It's business, there is actually nothing to talk about!

   Talk about how to deal with Krokdal!

Although Krokdal had left before, his Baroque work agency and the forces he swayed are still in the territory of Alabastan. In this case, the Alabastan side must find a way to clean up the forces swayed by Krokdal. of!

   However, after discovering the situation of Vivi and Arthur, Cobra was not in the mood to talk about it!

  Dog thief, want to soak my daughter?

   With this thought, Cobra, who was a daughter-in-law, looked at Arthur with a trace of anger in his eyes. How could he have any intentions to talk about business?

   But after all, it was Weiwei who was talking about business, so even though Cobra felt unhappy in his heart, he finally had to suppress his anger and talked with Arthur!

   Thinking, Cobra asked indifferently, "Brother Arthur...well, Arthur, what do you think should be done with Klockdal?"

   Originally, he was habitually wanting to be called Brother Arthur, but because of thinking about Weiwei, he abruptly swallowed the next word brother!

   "This is your internal affairs in Alabastan, I shouldn't have participated in it, but since you said that, let me give you a little opinion!" Arthur said with a serious face.

   "Over the years, the Baroque Job Club has always had a good reputation in Alabastan! Although Krokdal confessed that he did it, after all, only me and you and the soldiers heard it, which is not enough as evidence!"

   "In this case, if you want to move them, you will definitely raise questions from the people of Alabastan!"

"In addition, most areas of Alabastan have not rained in the past few years. There have been complaints in the country. Once the incident occurs, as long as they give a little guidance, it is certain that Alabastan will erupt more than the previous rebels. A bigger uprising!"

   "At that time, unless you are willing to be cruel and use thunder, Alabastan will face a huge crisis!"

   Talking, Arthur glanced at Cobra subconsciously.

   And after discovering that his hands were clenched at this time, his pupils shrank sharply, and a nervous expression appeared on his face, Arthur smiled slightly and continued.

   "So if you want to deal with Baroque job clubs, it is best to find evidence of their illegality, let the people know that they are using dancing fans, and then deal with them after revealing their true colors!"

   "This will not only not arouse the anger of the people, but will also increase your reputation. People will also feel guilty for you because they blamed you before, and they will listen to you more!"

   Listening to Arthur’s words, Cobra put Vivi’s matter aside for the time being. After thinking for a while, he asked abruptly, "But the problem now is, we don’t have any evidence!"

"Ha ha!"

   Arthur smiled, showing a slightly deep expression, and asked a seemingly irrelevant question, "Cobra, have you seen a movie in our kingdom?"

"the film!"

   After a little surprise flashed in Cobra's eyes, he nodded and said, "Naturally I have seen it!"

   "The movie is fake, and the scenes in it are fake, even some of the characters are fake, there is no such actor at all, we made it by special means!" Arthur said bluntly.

Hearing this, Cobra was still a little confused at first, but then he seemed to understand something, his face gradually showed a daze, he said sternly, "You mean, we can use the kind of movie Way, to forge a piece of evidence?"

   "Almost! We can restore the situation of our previous meeting with Klockdal, and use this as evidence to reveal their true colors!" Arthur nodded.

   " do you do it?" Cobra hesitated.

   It's OK to let him watch the movie, let him forge evidence and so on, let alone do it, he doesn't even have a clue!

   "Don't worry about this, I can do it for you!" Arthur smiled and said, "The movie is produced in our kingdom. Is it easy to forge evidence?"

   "That would be great!" Cobra smiled!

   But then, after glancing at the Weiwei next to him, the smile from the corner of his eye suddenly stopped!

   Well, bastard, even if you help me, I won't let your conspiracy succeed!

   Thinking, Cobra colded his face again, and was about to say something!

"Da da da!"

   At this time, a sound of footsteps came from far and near from outside the hall,

   Everyone at the scene followed the voice and looked over and found that the person here was Gaka!

   "Your Majesty, Koza has recovered!" Gaka said respectfully.

   Immediately, Cobra waved his hand and said, "Well, bring him here!"

   In a while!

   Kosha, with the color of hatred on his face, was taken to the hall by Gaka!

   "Cobra!!!" Koza said uneasy.

   After a complicated look flashed in Cobra's eyes, he said in a deep voice, "I haven't used any dancing powder!"

   "Heh, bah!"

   Kousha smiled contemptuously, and spit on the ground next to him with some disdain, his face was full of unbelief!

   Seeing this, Cobra did not explain it!

   He knew that there was no evidence. As far as Koza's character was concerned, he would definitely not believe it!

Immediately, he changed his voice and asked, "Is there anyone caught in your rebel army? How many people are there in the rebel army? Do you have any bases in other places in Alabastan? Are there any behind the rebel army? people?"

   Cobra’s questions one after another!

   But Koza obviously didn't want to answer him, so facing his question, he didn't answer anything except the contemptuous expression on his face!

   Seeing this, Arthur quietly took out a bottle of Veritaserum produced by Hogwarts from the space!

   Then he stood up, walked straight to Kosha's side, and when everyone looked surprised, he opened Kosha's mouth and forcibly poured the potion into him!


   Faced with Arthur's actions, Koza struggled, but it was of no use, and was finally forced to drink Veritaserum!

   "What did you drink for me?" Koza asked suspiciously.

   As he said, his eyes began to lose consciousness. Before Arthur could answer, he shook his head, revealing an unconscious look!

"Just now I gave him the veritaserum produced in our kingdom. After drinking it, he will answer honestly whatever others ask. Now you can ask him any questions and he will definitely say it!" Arthur smiled Said to Cobra.


   Hearing this, Cobra's face showed a curious look!

   Immediately, he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly asked the previous question again.

   "There are still people who haven't been caught, they are..."

   This time, Koza was groggy and said the answer!

   While watching this scene, Arthur smiled and didn't care, let Cobra ask, and he closed his eyes and began to figure out the next plan of Alabastan!

   So far, the overall layout of Alabastan is half completed!

   Insurgents, Krokdal have both played and the crisis in Alabastan seems to be temporarily lifted.

   However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not yet ideal!

As the king of Alabastan, Cobra has always controlled the entire kingdom. Although Vivi is his only heir and his beloved daughter, if Vivi is to be in power, according to the current situation and Cobra’s age, It must take a long time!

   And this is exactly what Arthur didn't want!

   It took decades to win a kingdom. In the eyes of others, it seemed worthwhile, but in the eyes of Arthur, it was a little worthless!

   His ultimate goal is to conquer the world. If any kingdom takes decades, how many years will it take for all kingdoms in this world to add up?

   So he wanted to find a way to get Weiwei to take power quickly, and he also took the opportunity to take down Weiwei, and took Alabastan in disguise, so that he really achieved his goal!

   Of course, it would be even more perfect if one or two ministers of the Kingdom of Alabastan could be instigated secretly!

   As for how to get Vivi into power as soon as possible...

   Arthur thought, and gradually got an idea in his heart!

   "Life is such a thing, I don't believe anyone can resist its temptation!" After Arthur glanced at Cobra intentionally or unintentionally, the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily!

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