Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 808: 2 countries left

   The end of November.

   The cold wind is rustling!

   Originally this kind of weather is not suitable for fighting or traveling!

   But the two kingdoms of Perth and Ilusia, which are located near Saint Martin, had a tacit understanding and chose this time to travel.

  The two sides brought hundreds of thousands of troops, various important talents and a large number of princes and ministers, united together to form a huge fleet, bypassed the edge of Saint Martin, and prepared to go to the Upside Down Mountain!

   On a luxurious ship in the fleet!

"We're leaving like this, don't you look a little embarrassed?" The king of Perth, Hedolph, dang his cigar abruptly, asked Shuenda Lucas, the sturdy king of the Kingdom of Ilusia. Tao.

   "Yes!" Lucas nodded, looked at Shidolph, and asked faintly, "But, embarrassment and life, which one do you think is important?"

   "Power!" After a while, Shidolph gave a seemingly irrelevant answer!

"Ha ha!"

   Hearing this answer, Lucas stared into Shidolph's eyes for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

   This laugh is like sarcasm, like self-deprecating!

"Ha ha!"

   While listening to his laughter, Shidolph also shook his head inexplicably and laughed.

   After laughing for a long time, Shidolph stopped laughing, and sighed quietly, "We are all the same people..."


   "Going?" Arthur looked at the intelligence in his hand and showed a smile.

   This approach did not surprise Arthur, and it was one of the two answers he had thought before!

   For the two kingdoms, unless you have to fight Saint Martin, walking is the best choice!

   With the background and strength of the two kingdoms, no matter which sea area you go to, you can re-establish a huge kingdom or conquer a kingdom as a base.

  Although they will inevitably lose a lot of national strength during this process, it is better than smashing with Saint Martin!

   "But... do you want to keep them?" Arthur murmured and frowned.

   As for the two kingdoms, Arthur had no feelings!

  Whether he walks or not, he is just like that!

   is nothing more than the difference between direct occupation and an additional step of attack.

   In the end, the end of the two kingdoms must be the same, even if they have any hole cards!

   However, their departure will surely take away a large number of gold and silver jewelry, which is what Arthur is greedy!

   The gold and silver jewelry of the two kingdoms must be indispensable!

   So Arthur was thinking, should I keep them in the end!

   "Let's let it go!"

   After thinking for a while, Arthur made a decision in his heart!

   Although the West Sea has not been completely occupied, it is not an exaggeration to say that the general situation is set!

   In this case, Arthur naturally wanted to look at other sea areas!

   But the problem is that the events of the Whitney Kingdom and the Deer Spirit Kingdom made the world government more vigilant.

   They began to pay attention to the forces that suddenly flourished in other sea areas!

   This makes Arthur a little depressed!

  He had dark hands in other waters before, but under the attention of the world government, these dark hands did not dare to move, because if there is any movement, it will be detected by the world government that has learned the lesson!

   Because of this, he put on the vest of the sugar kingdom in the clown town of the East China Sea!

   But even so, Arthur didn't think it was very safe!

   Once the vest is too dazzling, there is a chance of being discovered!

   And now the departure of the Kingdom of Perth and the Kingdom of Elucia is also an opportunity!

   Both kingdoms are big kingdoms. The military power in the West China Sea is considered to be the top, not to mention other sea areas, and naturally it is also considered to be the top!

   And once they enter other waters, whether it is to find an island to rebuild the country or attack another kingdom, it will inevitably cause a **** storm!

no way!

   The whole sea area’s cakes are so big and they are basically distributed. Once one more person eats it, others will naturally eat less, or even not eat it!

   But who would be willing to accept the result of eating less or not eating?

   The two kingdoms cannot accept the days when there is no cake to eat, and the kingdoms of other seas cannot accept too many people who eat cakes!

   Therefore, other sea areas will surely fall into chaos by that time, war will be launched over the size of the cake, and the entire sea area will fall into chaos!

   And this chaos is undoubtedly the best cover for the vests controlled by Saint Martin!

   Amidst the chaos, even if the vest controlled by St. Martin suddenly develops, it will not be too conspicuous!

   If there is any movement of fish in the calm water of the lake, people will be noticed, because it will cause the fluctuation of the lake.

   But what is happening to the fish in the rapids is not easy to be discovered, because the rapids themselves are an excellent cover!

   Thinking, Arthur picked up the phone bug on the side and dialed out.


   While the phone rang, the phone worm was quickly connected!

   "Your Majesty!" German's voice rang from the phone!

   "Let the people from the two kingdoms go over and let the intelligence personnel continue to observe the movement of the Perth Kingdom and the Eleucia Kingdom to see which sea area they have gone to!" Arthur ordered.

   "Understood!" German nodded!


  The time has come to the end of December!

   After Arthur deliberately let it go, and after walking around St. Martin for a month, the combined fleet of the Kingdom of Perth and the Kingdom of Elucia came to the front of Upside Down Mountain!

   "Lucas...I think we'll be separated here!" Heidolph looked at the falling waterfall in front of him, and said quietly towards the king of the kingdom of Elucia.

   "Why? Are you not with me?" Lucas asked with a frown, "As long as we are united, we can walk sideways no matter which sea area we go to!"

   "I'm afraid of being swallowed by you!" Heidolph bluntly said, "Our kingdom itself has fewer troops than the kingdom of Elucia. If I go to a sea area with you, I'm afraid of being stabbed in the back by you!"

   "Am I such a person?" Lucas looked at Shidolfo a little uneasy.

   "Yes!" Heidolph nodded without hesitation as he listened to him.

   "Alright..." Lucas asked without a change in his face after touching his nose, "Then which sea area will your kingdom go to next?"

"Beihai! The East China Sea is too peaceful~www.ltnovel.com~ The distribution of benefits is almost the same. If you rush in, you will only be attacked by groups! The world government over the South China Sea has discovered that Saint Martin secretly controls a kingdom. I am afraid. We have to confront Saint Martin at that time! The Great Channel is too chaotic and not conducive to the development of the kingdom!" said Shidolfo in a deep voice.

"Then I will go to the East China Sea! I am afraid that what you said in the South China Sea will be fulfilled! As for the North Sea, since you said it, I won't fight with you! The magnetic field, ocean currents, and climate of the great channel are indeed a problem!" After taking a cigarette, Si said,

   "Although the East China Sea is calm and the distribution of benefits is almost the same, the strength of the kingdoms is also very weak. Although they may be attacked by groups, it may not be a good opportunity!"

   "Once you have a firm foothold in the East China Sea, then it is equal to the wolf entering the flock. Maybe I have the same opportunity as Saint Martin in the kingdom of Elucia!"

   As he said, Lucas couldn't help but flashed a glimmer of ambition!

"it is good!"

   Hearing what he said, after Heidolf nodded, he took a deep look at him and said, "Then... never see you again!"

   "Never see you again?" Lucas smiled and said, "Okay, never see you again!"

   Immediately, the fleets of the two kingdoms split in two in front of Upside Down Mountain!


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