Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 803: Secrets of the Elven Kingdom

   Is there a mechanism in the bedroom?

   Looking at the entrance of the cave, a hint of curiosity appeared in Arthur's eyes!

   Generally speaking, people like the queen and the king can only represent one thing if there are organs in the bedroom!

  That is the secret inside!

   may be some kind of treasure, or some kind of secret, but in short it must be a very important thing!

   Thinking about it, Arthur mentioned the highest with his curiosity!

   Go in and take a look?

   go in and take a look!

   After thinking for a while, Arthur couldn't help but move his legs and walked towards the entrance of the cave!

   The hole is not big, about the size of a bed, and there is nothing else inside the hole, but a spiral downward staircase.

Arthur stood at the entrance of the cave and looked down, but saw that except for some steps that can be seen near the entrance of the cave, the depths of the entrance of the cave were like an abyss, as if to swallow everything, without brilliance. The black.

   Seeing, Arthur couldn't help but feel a little heart palpitations!

   However, the shadow he came out at this time, so even if he had heart palpitations, Arthur didn't care much!

   will not die anyway, will it?

   Without hesitation, Arthur directly controlled the shadow to "flow" down the stairs!

   One hundred meters!

   Two hundred meters!

   Five hundred meters!

   One kilometer!

   Five kilometers!

   10,000 meters!

  30,000 meters!


   Unexpectedly, after nearly 30,000 meters down, Arthur still did not reach the bottom!

   "This has reached the root of the tree of life, right?" Arthur whispered, and he went down another 20,000 meters!

   At this moment, a faint light suddenly appeared in the darkness!


   Upon seeing this, Arthur's eyes lit up and he leaned towards the place where the light radiated without hesitation!

   is the door!

   After approaching, through the faint light and the good sight of the shadow itself in the dark, Arthur could clearly see the source of the light, which came out from the gap of a delicate and simple wooden door!

   Without much thought, Arthur "flowed" in directly through the crack of the door!

   suddenly open up!

   After coming in, Arthur's eyes were bright!

   And in this light, Arthur finally saw the scene in front of him clearly!

   This is a hall with a height of about 20 meters and a width of about 40 meters. The overall shape is circular, and the hall is surrounded by high shelves, and on the shelves are quaint books.

   In addition to these, in the center of the hall is a large round bed exactly like the ship Arthur had seen in the queen’s palace.

   Beside the round bed, there are sofas, tables, and some tea, fruits, and snacks!

   "Could this be the real queen's bedroom, right?" After Arthur looked at this place, such an idea appeared in his heart!

   No wonder he has this idea!

Before in the bedroom above, Arthur did not see anything other than a lot of clothes, beds, tables and chairs, and some decorations, nor did he see items such as water, fruits, snacks, etc. Look. It doesn't seem to matter, but it is something that most people will have in the palace!

   To put it bluntly, the palace above lacks the breath of life!

   The palace in front of you is different. Apart from no clothes, there are all kinds of tea, melons and fruits, and some snacks. It seems to be full of life!

"It's just... where did the queen go?" After scanning the surroundings, Arthur didn't see any figure except for some gems embedded on the wall that kept emitting light and didn't know what they were. !

  Subconsciously, Arthur looked at the hall in front of him again.

   There is a door!

   After taking a look at the hall again, Arthur suddenly found that in the hall, directly opposite his current position, that is, on the wall behind the big bed in the center, there was a small door.

   Because the small door is directly behind the big bed, it is blocked by the curtain of the big bed, and the small door is brown as a whole, the same color as the floor in the hall, Arthur didn't notice it at the first time!

   However, after discovering it now, Arthur didn't hesitate and walked over!

   "There is no seam!"

   After checking the door, Arthur couldn't help but frowned!

   The door is a sliding door, and the door frame is still recessed, the kind that just fits the door in!

  In other words, after closing, the whole door has no gaps at all!

   This makes Arthur a little painful.

   There is no gap, he can't use the shadow characteristics to "flow" in, he can only open it directly!

   And if you open it like this, if there is someone inside, even if Madison is behind the door, you will definitely find him the first time!

   However, Arthur, who was very curious at this time, was unwilling to go back like this.

   "My **** curiosity!" After Arthur sighed in his heart, he finally chose to go in!

   With a light push, the small door in front of Arthur was opened!


   A loud shout rang almost as soon as Arthur pushed the door!


   The next moment, before Arthur could answer the question, a jet-black feather arrow shot towards the door with a sharp piercing sound!


   Before opening the door, Arthur had already prepared for the scene behind the door.

   So the first time he opened the door, he turned into a shadow and shrank on the ground, so the feather arrow did not hit him, but flew past his head!


   In a loud noise, Yu Jian directly shot the door where Arthur had just entered, and the wall behind that door, into a huge hole!

   At this time, the person who just shot the arrow also appeared in front of Arthur!

   It's Madison!

   At this time, her dress is the same as when Arthur saw her early in the morning, she still had the bow in her hand!

   But at this time, her eyes are a little more wary!

"who is it?"

  While vigilant, Madison walked out of the door cautiously and scanned everything in the hall!

   But after looking around for a long time, Madison still didn't find anything suspicious!

   "Your Majesty Arthur, come out, I saw you!" A glint flashed in his eyes, and Madison said solemnly ~www.ltnovel.com~ Listening to his words, Arthur's heart couldn't help but "cock"!

   was discovered?

   But after another thought, Arthur felt impossible again!

   If he is really discovered, Madison will step on him without reason!

   So, there is only one possibility!

  Madison is cheating him!

   The reason why Madison wanted to lie to him is also very simple!

Now the entire Elf Kingdom is Arthur, an outsider who might have sneaked in before anyone else found it. Other outsiders, that is, those from the Tiger Pirates group who followed Arthur, were arrested by the Elf Kingdom. , How could it appear here?

   In this case, it's normal for Madison to cheat him!

   Immediately, Arthur's nervous heart was calmed down!

   just swindle, anyway, if I don’t really find me, I won’t come out!

   sneered in his heart, but Arthur shifted his gaze to the room where Madison came out!

   And this look really made Arthur a little dumbfounded!

  He feels...

   He seems to have discovered the secret of a fairy kingdom!


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