Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 843: Big bone boiled into soup


   About half an hour later, Arthur's legs softened, but he squatted and fell to the ground!

   "This side effect is a bit big!" Arthur, who felt the emptiness, weakness, and soreness all over his body, couldn't help but gaze.

   This Japanese lion form is good, but the consumption is too high!

   It only took Arthur half an hour, and he felt that all his physical strength was gone!

   You know, his physical skills are also at the general level!

   Of course, considering the 50% increase in strength, it is actually acceptable!

  50% doesn't sound like much, but at his level, it's already quite scary!

Let’s put it this way, now he has been able to reach the sixth level of the general level of the tower of trial, and even the seventh level is only a trace, but once the sun lion mode is used, it is enough for him to directly pass. The seventh floor, penetrate the eighth floor, the ninth floor!

And just such a strength allows him to quickly resolve two or three new generals in half an hour, instead of facing a few newcomers to the general level, using drug tactics. Fighting with the enemy will have to fight for one or two days!

  After resting for about half an hour, Arthur felt his strength gradually regained!

   didn't hesitate much!

   Arthur left the study directly and walked towards the back garden of the palace!

   Well, he is going to put down the demiplane first!

  When he came to the back garden, Arthur saw a beautiful figure humming an unknown tune, pouring flowers in a leisurely manner!

   Immediately, a smile appeared on his face, and he stepped forward to embrace this figure.

   "Hate, let me go!"

   After taking two breaths of Arthur's breath, the figure confirmed the incoming person, but pushed Arthur away.

   Arthur was not angry either, but smiled and said, "Rimi, don't you usually do not water the flowers? Why do you have such a good mood to water the flowers today?"

"In a good mood?" Ishihara whitened Arthur and said helplessly, "Jill and Leah are going to work! Nero went to play, and the other sisters also have their own things to do. I am idle, so I came. Water the flowers!"

   After adulthood, Arthur asked his children to work in their favorite places, but Gilgamesh and Altria both chose the Saint Martin's navy at the same time.

   "Then... we have another one? Give you one to play with!" Arthur teased.

   This time Ishihara Rimi didn't answer, but just gave Arthur a look at it!

Upon seeing this, after Arthur smiled, he took out the elixir and the magic stick from the space and handed it to Ishihara Rimi, saying, "Well, since it's boring... Then I will give you two interesting things. Things are ready!"

   "Something interesting?"

   Ishihara Rimi took two things curiously, and said, "What is this?"

   When Arthur explained to Ishihara Rimi about what the two things were, Ishihara Rimi immediately exclaimed and said, "The elixir of life!?"


   Arthur smiled and nodded.

   Ishihara Rimi took a look, and immediately put the elixir into Arthur's hand anxiously, saying, "No, no, this thing is too precious, you should eat it first!"

   Ishihara Rimi, who doesn't like exercise, may not realize the value of the magic stick, but she is clear about the value of the elixir!

   After all, immortality is one of the constant pursuits of mankind since ancient times!

"No need!" Arthur shook his head and said sternly, "I just said the side effects of this thing, it is not suitable for me now, and it will grow in the future, I am sure to get something similar again, so You should use it!"

   As he said, Arthur pulled up Rimi Ishihara's hand and put the elixir in her palm!

   "Brother Arthur!" Ishihara Rimi's face was tangled!

   Having been a husband and wife for so many years, Arthur’s character Rimi Ishihara is also clear and will not lie to her. Since he said so now, he must be sure to get it later!

   However, even so, the value of the elixir of life is too great, so Rimi Ishihara is in a tangled!

   But after struggling for a moment, Ishihara Rimi finally chose to listen to Arthur and ate it!


   While swallowing, the elixir was directly delivered by Ishihara Rimi!

   "Nothing seems to have changed? Is the medicine fake?"

   After eating, I waited for a while, but Rimi Ishihara didn't feel anything strange, so she couldn't help but asked Arthur suspiciously!

"Don't worry! I'm sure the medicine is real!" After Arthur made a certain sentence, he casually found an excuse and explained, "The reason why there is no change is that it may not bring any change by itself. , It’s just being subtle, let you live longer!"

   Ishihara Rimi listened to Arthur's words and nodded suspiciously, but said nothing.

   "Well, you can try the magic stick!" Arthur said with a smile.

   At this time, Rimi Ishihara remembered that there was a magic light stick, so she quickly took out the magic light stick and asked, "This can make me a giant?"


   Arthur nodded and smiled, "Not only can you become a giant, but you can also fly! However, it only has three minutes, so you have to pay special attention!"

   "Three minutes?" Ishihara Rimi murmured. After taking notes, he asked again, "Then...Is there anything else I need to pay attention to when using this thing?"

Hearing these words ~www.ltnovel.com~ Arthur had wanted to say no, but then a bad taste suddenly rose to his head, so he said calmly, "Well, before using it, Must shout "big bones into soup""

   "Boiled big bones into soup?"

   Ishihara asked in a dazed face, "What do you mean? Is it possible to transform into a giant and drink more bone soup?"

   Arthur's eyes turned sharply, and he said serious nonsense, "Look! Your own body is so small, but the giant's body is so big. This time it becomes bigger and smaller, and it will inevitably hurt the bones of the human body!"

   "So you need to drink more soup boiled with big bones to avoid osteoporosis due to this reason! This is also a reminder for the younger generation who made the magic rod in the first place!"


   Ishihara Rimi nodded without understanding, picked up the magic light stick and thought for a while, raised it, and shouted to the sky, "Big bones are boiled into soup!!!"

   Suddenly, a dazzling light burst from Ishihara Rimi's body and covered her whole body!

   In a while!

   As the light rose more and more, and gradually rose to 53 meters, an Ultraman who was 90% similar to Tiga, but with two **** of meat on his chest appeared in front of Arthur!


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