Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 865: 10 years

   The next night!

   Arthur is here as promised!

   "What are your conditions?"

   As soon as he sneaked into Faisal's study, Arthur heard such a sentence!

Arthur was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately faced Faisal, who was originally gray-haired, but now with black hair on his head, showed a bright smile, saying, "As long as you are loyal to me, you can give the rest you!"

   Faisal showed a tangled look on his face when he heard this!

   Faisal thought about this request for a while, and felt that it was not good!

   A man who did not reveal his true face made such a request to a minister of the kingdom asking the other party to be loyal to him. What else was the purpose?

   After thinking and thinking, it is nothing more than harming the kingdom!

  Under this situation, he devoted his entire life to the kingdom. Faisal, who is loyal to the kingdom, is naturally a bit entangled!

   But after struggling for a long time, in the end, his desire for life defeated his loyalty to the kingdom. Faisal gritted his teeth and agreed, "Yes!"

"Wise choice!"

   Immediately, Arthur showed another smile!

   Faisal's choice was in Arthur's expectation!

   Perhaps when he was young, Faisal was a man who could dedicate his blood to the kingdom, but as he grows older and has more knowledge, his blood has gradually cooled.

   At this time Faisal is just an old man who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

   "However, I want to see what you look like, so that I know who I should listen to, and if possible, I want to have the remaining potion immediately!" At this time, Faisal made his request!

   "Look at my appearance, there is no problem!" Arthur said as he opened his cloak, revealing his appearance, and then groaned while Faisal was stunned.

   "As for the rest of the medicine...Everyone can take up to ten bottles of that medicine. You have already drunk one bottle. I will give you one bottle every year for the remaining nine years!"

  The reason why Faisal was given to Faisal for nine years was to hang Faisal!

For those who are afraid of death, as long as there is a chance to prolong life, they will not act rashly. With the diluted version of life prolonging potion hanging, coupled with the suppression of Arthur's own identity, Faisal will not do it as long as his brain is not drawn What's the brain damage!

   As for nine years later...

   Ha ha, with Arthur's ability and Saint Martin's strength, Faisal was still needed at that time?


   Faisal looked at Arthur in front of him, and after swallowing his saliva, he barely calmed down, accepting the fact that the man in the cloak was Arthur, and said, "There is no problem in nine years!"

   If Arthur did not show up before, Faisal would definitely doubt the nine years time!

   After all, Arthur is a completely unfamiliar person, how does he know if the other party will give it?

   Even if it is given, how can it be guaranteed that it is true?

   But, now that Arthur shows his face, this is not a problem!


   because of fame!

  Fame is an invisible thing, but it is undeniable that it can help you do many things in the invisible, such as making others trust you!

   Well, this is the same as celebrity endorsements!

   With the widespread reputation of Arthur, Faisal unconditionally increased his trust in him by two levels, so Faisal directly agreed to what Arthur said!

   "Then if there is nothing to do, I will leave first! If something happens later, I will come to you again!" Arthur looked at Faisal agreed without saying more, turned around and left!


   After the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Finance are settled, the dark line of Alabastan is also complete!

   As for the bright line...

   After the rebellion came to an end, and before the video used to confirm Krokdal and the Baroque Work Society was not completed, Alabastan entered a period of plateau for the time being!

   During this stable period, Cobra became a dog for the sake of the rebel army, and Arthur took this opportunity to get closer to Weiwei!

   Albana Street!


   After shopping, when Weiwei was about to return to the palace, Arthur suddenly stopped her!


   Weiwei stopped subconsciously, turned her head to look at Arthur, and wanted to ask Arthur if there was anything else!

   But before she could say anything, her mouth was blocked!


   Weiwei's eyes widened, and she looked at Arthur, who was close to her face in front of her, sobbing because her mouth was blocked and she didn't say anything!

   Originally, she wanted to push Arthur away, but looking at Arthur's eyes, Vivi didn't have any action, but her cheeks blushed, and she silently accepted it!

   It's been a while!

   When Weiwei was almost out of breath, Arthur let go of her!

   "Huh huh!"

   Weiwei blushed while panting!

   However, she still didn't say anything, but after a shy glance at Arthur, she turned around and ran towards the palace!

   And Arthur looked at her back, and the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily!

   To be honest, in terms of love, Arthur’s experience with Vivi is actually the same!

   I thought about his wives. Among them, there were childhood sweethearts, marriages, and coincidences, but Zhenger had never been in love, so Arthur's experience is similar to that of Weiwei!

   However, the experience is similar, but the amount of knowledge is much worse!

  The various Korean dramas before the crossing, all kinds of local love stories, all kinds of love tips, flying all over the Internet, although Arthur has not studied seriously, but he knows a lot with his ears and eyes!

   In this case, dealing with such a naive girl like Fu Weiwei who has no experience and no knowledge in this area can be regarded as a handy shot!

   Of course, as far as Arthur’s original purpose was concerned, this kind of hand-to-hand grip seemed a bit despicable!

   However, from another perspective, this can be considered a sacrifice for the country, and Arthur didn't think there was anything bad!


   He just has a thick skin!


   In the next few days, perhaps because of that kiss, or perhaps because of long-term contact, the relationship between Arthur and Vivi has risen a lot!

   A previous kiss can make Weiwei blush and shy, but now a kiss only makes her face blush!

   And Arthur, who noticed this change, felt that the time was almost time, and it was time to send Cobra away and let Weiwei take the lead!

   "Vivi, do you know how old I am this year?" Arthur asked Weiwei in a deliberate tone.

   Weiwei immediately became nervous when she heard it, and said, "It doesn't matter how old you are, don't listen to my father's nonsense!"

   Hearing this, Arthur knew that Weiwei had misunderstood!

   Immediately, he smiled and said, "I didn't mean this! I mean... Do you know why I am so young?"

   Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief first, and then asked inexplicably, "Why?"

   "Because our kingdom has developed a medicine called Life-Prolonging Medicine, this medicine can extend people's life span by hundreds of years with some medical treatments!" Arthur said sternly.


   Weiwei took a deep breath and asked suspiciously.

   If you say that other Weiwei may not know the value, but in terms of life extension, except for some naive children in this world, everyone in this world knows the value of this to the West!

   "Really!" Arthur nodded solemnly.

   And after seeing Arthur's confirmation, Weiwei became more excited!

   That's a life extension potion!

   After a while~www.ltnovel.com~ Vivi, who forcibly calmed herself down, looked at Arthur but wondered, "Then what do you mean...?"

   "I want your father to use it...As long as he becomes as young as me, I don't think he will oppose the two of us!" Arthur groaned.


   Weiwei quickly agreed, but found something wrong, frowning and hesitating, "This kind of thing should be expensive? Isn't it good to just use it for my father?"

   Arthur smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, although it's expensive, it's not a problem!"

   As he said, Arthur seemed to have thought of something, showing a hesitant expression, and said, "But...this kind of medicine needs to be used with special medical equipment, and it takes almost ten years!"

   "That is to say... if your father wants to use it, then at least ten years in Saint Martin! I am afraid your father will not accept it!"

   ten years?

   After listening to this slightly long time, Vivi couldn't help but breathe!

   But immediately, she remembered what her father was like now!

   "Father... seems to have gray hair, right?"

   thought to himself, the expression on Weiwei's face gradually became firmer, gritted her teeth and said, "I will definitely persuade the father to accept it!"

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