Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 820: Mocking Shanks

That night!

   The red-haired pirates who had originally left took advantage of the night and quietly returned to the port of Windmill Village!

   "Boss, didn't you say that he is a king and can't do anything to Lu Fei, Markino, and the village chief?" Raki Lu asked with breathlessly while chewing on chicken legs.

"Yeah, I don't think he would do anything to Xiao Lu Fei and the others! But everything is just in case!" Shanks said, turned his head and looked at Laki Lu with a serious expression, said, " Besides, if we don’t figure out the purpose of his coming here, we will leave like this. Can you rest assured?"

   "That's right!" Laki Lu thought for a while, and said nothing!

   If Arthur's purpose is not figured out, he will not be at ease if he leaves!

   "But, how do we figure out his purpose?" **** said with a frown, "If you just ask... he can't tell the truth, right?"

   "Yes! And judging from his bounty and his record, we can't use force if we want to!" Laki on the side added chicken legs while eating.

   Shanks listened to these words, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, see him first! If you don't even meet, then there is no way to figure out the purpose!"


   The crew nodded in agreement.

"Meet...Let's go with the two of us!" At this time, Ben Beckman, who had not spoken, hesitated for a moment and said, "Let them be prepared nearby. Once there is no talk, or there is a conflict, , It can also evacuate people in the village in time!"

   "Well, good!" Shanks thought for a while and nodded heavily.

   Immediately, he instructed the dignified crew behind him, "You go to every corner of the village and be on guard. If we don't talk about it, or if there is any conflict, you should evacuate the crowd in time!"

   "Yes, Captain!" The crew members were afraid to be careless, and nodded together!

"By the way, let a few people go to his ship to be on guard. Don't let the people on his ship find out. Once they find out, control them! Well, I just used my sight and smell to perceive that there is nothing strong on his ship. Who!" Ben Beckman added.

   The crew members heard the words and nodded again!

   Soon, the members of the red-haired pirate group started to act according to the instructions!

   And Shanks and Ben Beckman came to Mackinaw’s bar with a heavy heart!

   After a round of skillful turns, the two came to a side room of the bar.


After    glanced at each other, the two nodded, and at the same time opened the door and walked in!

   And as soon as the two entered, they saw that Arthur seemed to have expected it, sitting on the bed, looking at the two entering with a smile!

   "Sit!" Without saying much, Arthur gestured to the two chairs in front of him to please!

   Shanks and Ben Beckman looked at this scene, and after a glance at each other, they pulled out the chairs together with tacit understanding and sat down!

   However, the two did not relax!

Even after sitting down, the muscles of the two of them were still tense, and their hands were placed on their weapons, and their faces showed a look of alertness, as if Arthur was some kind of enemy. Launch an attack!

   On the other hand, looking at Arthur in front of them, his face was relaxed and free, as if he didn't put the two in his eyes!

   "What are the two of you coming to see me so late?" Arthur looked at the guarded two with a smile.

   In fact, he also knew in his heart why the two came to him so late!

   is nothing but fear that he will do something to the people in the village!

   And the reason why Arthur asked them the reason was that he wanted to tease Shanks and tease him!

   Well, if you think about molesting the four emperors in the future, there is an inexplicable sense of accomplishment!

   "Your Majesty Arthur, what are you doing in this village?" Shanks didn't mean anything, looking at Arthur with scorching eyes, and asked directly.

   "What did you say?" A smile hung on Arthur's face, and he asked with a deep meaning.

   I said an egg?

   If I knew, I would **** ask you?

   Shanks roared in his heart, but asked calmly on his face, "Please speak out, Your Majesty!"

Seeing Shanks’s appearance, Arthur rolled his eyes and said with evil amusement, “Oh, I’m not the enemy of the world government and the navy? I’ve inquired about the naval hero Karp, who seems to be a grandson Right here, planning to catch him to threaten Karp!"


   Hearing these words, Shanks and Ben Beckman had their hearts beating almost at the same time!

   "Then...may I ask your majesty, what is the name of Karp's grandson?" Shanks showed a serious face, and after looking at Ben Beckman, he asked again.

   "Oh, there is nothing bad to say, it seems to be called Luffy!" Arthur said with a bit of amusement.


  He came to find Xiao Lufei!

   Shanks and Ben Beckman were both shivering almost at the same time!

   After a long silence, Shanks frowned, stared at Arthur, and said, "Doesn’t your Majesty feel that this is a bit mean? Threatening people with family members doesn’t seem like a king should do it?"


Arthur looked at the two with a surprised expression and said, "Aren't you pirates? Tell me despicable? Whether it is despicable or your pirates is the most despicable! Besides, the enemy...what's so despicable Yes, victory is the most important thing!"


   Shanks was choked by this sentence, but for a moment he couldn't think of how to say it!

   Although he is not a despicable person, he also knows that most of the pirates are just like Arthur said, despicable!

   Well, the few who are not mean, either they are powerful and don't need to be mean, or they are Tie Han who just debuted!

   Moreover, Shanks agreed with what Arthur said, "The enemy...what is so despicable, victory is the most important thing".

In the sea for so many years, from getting on Roger’s ship to now forming his own pirate group, he has seen too many things, and he also understands that only the victor in the sea has the right to speak, what is despicable, All have to be ranked behind!

  Of course, identification belongs to identification, it is about Luffy, Shanks can only bite the bullet and stop Arthur!

   "What? You know this Luffy?" At this moment, Arthur looked at the two suspiciously~www.ltnovel.com~ At the same time, Arthur released a murderous look and enveloped the two!


   Extremely dangerous!

   A deadly sense of danger was overwhelmingly pressed towards them, and the two people under pressure had difficulty breathing!


   Suddenly, their hearts beat faster.

too strong!

   The answer is wrong, I am afraid it will be life-threatening!

   Such an idea appeared in both hearts at the same time!

   But even like this, Shanks gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, "Your Majesty, can you give me some face? Don't look for Luffy anymore!"

Appeared! Appeared!

  The legendary fruit of face!

   Arthur, who was full of evil taste in his heart, could no longer stretch himself when he heard this familiar sentence. After a little snort, he couldn't help but laughed wildly, "Hahaha~"

   And with his laughter, the solemn atmosphere in the room seemed to have been blown by the strong wind, completely disappeared!

   "Your Majesty, what are you!?" Shanks looked dumbfounded at Arthur who was suddenly laughing wildly in front of him, and said in surprise.


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