Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 840: Attributes

   First of all, what Arthur looked at was of course the first elixir he drew!

   From the appearance, this is a thumb-sized, black pill, which looks the same as Arthur’s previous TV series and movies, and there is no fragrance or the like!

   If it weren't produced by the system, even if he put this thing in front of Arthur, he would not think it was a good thing!

   looked at it, but Arthur picked up the black pill in front of him and opened its attributes!

【Elixir of life】

   [Introduction: Longevity does not mean immortality, and being immortal does not mean immortality! After taking it, it can nourish human cells, increase the number of times they can divide, and suppress the speed of cell division, so that the time required for cell division is prolonged, so as to achieve the effect of immortality! 】

   [Note: You can live at least 10,000 years after taking it, but you will die if you are killed! 】

   [Note: Because the division speed of human cells is suppressed, the effect of exercise will be greatly reduced after taking it, please consider carefully before taking it! 】

  This introduction...it is poisonous!

  Looking at the name Elixir, Arthur subconsciously thought it was on the side of Xian Xia from the beginning, but after reading this introduction...this Nima is clearly on the side of science fiction!

   But, having said that, whether it's the fairy side or the science fiction side, what is placed in front of Arthur at this time is actually a question-whether to eat or not?

   If there was no last bet, Arthur would have eaten it without hesitation!

   After all, who doesn’t want to live longer?

   But with the last bet, he needs to think more!

   The effect of exercise is greatly reduced, which means that after eating, his physical strength is likely to be unable to improve for a long time, and this is something he cannot accept.

   After all, in the next time, what Arthur can foresee is that he will have a confrontation with the world government and the revolutionary army!

   At exactly this time, his strength has been stagnant, which undoubtedly caused him a lot of trouble!

   Although he can still have some advantages in this kind of confrontation with his current strength, in such a dangerous confrontation, of course, how much strength can be improved!

   Thinking, Arthur made a decision soon, not to take it!

  At his current age, he still has more than a hundred years to live, and it shouldn’t be difficult for Arthur to get similar life-extending things during this period!

   Right now, the most important thing is to conquer this world!

   "Let's go back to Rimi! She doesn't like exercise, this thing is just right for her!" Arthur whispered, putting the thing in the portable space, and then opening the properties of the next thing!

  【Potential potion】

   [Introduction: A potion that can increase the body's potential. After oral administration, it can increase a person's potential by about one to thirty percent! 】

   [Note: Only one bottle per person can be used]

   [Note: There are some harmless side effects, which will gradually decrease with physical exercise until they disappear! 】

The introduction of    is no different from the previous ones, and he has already used a bottle, so Arthur didn't look at it much, so he put away this dozen potions and prepared it for those in the kingdom whose potential has been fully developed!

   Immediately, the attributes of the next piece were opened by Arthur!

  【Thinking Potion】

   [Introduction: After taking it, it can increase the speed of the brain by 10,000 times within an hour! 】

   [Note: After the effect of the drug, there will be a period of one to three days of mental exhaustion, please use it with caution! 】

   looked at the first thing on the system panel, and then looked at the bottle in front of him. It was in a potion bottle. It looked no different from Qiup. There was even a potion with bubbles in it. Arthur didn't know what to say for a while!

   The calculation speed of the brain has increased ten thousand times, which is terrible to think about!

  According to scientific research, the calculation speed of the most advanced computer in the world is about 20 orders of magnitude worse than that of the human brain!

  According to the famous "Moore's Law", the computing speed of a computer doubles every 18 months, which means an increase of about 0.57 times per year. It takes a hundred years for the computing speed of a computer to catch up with the brain!

   And it is such a brain, if the calculation speed is increased ten thousand times, the speed is beyond words!

   But after thinking about it, Arthur felt a bit tasteless again!

   What if the computing speed is increased by tens of thousands of times?

   What can I do... uh, wait!

   Suddenly, Arthur had an idea---Can we use this time to increase the computing speed by tens of thousands of times to deduce the development of fruit ability, or to study what tricks?

   Thinking about it, Arthur felt more and more possible!

  Before Arthur crossed, the computer could be used to deduce what tactics, what combat command, what military strategy layout, etc., there is no reason for the brain that has increased the calculation speed by tens of thousands of times.

   Arthur looked at the bottle of potion in front of him, his eyes suddenly became frenzied!

   However, after seeing the side effects noted in the system layout, Arthur had to suppress the excitement first and put things away!

   Hmm, wait until you have finished reading it all!

  【Scented Bean Planting Set】

   [Introduction: It contains ten fairy beans seeds, ten special soils, and a fairy bean planting manual. If you plant according to the manual, you can get ten fairy beans every year! 】

   [Note: The peas must be planted in special soil, otherwise it cannot grow, and a special soil can only grow one peas! 】

   Arthur looked at the fairy bean seed bag that was not as big as his palm, the booklet about a finger-thick, and the soil in the snakeskin bag on his right hand, grinning and showing a bright smile!

   This is fairy beans!

   He was reluctant to use one in the past, but now he can harvest every year as long as he grows it according to the manual. Isn’t it worth his pleasure?

   Even if there are only ten per year, it is worth his happiness!

   After being happy for a while, Arthur carefully put the things away, and after preparation, let them plant it!

  【Time Furoshiki】

   [Introduction: There are two sides ~ www.ltnovel.com~ the front is red, the back is black. When an object is covered by the front, the time lapse of the covered object will speed up, showing a future state! If it is covered with the reverse side, the time of the covered object will turn around, showing the state of the past! 】

   [Note: The time to speed up or turn around can only be within 10,000 years! That is, at most, let it appear as it was 10,000 years later, or return to what it was 10,000 years ago! 】

   [Note: After each use, it needs to be placed for a month to replenish time energy! Even after using it once, it takes a month before you can use it again! 】

   [Note: In order to avoid misuse, you must say "Jackfruit" before using furoshiki]

   Arthur is silent!

   There are restrictions on time furoshiki. He had guessed it a long time ago, but what he didn't expect is that time furoshiki actually has a voice control code!

   And look at this code...

   Doraemon World and Journey to the West have a leg?

   Thinking wildly, Arthur also took the furoshiki into the space!

   Furoshiki is very powerful, but it will definitely be unclear for a while, so Arthur is going to put things away first and look at other things before studying!


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