Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 748: Overwhelming news

   The sun sets, the night is coming!





   Various violent collisions caused by fists, feet, swords, etc., still echoed continuously in the waters northwest of St. Martin, causing the surrounding birds to bypass the waters!

At this time, after a day of fierce fighting, the fighting momentum on the northwestern battlefield of St. Martin did not weaken. Instead, it became stronger and stronger. The sea with a radius of more than 100 kilometers was due to more than 20 generals and the role of lieutenant generals. The resulting aftermath, and the changed waves are surging!

  All kinds of fishes, all kinds of sea kings have fled this sea area because of the aftermath of the powerful battle!

   While looking far from the edge of the battlefield, among the reporter ships that came to report but did not dare to approach the battlefield, the ship where the Le Monde reporters were located!

"Da da da!"

   With a rush of footsteps, a staff member entered the range of Shandra's live broadcast and handed him a note!

   "Dear viewers, the latest news is here!" After Shandra spoke to the video phone worm, he took the note and read it!

   And when he saw the content of the note, his pupils shrank sharply, showing a look of shock.

   After a while, the shock on his face slowly turned into an excited smile!

Immediately, while shaking the note in her hand, Shandra reported excitedly to the video phone worm, "Big news, big news! According to the situation that our Le Monde reporter has followed for several hours, basic analysis Where is the Saint Martin fleet that just left?"

   "They are going to the country of flowers! Yes, it is the country of flowers! After several hours of follow-up by reporters, they determined that their target is the country of flowers! Obviously, Saint Martin still wants to fight!!!"

   Listening to Shandra’s excited words, the melon-eating people who watched the live broadcast in front of the projection phone bugs all over the world were also amazed!


   "Isn't it... I still want to fight!?"

   "Although it sounds absurd, if you think about it carefully, it is not unreasonable to continue to fight! Now that the navy of the Flower Kingdom has just been wiped out on the sea, it is right to fight at this time!"

   "Listening to you, I think it makes sense!"

   "Yes! At this time, the maritime defense of the country of flowers is greatly reduced, and it must be easier to fight than usual!"


   A group of people who eat melons are having a lively discussion while eating melons!

   At the same time!

  Hana no Kuni also got news!

   "Let the general of the kingdom immediately mobilize the nation's army, deploy defenses in various places, and prepare to deal with the upcoming Saint Martin's army!" The king of the flower country gave an order with a gloomy face!

   "Yes, Your Majesty!" Immediately, a waiter trot and left the palace!

   And shortly after the waiter left, the night in the country of flowers that should have been silent was completely lively!

  The general of the flower country mobilized his army overnight and went to various important places in the flower country to deploy defenses!


   The next day!

   The results of the first day of the war between Saint Martin and the World Government! 》----Le Monde

   "The Holy Land Mary Gioia was attacked, and the murderer fled intact after making a lot of noise!" 》---Le Monde

   "The navy headquarters was attacked by an unknown enemy. After a day and night of the war, it has not subsided! "--Chambord Islands Daily News!

   "The G1 naval branch was attacked by the BIGMOM pirate group led by "aunt" Charlotte Lingling, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate was watching! "---New World Newspaper!

   "Maddy! "Monsters" flying in the clouds raging on the battlefield! 》----Western Poster

   "The navy rebels brazenly, the kingdom of flowers, the kingdom of Perth, and the kingdom of Elucia became the biggest loser on the first day of the war! "---Xihai a local newspaper!

   "One day, the situation reverses! "---A local newspaper in Xihai!

   "St. Martin strikes hard, the navy wakes up! "---St. Martin Daily!


   Countless newspapers all over the world attacked the melon-eating people early in the morning, and instantly shocked the people who were accustomed to eating melons all over the world!

   "What's the matter? Why do I feel the whole world is in chaos after I sleep?"

   "Hiss---Mary Gioria was attacked? The navy headquarters was attacked? The G1 naval branch was attacked?"

   "St. Martin has made the world government suffer?"

   "Haha, the kingdom of flowers, the kingdom of Perth, and the kingdom of Elucia are too unlucky? They certainly didn't expect the navy to be from Saint Martin!"

   "Wow, St. Martin's courage is so big, even a place like Maria Gioia dare to attack!"

   "What can't you dare? The world government has come to the door, but what the **** can't you do it? I'll do the same for me!"

   "That's right! And they all dared to declare war with the world government, how could they not dare to attack Mary Joa?"

"Hey, I think something is wrong! Look, Mariahia, the navy headquarters, the G1 naval branch base, these attacked places, the war with Saint Martin and the world government is the same day, and even the time is almost the same, you Say will..."

   "Hi---brother, you seem to have guessed something amazing!"


   In the face of so many new melons, super melons, commoners around the world, nobles, pirates, bounty hunters, etc., the people who eat melons have a lively discussion!

   While in the discussion, some people with fast brains, through the similarities between various news in the newspaper, guessed an amazing, but the more they pondered, the more they felt it was a correct guess!

   These things are all done by Saint Martin!

   With the emergence of this speculation, people all over the world fell into a state of shock that could not be said for a long time!


  Chambord Islands!

   Aunt Xia’s ripping off BAR

   "Why do I feel that the whole world is messed up after I slept?" Lao Lei, the coater, looked at the newspaper in front of him, and said in an incredible way.

   "Yes!" Aunt Xia exclaimed while smoking a cigarette, "If it weren't for my repeated confirmation, I can't believe this is true! I really didn't expect that Saint Martin's would be so powerful!"

   "Do you mean ~www.ltnovel.com~ These are indeed Saint Martin's?" Raleigh said incredulously.

"Marijoa's enemy claimed to be the captain of the 13th team of the Saint Martin Kingdom Gotei Motoyanagi Sazukuni, so it is certain that Saint Martin did it, the G1 branch... Charlotte Lingling, that crazy woman , Count as the mother-in-law of King Saint Martin, so it can be confirmed that Saint Martin did it!"

"As for the naval headquarters, the enemy didn't say anything, and I didn't find out the origin for a while from the appearance, so I don't know for the time being, but according to speculation, St. Martin is the most suspicious!!" Aunt Xia smoked. Seriously.

   "Tsk, young people nowadays!" Lei Li listened to Aunt Xia's words, and after taking a deep breath, he couldn't help but sighed, "It's amazing!"

   As he spoke, a reminiscence flashed in Lei Li's eyes, and he sighed, "When we were like him, we weren't so great!"

   "Yes!" Aunt Xia nodded, admitting with a sigh on her face.


   not far from the windless zone

   aboard a ship with two huge snakes.

   "Mary Gioia was attacked..." Hancock looked at the news in the newspaper, his eyes flashed with inexplicable light, and he muttered that he was lost in thought, not knowing what he was thinking!

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