Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 845: Yordle

   "Your Majesty, I will study it first!"

  As for the burden of time, after Arthur explained the effect, Gnar's eyes lit up and he didn't care about Arthur. He could not wait to run inside the Academy of Sciences with it!

   Well, of course, with this kind of good thing, we should do the experiment quickly!

   As for this, after Arthur smiled helplessly, he couldn't say anything, so he could only turn around and return to the palace!

   After all... people work for themselves!

   "Let’s study how the affiliated races were created!"

   Arthur, who returned to the palace study, put aside other things for the time being, and began to study the things that came out of the lottery!

   To tell the truth, this subsidiary race creation is what he is most interested in in this draw!

   Not for anything else, just for the creation of this subsidiary race, I can set it myself!

   It’s important to be able to set this yourself!

   The development of a kingdom requires a comprehensive, unilateral development is definitely not enough, just like walking, it is difficult to go with a lame leg!

   But it’s not easy to be comprehensive!

Before Arthur's journey, no matter how big or small, all countries in the world had all kinds of defects, large or small, or geographical reasons, or management reasons, or people’s reasons. In short, there were various reasons that made them have to give up. Fully developed!

   But in a world where everyone's strength is almost the same, and the transportation industry is also very developed, all major countries cannot achieve true and comprehensive development, and it is even more impossible in this world!

   St. Martin is the same!

   Don’t look at Saint Martins now occupying the West Sea, but the development route is indeed a bit biased!

  Military, military equipment, and high-end armed forces. St. Martin's development is pretty good, but in other places, it is a little unsatisfactory!

no way!

  The main reason for this is that Saint Martin is often at war, so it will inevitably be biased towards the military in development!

   Even though Arthur has been abducted and abducted many talents over the years, driven by the general environment of war, the research direction of these talents is also biased towards war!

   And when the kingdom's overall development is somewhat biased, the ability to customize the creation of subsidiary races is particularly important!

   Where the kingdom has shortcomings that are unsatisfactory, you can customize a race that can make up for these shortcomings, and make the kingdom more comprehensive and balanced development!

   Thinking, Arthur began to think carefully about how to customize his race!

   "It was decided before, to design a race that is biased towards scientific research! Just start thinking about it with this point!" After Arthur murmured, he touched his chin and began to think!

   "Scientific research... the brain must be good, and the calculation ability must be strong! Well, creativity is also very important! But more importantly, it is your preferences. If you don't like scientific research, it will definitely not work!"

"Adventurous spirit must be a little too, but not too much, and not too little! If there is too much, if you research out a messy thing, like T virus, it will be done! But too little is no good, scientists can't have no adventurous spirit. Create something good!"

"The stronger the fertility, the better, so that we can give birth to more researchers! Physical fitness must also be good. Although scientists don't need to do much work, the physical and energy consumed during research is indeed not small. If you have poor physical fitness, you may be Die early!"

   "There is not much requirement for the image, as long as it can be eye-catching! Of course, it is best to prefer the human type. Although weird and strange things are acceptable, it will inevitably look a little uncomfortable!"

   "Needless to say in terms of lifespan, naturally the longer the better! After all, scientific research cannot produce results in one or two years!"


   About half a day, after Arthur recorded all the thoughts one by one, he submitted them to the system!

   [Affiliated race creation and use! 】

   [The balance is being adjusted according to the input conditions...]

   [Balanced, the specific image is as follows! 】

   Soon, a very big head, but very small, a bit like the image of Hemerdinger in the League of Legends appeared in front of Arthur, and at the same time the data about this race passed into Arthur's mind!

  【Unknown race (nameable)】

   [Introduction: This is a new race with a lifespan of about 300 years, strong thinking ability, strong calculation ability, strong creativity, like scientific research, and adventurous, but with average physical fitness and low fertility! 】

   [Yes/No, sure to create? (Five males and five females will appear directly after creation, a total of ten adult unknown races! Note: Only when created, adults will appear directly)]

   Seeing this condition, Arthur frowned slightly!

   This is different from what he designed!

   But after thinking about the conditions he had designed before, he was relieved!

   When he designed it, he designed it in the direction of a perfect scientist as much as possible, but it is obvious that there can be no such perfect scientist in reality, and the system does not allow such a great X to exist!

   So after the design is finished, the system is automatically balanced!

   Let this race try to follow Arthur’s design as much as possible, but does it follow Arthur’s meaning completely?

   Thinking of this, Arthur hesitated again, "Is that sure?"

   This balanced race is still a little different from what he thought, so Arthur hesitated!

   But it didn't take long for Arthur to confirm it directly!

   Well, the system will automatically balance, which means that no matter how awesome Arthur designs, the final result is the same!

   So, I can only be sure!

   And just after Arthur confirmed ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ten light beams appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and Arthur couldn't help but narrowed his eyes!

   "See Your Majesty!"

   After the beam disappeared, ten figures about half the height of Arthur kneeled in front of Arthur respectfully!

  "Free gift!

   Arthur waved his hand.

   "Your Majesty, please give us a name for our race!" After the ten people got up, one of them walked up to Arthur and said respectfully.

   Listening to what he said, Arthur remembered to name their race and said quickly, "Okay, I want to do it!"

As he said, Arthur thought for a moment, and then he muttered, "The race name...should be called the Yordel! As for the name...you are called Heimer Jiage, Heimer Yige, Heimer. Bing, Heimo Ding, Heimo Wuge... Heimo Guige!"

   Because he looks like the Hemerdinger in the League of Legends, Arthur directly named the race as the Yordle.

   And because Heimudinger’s name has a T, and there are just ten people in front of him, Arthur directly put ten days into their names!

   Because of this, such a new race was born!


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