Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 805: Strengthen

   Is this really amazing?


   Looking at the fairy kingdom swallowed by the light behind him, Arthur suddenly reacted!

   is also well-known in the new world, and it is also considered to be the elves among the top races. It seems...it seems...should be destroyed by one of his own unintentional actions!

   If this is not a big deal, then what is the big deal?

   "But then again, what exactly is this colorful light?" Arthur frowned as he watched the colorful light fading away from Heaven Breaking Machine, and muttered.

   Although the colorful light just made Arthur feel in danger, he himself ran away for the first time, but until now he has not figured out what that thing is!

   The only thing he knows is that this light is probably related to the Devil Fruit!

   After being safe now, he felt that he had eaten the wood fruit, combined with the shadow of the shadow fruit, after touching the colorful light, the progress of the development of the fruit jumped forward for a short period of time!

Originally, it was just the awakened Mumu Fruit. After Arthur’s shadow encountered the colorful light, his understanding of the fruit has increased a lot, and the development of the fruit has reached a state of senior awakening, and it has been integrated into the shadow Shadow Shadow Fruit has made great progress!

And this kind of rapid development progress is not like the usual fruits of development, through little by little familiarity, little practice, little by little research, so as to increase, but the kind of epiphany. Fuzhi Mind, it seems that he has come into contact with the essence of the fruit and suddenly understood the kind!

   Therefore, Arthur thinks that the colorful light has something to do with the devil fruit!

   Of course, Arthur can't tell what the specific relationship is now!

   After all, it was the first time he had come into contact with the colorful light, and it was also the first time he knew of the existence of such a thing!

   "However, this light is too long, right? You have been chasing like this?" Arthur frowned as he looked at the light that was still spreading behind him.

   Immediately, he changed his voice and said, "Fortunately, the speed is much slower now, so I don't need me to help!"

   At this time, although the light is still spreading, the spreading speed is much slower than before.

  At this time, the speed of the Skybreaker where Arthur was located also began to slow down due to the friction caused by various things along the way.

   Simply, although the speed of the Skybreaker has slowed down, it is still a bit faster than the spread of light, so there is no need for Arthur to use the Super Electromagnetic Cannon to help the Skybreaker!

   And just chasing in tandem, the Skybreaker soon drove out of the mist!

   "This light, is it going to swallow the entire mist?" Arthur looked at the light still spreading in the mist not far away, somewhat surprised.

   If it is as he thought, then the power of this light is too great!

   He doesn't know how big the range of the fog is, but it took a few hours to get out from the skybreaker. The range of the fog is not small, even he can definitely be bigger than St. Martin!

   And such a big fog area is about to be swallowed up by the light, how this makes him not surprised!

   Surprised, Arthur suddenly found that after the colorful light had swallowed all the mist in front of him, it stopped in place!

   At this time, the colorful light in front of Arthur suddenly accelerated to shine for some reason.

  Blingbling, so that the entire sea area and even the surrounding world shone with seven colors of light!

   But when you look closely, you can see that the shining seven-color light is also different!

   The seven-color light in the place where the fog was before is solid, while the seven-color light in other places is just a little bit of light that overflows from the solid colorful light, which looks very illusory!

No danger!

   After feeling that there was no sense of crisis in his heart, Arthur squinted at the shining light, but did not let the Heaven Breaking Machine leave, but stayed in place to see what would happen!

   "So cool!"

   Suddenly, under the illusion of light, Arthur gave birth to a feeling of comfort and ecstasy, as if drinking a glass of ice and fat house happy water in the dog days, from head to toe!

   At this time, the last trace of clarity in his mind made him feel that at this time, the development level of all the devil fruit abilities in his body, in the light of this light, the blessing to the soul is slowly improving!

  Although, this improvement is incomparable to the speed at which the shadow hits the colorful rays of light before, it is just a slight increase.

   But that’s enough!

   It usually takes a long time for Arthur to practice and study for a long time. Now this kind of good thing that can be improved by the colorful light, where can I look for it?

   It's a pity that after less than ten seconds of exposure, this light seemed to be absorbed or pulled by something. The solid colorful light retracted toward the depths of the original fog!

   Almost instantly, the colorful rays of light disappeared in front of Arthur, leaving only an empty sea area for him!


   At this time, immersed in the refreshing feeling of the fruit's ability enhancement, Arthur sighed deeply and woke up!

   However, he didn't care about the disappearance of the light and fog at this time, nor was he in the mood to care about it.

  Because this increase in strength made him so happy!

Before in the tower of trial, he used all his strength, and he could only hit the fourth level of the general, and the light just shined so brightly, although his fruit ability was still awakened and he did not enter the third level, but However, his strength has risen a lot, according to his own estimation, it shouldn't be a problem to go back to the fifth floor this time!

Of course, the main reason for such a big improvement is that when the shadow touched the colorful rays of light before, the rapid progress in the development of the fruit pushed his strength to the edge of the fourth floor, so this shining will let He has a breakthrough!

   "It's so good, I hope it shines again!" Arthur said happily.

   As he said, Arthur couldn't help but look at the original fog, but now it is an empty sea!

   Would you like to go in and have a look?

   There was such a thought in Arthur's mind.

   The colorful rays of light erupted from the tree of life in the elven kingdom deep in the mist. If Arthur goes again at this time, he might be able to shine again.

   But, he felt the sense of danger before and it still lingers in his mind~www.ltnovel.com~ so he hesitated about whether to go!

   And after thinking about it for a while, he gritted his teeth and decided to take a look!

   The temptation to increase the degree of development of the Devil Fruit is too great!

   Furthermore, judging by the spreading speed of the colorful light just now, he is sure to escape!

   "Go and see!"

   After making up his mind, Arthur said to the Heaven Breaking Machine, "You stay here, I'll go and see!"

   After finishing speaking, Arthur didn't wait for the answer from Heaven Breaker, and turned into an electric light, disappearing in place!

But to Arthur’s disappointment, when he came to the place where the Elf Kingdom was before, he found nothing. The whole sea area is not even the Elf Kingdom. There is no trace of the Elf Kingdom. An empty sea!

   There is no way, Arthur can only return to Heaven Breaking Machine again!

   "Hoo---Go back!"

   After Arthur took a deep look at the empty sea in front of him, he took a deep breath and ordered.


When the cold voice of    Heaven Breaking Machine sounded, it also started to move towards the way it came, and drove back!


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