Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 867: Coming in may

   Early the next morning!


   Along with the sound of the waves, Cobra's eyelids moved slightly, and he opened his eyes suddenly!

   is a strange roof!

   Cobra looked at it, with a confused look in his eyes!

   But soon, as the brain gradually became sober, some memories slowly surfaced. The confusion in Korab's eyes gradually disappeared, and his eyes gradually became clearer, so he couldn't help showing a wry smile!

  He is overcast!

   And it is not someone else who yells at him, it is his favorite and most precious daughter, his only heir-Weiwei!

   Just yesterday, in the name of caring for him, Weiwei gave him tea and snacks while he was dealing with government affairs.

   At that time, he didn't care, and didn't expect that his baby girl would perineum him, so he drank the tea unsuspectingly.

   As soon as he finished drinking, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness on the spot!

   And when he opened his eyes again, it was already here!

   As for why Weiwei perishes him...

   He recalled the situation before, and instantly understood!

   It's still to prolong life!

   He didn't want to spend ten years to extend his life, because the kingdom's affairs really couldn't be separated from him, but Weiwei didn't care about it. In her opinion, life span was the most important thing, so she forced a decision for him!

   Thinking about it, Cobra felt a bit painful!

   how do you say this...

   said angry, that's a baby girl!

   And it’s better for him!

   He can't get angry at all!

   said not to be angry, but the kingdom's affairs really cannot be separated from him. At this time, if he is taken away forcibly, it may cause trouble to the kingdom!

   Just as he was hurting, the door was pushed open at this time!


   As the door slowly opened, Icarim came in with a breakfast!

   "Hey! Your Majesty, you are awake!"

   When Icarim saw that Cobra on the bed had opened his eyes, he quickly put breakfast on one side, and stepped forward and asked, "Your Majesty, do you feel any discomfort?"


   Cobra waved his hand, and after casually dealt with, he looked at Iqalem and said, "Why don't you stop me!"

"Your Majesty, I stopped, but I can't stop it!" Icarim understood what Cobra was saying when he heard it, so he showed an embarrassed expression and said, "Your Royal Highness, Gaka, Bell, There is also the Minister of Finance and the Secretary of the Interior. They all agree to go to St. Martin. It is useless for me to oppose it alone!"

   In the face of Cobra's accusation, Icarim decisively put all the responsibility on others!

   Well, anyway, he is the only one here now, so how can he say what he wants?

   While listening to what he said, after Cobra twitched his mouth, he looked at Iqalem and said slowly, word by word, "It's no use if you object?"

   Just kidding, as the captain of the escort, if Icarlem really wants to oppose it, other people, including Weiwei, can't send him out!

   So, Icarim must be lying!


   Hearing this, Icarim knew that his lie had been found out, and his heart jumped, and he hurriedly said, "Yes, Your Majesty! I objected, but it's useless!"

After that, without waiting for Cobra to say anything, Icarim quickly changed the subject and said, "Yes, Your Majesty! Although Princess Vivi’s approach is a bit wrong this time, I think about it carefully. Isn't it a good opportunity?"

   Cobra, who was about to get angry, frowned when he heard his words and asked, "What do you mean?"

   "Our kingdom is the heir of Princess Vivi. The position of the king is always given to Princess Vivi. In this case, you can use this opportunity to experience Princess Vivi!"

   "Take advantage of this opportunity, you can let Princess Weiwei handle the kingdom's government affairs for you, and control the kingdom for a period of time. In this way, not only will Princess Weiwei be familiar with government affairs in advance, but also let her understand how difficult it is to develop a kingdom!"

   "You can also look at Princess Vivi's talent in this area, and at the same time let Princess Vivi feel the difficulty of why you don't want to go to St. Martin!" Icarim said with a serious face.

   Hearing this, Cobra fell into thinking!

   If the normal kingdom listened to this sentence, he would definitely put Icarim to death for the crime of injustice.

   I am the king, are you the king?

  Even if there is really only one heir, there are certain things that you can know well, and you can die if you say it bluntly!

   This is the idea of ​​most kings!

   But Cobra is different. He is a benevolent and able to listen to what others say, so after hearing Icarem's words, he didn't blame him, but felt that there was indeed some truth!

  The kingdom must be inherited to Weiwei in the future!

   Under this premise, while his body is still strong and his energy is still vigorous, it is also good to let Weiwei take charge of the kingdom for a period of time!

   This not only allows Weiwei to know how difficult it is to take control of a kingdom, but also to temper her, so that she has some experience in handling government affairs in advance, so that when she is in charge, she will not be rushed in handling government affairs in the future!

   Moreover, even if Weiwei made mistakes during this period, he still has enough energy and time to modify and make up for these mistakes!

   Thinking about it, Cobra's expression gradually eased.

   He groaned and said, "Well, what you said makes sense! Then let's do this for the first time!"


   Icarem listened to Cobra's words, and he was secretly relieved!

   Things are finally over!


the other side!

  While Cobra accepted the reality, Weiwei was in distress!

   "Ah~ how should I deal with this?" Looking at the pile of documents on the table in front of him, Weiwei was a little crazy and a little broken!

   Although in Cobra's eyes, Vivi knows how to deal with some government affairs, but knowing that Gui knows it is another matter.

   Facing the documents in front of him, after Weiwei managed to deal with two or three simple things, the whole person fell into a state of collapse!

   Simply at this moment, Weiwei's inspiration flashed and she had an idea!

   Ask Arthur!

A document from the Kingdom of Alabastan made her about to collapse, but Arthur, who owns the Kingdom of Saint Martin, not only didn’t seem to collapse, but he still had time to walk around and manage the kingdom in an orderly manner. This shows that what?

   shows that Arthur is very good at handling government affairs!

   In this case ~www.ltnovel.com~ who shouldn't you ask him?

   Thinking, Weiwei looked at Arthur with shiny eyes, and said coquettishly, "Arthur~ Can you teach me how to deal with government affairs?"


   Arthur heard this, and while he got goosebumps, he still showed a helpless expression and said, "All right!"

   Talking, Arthur came to Weiwei's side and began to teach her how to deal with government affairs!

   "Just write a review here!"

   "Well, let them take care of it!"

   "This cuts the funding in half, let them figure out their own way!"


   In the following time, Arthur not only taught Vivi how to deal with government affairs every day, but also because of Cobra's absence, the relationship between him and Vivi quickly heated up, and even something that shouldn't happen one night!

At the same time, as the “evidence” of Krokdal’s use of dancing fans was sent to Alabastan during this period, Krokdal’s incident was exposed, causing public outrage in Alabastan. Soon Krokdal and the Baroque work agency were caught Driven out of Alabastan!

   That’s it, it’s May!

  A legendary month!

   Because this month, Luffy went to sea...

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