Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 871: Windless zone development

   Return to Saint Martin sooner than when I came!

   did not use the portal to send Weiwei when he came, but when he went back, Arthur didn't have so much scruples and directly used the portal to go back, so he returned to St. Martin in just half a day!

   And soon after coming out of the portal and returning to the palace, someone came to the door!

   "Your Majesty, the TV signal transmitters have already been installed in various parts of our country. It is expected that they will be completed in one week!" Narr reported happily.

   "Very good!" Arthur nodded in satisfaction.

   In this way, TV can be watched, and the Kingdom has a novel and powerful propaganda channel!

   Of course, TV can be watched but not!

   The radio and television management of TV programs, as well as national channels, major channels of various islands, local channels of various places, and various TV programs, etc., should also keep up!

  If there is no radio and television, let people broadcast the program at will. What if the broadcast is to discredit Saint Martin?

   If there are no national channels, large island channels, or local local channels, how do you publicize the policies of the kingdom?

   If there is no good show, maybe someone will watch TV because of the novelty at first, but after getting used to it, the boring TV show will dissuade many people!

   So, these have to keep up!

   However, these are all things to do, but Arthur needs to improve it slowly!

   Well, considering the mature patterns and programs in the memory that can be used for reference, these are not too difficult. Arthur estimates that they can be completely perfected in a month at most!

   "By the way, your Majesty, where did you find the Yodels? Are there any more!" At this time, Gnar asked again.


   Arthur raised his brow and asked, "What? What happened to them?"

"Nothing! It's just too good!" Gnar said excitedly, "You don't know. Although those Yordels have no common sense, they are really good at learning. In just a few months, they learned from People with zero foundation have reached the standard of ordinary academicians of the Academy of Sciences!"

   "According to the current situation, if this continues, at most one or two months they can host the project by themselves!"

   "Oh, really?" Arthur was slightly surprised!

   To be honest, although he created the Yordle through the system, he also has an expectation for the strength of the Yordle in scientific research, but in terms of the current situation and Gnar’s statement, his expectation is still somewhat low!

   These Yodels are stronger than he thought!

"Really!" Gnar nodded earnestly, and said excitedly, "Your Majesty, where did you find these people? Is there anymore, if you can find more, I have put me in ten years The science of our kingdom is on the rise!"

"That's it!" Arthur said with a regretful expression, "Yordles are a very small race. When I found them, there were only ten of them left, and they were all taken by me. came back!"

   As he spoke, Arthur's voice turned, and he thought out an idea, and said, "But...you can urge them to have more! As long as they have more, will the number of people rise soon?"

   Hearing what Arthur said before, Gnar was a little disappointed at first, but the latter words made Gnar’s eyes brighter!


   Let them give birth to more people, won’t they get up?

   Thinking about it, Nal didn’t care to continue talking to Arthur, he said quickly, "Your Majesty, if there is nothing to do, I will leave!"

   "Go!" Arthur waved his hand!

   Immediately, Gnar left the study happily, seemingly anxious to urge the Yodels to have a baby!

   Seeing this, Arthur couldn't help shook his head and laughed!

   dignified the head of an academy of sciences, he seems to have been fooled into a matchmaker!


   sighed deeply, Arthur put the matter down for a while and picked up the government affairs next to him!

   "The Progress Report on the Development of the Windless Zone"

   These words are the first thing that catches your eye!

Many years ago, Arthur had the idea of ​​developing the windless zone, and it was also implemented that year, developing some islands in the windless zone. However, there were still a lot of things in the West Sea and Saint Martins was short of manpower, so just a taste. Developed a few resource-rich ones!

   The real big development started one year ago!

   One year ago, after finishing Xihai thoroughly, Arthur faced a problem!

   The West Sea is owned by Saint Martin, then, where is Saint Martin heading next?

   Tokai? South China Sea? North Sea? Or a great waterway?

Will not work!

   Not to mention these places, he has long been dark hands, it is said that the world government can not easily let Saint Martin reach out to these places!

   Saint Martin has already occupied the West China Sea. If the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the North Sea and the like are occupied again, can the world government still be called the world government?

   The world government that only controls half of the world, is it still eligible to be called a world government?

   So once Saint Martin deliberately reaches out into other waters, it will definitely trigger a fierce backlash from the world government!

   And this time, the world government will never let Saint Martins easily like last time!

   has reached this level, how can you easily let it go?

  The world government will definitely kill Saint Martin at all costs.

  Although Arthur is not afraid, he really doesn't want to, because if he really gets to this point, no matter which side loses and which side wins, he will definitely lose heavy.

   When the time comes, snipes and clams fight, and the fisherman gains, it can only be the revolutionary army for nothing!

   Therefore, Saint Martin's face can't reach out to these waters for the time being, and he can't even show his intention!

   And when you can't go in these places, there are only two places where Saint Martin can reach out!

   Windless Belt and New World!

   These two places are not under the control of the world government~www.ltnovel.com~ Even if St. Martin moves, it will not trigger a big reaction from the world government!

   However, because the new world is going to go, either through the upside down mountain to reach the great channel first, then go through the fisherman island, or cross the windless belt, so after Arthur considered, he decided to develop the windless belt first!

   Well, the windless zone of the West China Sea is just next to the new world, and if you go through the great waterway, it may cause a reaction from the world government, so the only way to develop the windless zone!

   This report also appeared!

   recalled, Arthur opened the report and read it!

  From the report, the development progress of the windless zone is still very good!

   With the development of the windless islands many years ago as a precedent, although St. Martin has not made rapid progress in the development of the islands in the windless zone, it can be said to be steady and steady.

   successfully discovered three large gold mines and more than ten various resource mines!


   looked at it, and when he turned to the last page, the satisfied smile on Arthur's face stopped abruptly, and he turned to a surprised expression!

  The members of the engineering department responsible for developing the windless zone have found a new race that thrives in the windless zone on a remote island!

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