Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 703: X gene injection

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Thousands of people lined up in sequence.

However, Arthur did not immediately give them the X gene, but took a deep breath, then looked at them with a serious face, and said, "Before giving you the X gene, there are some things you must know. !"

"First, although the X gene can give you some abilities, the strength of these abilities depends entirely on personal luck. Good luck will gain powerful abilities, and bad luck will gain weak and useless abilities!"

"Among them, according to the results of many experiments by Chinese scientists, almost half of the people will have weak abilities!"

"Second, the X gene has side effects. While gaining abilities, there is a high probability that it will become unlike humans due to abilities!"

After speaking, Arthur glanced at the group of people, trying to see their current emotions!

But in the end, except for a few that showed obvious panic on their faces, there was basically no wavering on their faces, and their expressions remained firm.

At most, after a flash of panic, he immediately restored his firm expression!

"Ganfall's eyes are good!" After Arthur sighed to himself, he looked at the people in front of him and shouted in a deep voice, "Now, you have one last chance to choose, you can choose to quit or continue!"

"If you want to quit, you can get out of the team now and stand aside!"

With that said, Arthur seemed to have thought of something, and added a righteous expression, "Relax, I will not be held accountable! I know this side effect is impossible for some people to accept, I can understand!"

After speaking, Arthur closed his eyes and waited quietly!

And just ten seconds later, when he opened his eyes again, he found that no one had left.

Subconsciously, there was a little more puzzled in Arthur's eyes.

You know, in this group of people, there are a few people who put panic on their faces!

However, when he glanced at the crowd again, and saw most of the people with that determined expression on their faces, he suddenly understood!

People have a herd mentality!

Those who write panic on their faces are always a few of the few. Under the firm expressions of most people, even if they are scared in their hearts, they will not speak out in order to avoid becoming aliens among them, let alone. Will move!

Thinking about it this way, Arthur didn't care, nor did he choose to single out those with panic on their faces!

Anyway, Gene X can slowly increase the owner's loyalty to him. In the end, these people will work for him just like everyone else, so it doesn't matter if they are not picked out!

Afterwards, Arthur made several large boxes and the X-shaped transparent crystal of X Gene from the space.

"Okay! Since no one wants to quit, then go forward and take a bottle of potion and drink it in order!" After Arthur glanced at the crowd, he opened the box that had just been taken out, revealing the rows of transparency inside. Colored potion!

Well, these potions are actually water!

Last time Arthur told Ganfor, in order to avoid exposing the lottery system, he explained the X gene as a kind of devil-like fruit newly developed by the kingdom, so this time I must take something to pretend to be!

Of course, the actual thing depends on the X gene transparent crystal in his hand!

And listening to Arthur’s words, a strong man in the security team uniform at the front stepped forward. After bowing to Arthur, he took out a bottle of potion from the box. Drink it in!


Accompanied by the sound of the potion of the strong man in front of him, Arthur immediately activated the X gene ability!

X gene injection!


Suddenly, the strong man in front of him seemed to be suffering from some great pain. He suddenly trembled. He stood on the spot, scratching his head with both hands, his face turned red, the blue veins on his neck were exposed, and his mouth was still uttering. There was a scream of sadness.

And with this scream, the body shape of the strong man began to change, his whole person began to swell up slowly, he even broke his clothes and pants, and a silver-gray light began to appear on his skin.

After about a minute, the strong man's body shape stopped changing, and his mouth stopped screaming!

But at this time, he is already a muscular giant with a height of more than three meters and a metal glow!

the other side!

Although Arthur knew that there was no danger on the system, the strong man would certainly not be in danger, but hearing the screams of the strong man made his heart a little nervous.

Therefore, after the strong man was transformed, he quickly stepped forward and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Back to your majesty! I feel full of strength now, and my condition is better than ever!" The brawny man said excitedly, while looking up and down his metal light!

"Then you give it a try, can you regain your ability?" Arthur frowned and asked.


Hearing this, the brawny man was taken aback for a moment, then immediately nodded, closed his eyes and calmed down, trying to withdraw his abilities!

But after a short period of time, the strong man still did not change back!

"This...this...this..." The strong man closed his lips together, but he didn't know what to say!

At this time, the excitement he had just generated because of the ability, disappeared instantly, leaving only a piece of hesitation in his heart, a piece of confusion!

After a while.


After a deep breath and two bitter smiles, he suppressed the hesitation and confusion in his heart, but he also began to try to accept this somewhat cruel fact!

After all, Arthur had said this a long time ago, and he had already prepared for it!


Upon seeing this, Arthur patted the brawny man on the shoulder, smiled and encouraged, "No matter what you become, you are a part of the kingdom!"

"I understand!" Hearing Arthur's encouragement, the strong man nodded solemnly.

"Well, let's take a rest and experiment with your abilities!" Arthur said with a smile.

Arthur knew that what a strong man needs most at this time is not encouragement or comfort, but a calm and calm person!

"Yes, Your Majesty!" After the strong man agreed, he turned and walked aside!

Immediately, Arthur said again, "Next!"

Immediately, a thin young man dressed in a security team approached him.

"Your Majesty!" said the thin young man respectfully.

"Just grab a bottle and drink!" Arthur said sternly.

After the thin young man nodded, he bent down and took out a bottle of potion from the box.

"Huh huh---"

Looking at the potion in front of him, the thin young man did not have the decisiveness of the strong man. After taking a few big breaths in the pot, he gritted his teeth and drank the potion!


A heart-piercing scream of the same style as the big man appeared immediately!

Moreover, the thin young man was like a strong man. After Arthur gave the X gene, his whole body suddenly trembled. It seemed that he had suffered some great pain. Green veins exposed!

However, unlike the strong man, the body shape of the thin youth has not changed.

It's just that around his body, white mist began to appear inexplicably!

"About the ability of the fog!" Arthur was aware of this scene.

And after about a minute, the screams of the thin young man stopped!

However, his current state is not as good as that of a strong man!

It was as if a battle had been fought, and the whole body was wet with sweat, and the whole person was very tired, it looked like he was about to collapse!

"No need to say anything~www.ltnovel.com~ Let's go to the side to rest first! Report your ability later!" Arthur said quickly when he saw this.


The thin young man didn't even have the strength to answer. After nodding his head, he dragged his looking very tired body and walked slowly to one side!

Seeing this, Arthur didn't say much, and turned his gaze back to the group of people in front of him.

"One thousand and six people... or speed it up, or else I can't finish it at night!" Arthur thought to himself.

If you come one by one like just now, if you add up to 1,600, you won’t be able to finish it even at night!

Thinking about it, Arthur shouted in a deep voice, "Okay, now speed up, and the top ten will come forward together and drink the potion!"

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