Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 751: Ask for money

   "Our navy has killed more than 200,000 people, more than 50% of the navy headquarters has been destroyed, and the G1 branch is still fighting..." Sora said quietly to the phone.

   At this time, Sora was full of displeasure and wanted to ask the world government for an explanation!

   After a while on the other end of the phone, there was the voice of the five old star with a long beard, saying, "I see!"

   As he spoke, the long-bearded five old star changed his voice and said lightly, "This year's navy's military expenditure will add 30% to you!"

"Thirty percent?" When Kong heard this, he immediately turned cold, with a trace of anger in his words, and said with some grief and anger, "More than 200,000 people...those are all living, with family members and friends. People!"

   "Every one is our partner, each one is our brother, and each one has left blood for the world government!!!"

   At the end, apart from a trace of anger in the empty words, there is also a trace of questioning.

   And listening to what he said, after a long beard of five old stars, after a long silence, he hesitated, "Then...what do you mean?"

   "You have to add money!" Kong said simply.


   Hearing this, the long-bearded Wu Lao Xing almost flashed his waist!

   You talk so much nonsense just to ask for money?

  Thinking about this, the five old stars with long beard still asked in confusion, "How much?"

   "Add another 20%, 50%!" A glint flashed in Kong's eyes, and he immediately responded.

   If you can only judge from words, Sora's words just now undoubtedly show what an insatiable person should be!

   But the long-bearded five old stars know that Sora is not such a person!

  The reason why he said so, judging from the long-bearded five old stars' understanding of the sky, it is more likely that he wants to use these extra money to make up for the families of the dead naval soldiers!

   However, even if he knew the reason, the five old stars of the long beard did not let go, but simply refused, "No! 30% is enough!"

   As a huge organization that maintains the four seas, the first half of the great navigation route, and even the new world, the annual military expenditure itself is a very high sum, and the 30% military expenditure that can be added to the air is already very good!

   What's more, this money is not paid by the world government!

   This year’s navy expenditure has already been broadcast.

   In this case, if you want to give the navy money, it is naturally impossible for the world government to pay it out, so the five old stars can only pay for it!

   Therefore, all the five old stars, including the five old stars with long beards, have no intention of letting go!

   After all, this is money from their pockets!

   While listening to the words of the five old stars with a long beard, he said quietly, "South China Sea, Deer Spirit Kingdom!"

   Suddenly, the long-bearded five old star frowned.

   Then, after a long silence, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Yes! But this is the final price!"

   The Luling Kingdom thing, although theoretically speaking, the five old stars have nothing wrong.

   But in fact, this kind of behavior of overstepping oneself and directly giving orders to oneself is something that everyone is very disgusted with!

  Think about it, if one day when you and another person order at the same time, your subordinates do not listen to you, but listen to that person's order to do something. What kind of experience is that?

  Think carefully!

   And once this kind of thing breaks out, let’s not say what will happen to the five old stars, but when other people face the five old stars, there must be something in their hearts!


   Kong nodded and agreed!

   He knew that 50% should be the bottom line of the five old stars, so he agreed without any hesitation!

   "Okay, that's it! The money will be transferred after this matter is completely over!"

   After finishing speaking, the long-bearded five old stars seemed to not want to talk to Sora any more, and quickly hung up the phone!

   Erkong listened to the "beep" on the phone, shook his head, and hung up the phone!


   After taking a deep breath, Kong Shen's eyes flashed an imperceptible light, and he sighed, "Finally, I can give those navy family members an explanation of the past!"

   At first, Kuang was angry when he received the news of casualties from the navy, especially when the Luling Kingdom had suffered heavy casualties without his consent!

   On the spot, I wanted to ask the five old stars!

   Very soon, before he could call, he calmed down again and began to think about the problem from a practical perspective!

Now that things have happened and people have indeed died, there is no room for recovery. So the most important thing is to make up for the losses of the families of these dead people, to appease them, and to win some benefits for the Navy to make up for this Loss!

   thought so at the time, but after making a call after Sora, he temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart and fought for the benefits of the five old stars!

   In the end, this allowed him to fight for 50% of the military expenditure!


   While Kong was thinking, the door of the room was knocked!

   "Come in!" Kong said casually.


   A navy soldier opened the door, walked in, and respectfully said, "Marshal!"

   "What's the matter?" Kong asked.

   "The damage to the headquarters is probably counted, this is a report!" said the navy soldier, and handed a pile of data to Kong!

   Immediately, Sora couldn't wait to receive the information, and then quickly looked through it.

   And it doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, but Sora’s face turned blue again!

   This time the loss of the headquarters is very great!

   More than half of the buildings were destroyed. The death toll was more than 30,000. There were more than 8,000 people who were seriously injured. Not to mention minor injuries, more than 50,000!

Well, there are so many minor injuries. On the one hand, it is because of the huge size of the Skybreaker. When fighting, it often inadvertently smashed several buildings, causing the debris of the buildings to splash around and eventually make the surroundings Of navy soldiers were hurt by these flying debris!

On the other hand, the ninjas of the Ghost Legion are not afraid to die~www.ltnovel.com~ and because Arthur’s order is to create chaos by the killing family, they often release some large-scale non-death before they die. Differential attack!

   Therefore, there are only so many navy injured!

   "Huh huh!"

  After breathing hard for several times, Sora finally suppressed the depression in his heart!

   "How is the situation of the wounded now?" Kong asked in a deep voice.

"Return to the marshal!" the navy soldier said respectfully, "At present, under the arrangement of Lieutenant General Huang Yuan, everything is going well, but because there are too many injuries, the doctors are still not enough, so we can only give priority to rescue. Those seriously injured!"

   "As for the minor injuries... if possible, let them treat the wound by themselves, if not, let them wait first!"

Listening to these words, Kongshen took a breath and narrowed his eyes. After thinking for a moment, he ordered, "So...you go find a few lieutenants who are not injured and let them go to the Chambord Islands, please Some doctors are here to help!"

   "Yes!" The navy nodded.

   "Okay, let's go down!" Sora waved his hand.

   Then, the navy turned and left the room!

   While looking at his leaving figure, he leaned back and lay on the chair, lost in thought!

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