army!

   If it is not a revolutionary army, then handle it as normal!



  Kakzi Kingdom!

   In the past ten years, although Arthur's main attention has been on St. Martin and the West Sea, it is not without the dark hands who care about other sea areas!

   Like the Kingdom of Kakzi in these years, because of St. Martin's secret support, the strength has been dozens of times higher than that of the Kingdom of Kakzi!

   has a population of over 10 million!

   There are more than 300,000 in the army!

  In order not to be noticed by the world government in terms of equipment, St. Martin was not used, but it is also the latest on the market. Therefore, compared with other kingdoms in the North Sea, the equipment of the Kakzi army is also quite good!

   has increased hundreds of times in terms of the area of ​​the territory, and dozens of large and small surrounding islands have become the territory of the Kakzi Kingdom!

  And the reason why the Kingdom of Kakzi has developed so well over the years, in addition to the secret support of Saint Martin, also thanks to the Kingdom of Perth that escaped from the West Sea!

   When the Perth Kingdom escaped from the West Sea and entered the North Sea, in order to gain a firm foothold and for the development of the kingdom, it brazenly launched an offensive towards a small kingdom in the North Sea!

   However, this small kingdom is not afraid or waiting to die because of the power of Perth Kingdom!

When the Kingdom of Perth was preparing to attack them, this small kingdom sent a large number of diplomats to contact some of the surrounding North Sea kingdoms, combined with xenophobia and the truth of death, persuaded them to form a coalition army and unite against Perth. Kingdom, the uninvited guest from Xihai!

   At this point~www.ltnovel.com~ a ten-year-long war that has not yet ended has been ignited!

  In the beginning, the North Sea Kingdom's coalition forces dealt with the Kingdom of Perth. Later, the enemy countries of these coalition kingdoms saw the opportunities and benefits, and the United Kingdom of Perth attacked these coalition kingdoms with the intention to swallow them!

   After being attacked, the North Sea Kingdom of the coalition forces was not to be outdone, and contacted the enemy countries of these enemy countries, and prepared to deal with these enemy countries together!

   In this way, gradually the entire North Sea kingdoms, large and small, were pulled down by these kingdoms and participated in this melee, causing the entire North Sea to fall into the most chaotic and cruel war ever!

The Kingdom of Khaquez took advantage of this opportunity. In this war, relying on its own powerful forces and the support of Saint Martin, it decisively attacked the surrounding small kingdoms and launched a war. Merged around twenty kingdoms, large and small!

  Only ten years later, the Kingdom of Khaquez has become a famous kingdom in the North Sea!

  Originally, according to normal terms, it has now become the kingdom of Kakzi, a well-known big kingdom in the North Sea. It is already very good if it does not provoke others, no one will take the initiative to provoke it!

   But now there is such a kingdom that looks like a death, and takes the initiative to provoke the kingdom of Kakzi!

The Kingdom of    Liqius, a kingdom with a population of about one million, has just been overthrown by civilians!

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